Zhao Xuan has already arrived at the assessment space of the second level.

The bosses for this assessment are three third-tier desert stone statues.

"One statue in the first stage, three statues in the second stage, six statues in the third stage and nine statues in the fourth stage. I'll go, isn't the fifth stage really a desert stone statue of the fourth stage?"

Just as Zhao Xuan was frowning, the three desert stone statues slowly came towards him.

Although the three desert stone statues cooperate with each other.


Their speed is really too slow.

Too slow too slow.

It's just three living targets.

Zhao Xuan still didn't use the green dragon fruit ability.

With only the six styles and armed domineering, these three desert stone statues were easily eliminated.

The third stage, as expected by Zhao Xuan, was indeed six desert stone statues.

Still the old rules.

Zhao Xuan took advantage of his speed and adopted guerrilla warfare to destroy the six stone statues one by one.

The same goes for the fourth pass.

The nine desert stone statues were defeated by Zhao Xuan with his speed advantage.


He came to the fifth level.

As soon as I entered, I saw a huge desert stone statue standing in the center of the assessment space.

A full ten meters high.

There was an aura of terror all over his body.

"Grass (a plant)!"

Seeing this, Zhao Xuan couldn't help cursing.


[Six more!Ask for flowers!Ask for a ticket!Ask for a reward!Ask for everything!Beep! 】*

Chapter 46 Crazy Zhao Xuan

Looking at the giant-like desert stone statue in front of him, Zhao Xuan's face was full of crap.

Although when he saw the nine third-tier desert stone statues in the fourth level, he had already expected that the fifth level's guard boss was most likely a fourth-tier desert stone statue.


When he saw this fourth-tier desert stone statue with his own eyes, he still couldn't help complaining crazily.

"Is this shit a human thing?"

"A low-level relic's relic assessment boss, what the hell is a fourth-order creature!"

"There is a class gap between Tier [-] and Tier [-]!"

While Zhao Xuan was frantically complaining, he couldn't help but recall the short fight with Lian Jie that happened in the morning.

A sense of powerlessness swept over his whole body.

And this time.

The giant fourth-tier desert stone statue standing motionless in the center of the assessment space suddenly moved.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With huge strides, it rushed towards Zhao Xuan step by step.


This desert stone statue is really heavy.

Every step it falls will make the whole ground tremble.

There was a sense of strength all over his body.

Gives a feeling of invincibility.


Seeing this, Zhao Xuan's eyes, which were originally full of powerlessness, suddenly flickered with light.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Looking at the giant desert stone statue striding toward him, Zhao Xuan's expression gradually brightened.

"Although it is a fourth-tier desert stone statue, although its speed is indeed much faster than that of a third-tier desert stone statue, its speed is still not very fast!"

Between murmurs.


An incomparably bold impulse swept across Zhao Xuan's whole body.

"Is Tier [-] really not the opponent of Tier [-]?"

"When Tier [-] meets Tier [-], can it really be suppressed and beaten?"

"No! No! No! No! No!"

Zhao Xuan shook his head suddenly.


Fist clenched.


"Isn't it just a fourth-tier desert stone statue! What's the air? See if I won't demolish you today!"

Zhao Xuan suddenly grinned.


He slammed his feet on the ground, and with a flash of his figure, he quickly disappeared in place.


next second.

The huge stone arm slammed down on the place where Zhao Xuan was originally standing.

The ground trembled violently.


And this time!

Zhao Xuan already

Stepping on the moon steps, he rushed to the giant desert stone statue.

The ability of the green dragon fruit is activated quietly!

Enter the micro-dragonization state.

Five times the strength blessing!

Five times the physical blessing!

Next up!

Armed color domineering gushes out.

Hit Lan's foot.


Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, it ruthlessly swept over the left leg of the giant desert stone statue.

There was a loud bang of "donglong".

Due to the huge recoil force, Zhao Xuan flew upside down.

It landed on the ground four or five meters away.

After stepping back seven or eight steps in succession, he reluctantly stopped.

But the giant desert stone statue, which had been hit by Zhao Xuan with all his strength, remained motionless.

Not even a shake.

To this!

Zhao Xuan didn't care.

his gaze.

Locked firmly on the left leg of the giant desert stone statue.

When he saw the faint indentation on its left leg, a bright smile appeared on Zhao Xuan's face.

"It works!"

The gravure is small and shallow though.


The meaning it represents is enough to make Zhao Xuan excited.

it means!

Zhao Xuan's attack can cause damage to this fourth-order desert stone statue.

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