The ninth-rank emperor said: "I have transferred 3000 billion life energy resources in the warehouse to Tuo Luoyi for the first time just now, and Tuo Luoi already has half a foot

You have entered the ninth-level emperor realm, and with the help of these 3000 billion life energy resources, you will be able to successfully break through to the ninth-level emperor realm in a short time!

"When he breaks through to the ninth-level emperor realm, we can use his superhuman-type divination fruit ability to deeply locate that kid Zhao Xuan!

Hear it!

Everyone's faces suddenly looked better.

"How long does it take for Toroy to break through?" Sivir suddenly asked

"Five at the fastest, two days at the slowest!

"Slow! It's still too slow! Above the sea, there are quite a few people with divination fruit abilities, and many of them are ninth-tier emperors! Once people from all forces return

Go, pass the news of Zhao Xuan back to their base camp, it will be terrible!We don't have much time left!

As Xivir said, his eyes suddenly swept across everyone present, and he said: "I propose to allocate 3000 billion life energy resources to Toroi, and I believe that the 6000 billion lives

With the blessing of energy resources, the time required for Tuo Luoyi to break through to the ninth-level emperor realm can be reduced by at least half!What do you think?

The voice fell, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Two seconds!

After three seconds.

"I agree!


"Time waits for no one, and I agree!


Toroy, the divination fruit ability user who is trying to break through the ninth level, has obtained another 3000 billion life energy resources


Passed away quietly.

10 minutes.

half an hour.

One hour.

an hour and a half later


A horrible breath rises into the sky


"Hahahaha, great, great!

practice outdoor

Seeing this, the seven ninth-rank emperors breathed a sigh of relief.

Next up!

There was a lot of excitement on the face one after another,

In the excitement, there is also a strong killing intent hidden.


A specially-made large ship carried three ninth-tier emperors, including the newly promoted ninth-tier emperor Tuo Luoyi, and hurriedly left the island of life.

Chapter 190 Benefits of Tempering the Skull

Zhao Xuan didn't know anything about what happened on the island of life.

Because, right now!

He is concentrating on using life energy to temper his own brain.

Tempering the brain is not an easy job

It is not like exercising the limbs and internal organs.

The complexity of the brain and face is tens or even a hundred times that of the limbs and internal organs.

Although because he uses life energy instead of ordinary spiritual power, there is no need to worry that the brain will be damaged during the tempering process.

Although Zhao Xuan's brain refining speed was many times faster than ordinary people's.

The progress of Zhao Xuan's brain being tempered is still not very fast.


After all, this is only his first time.

For the first time, everyone knows that it is normal to be relatively young and slow.


Zhao Xuan believed it.

Zhao Xuan dare to be sure, he dares to guarantee

The second time, the third time, and even the fourth and fifth times, he can definitely be much faster than the first time

It doesn't even take half the time of the first time

This is the so-called familiarity with the road,




with the rapid passage of time

Under the impact of massive life energy

Zhao Xuan's aura is rapidly increasing.

Almost every second, his aura will increase by one point

time is passing fast

10 minutes.

10 [-] minutes

half an hour.

One hour.


Just a few hours passed.




! !

A terrifying breath burst |suddenly from Zhao Xuan's body.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

"Whirring whirring!

When planting.

In the entire relic space, gusts of wind blew,

The life energy filling the space of the ruins violently rolled over,

And this time.

Zhao Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the power in my body, feeling my mind that has never been so clear.

The corners of his mouth raised involuntarily

"Seventh level, is this the power of the seventh level?

While muttering, Zhao Xuan quickly opened his attribute panel.

[Tiandao Reward System]

Name: Zhao Xuan

Age: 18

Mental Power: 2650.14/2650.14

Physique: 13434.23/13434.23

Abilities: Shaving (Extraordinary: 22900/640000), Iron Block (Extraordinary: 30100/640000), Paper Painting (Great Master: 23600/640000), Moon Step (Grand Master:

22300/640000), Lanjiao (Extraordinary: 29100/640000), Finger Spear (Great Master: 22400/640000), Swordsmanship (Grand Master: 1/640000), Knowledge

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