Four or five steps back in a row.

Finally, he sat down on the ground.

His face was pale, and he was sweating profusely and gasped for breath.

Gasp, gasp.

He suddenly raised his head, grinned, and let out an extremely wanton and wild laugh: "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"I won! I won! I won! I won!"

"Who said that no matter how strong the third-order is, it is impossible to defeat the fourth-order!?"

"Who said Tier [-] can easily crush a group of Tier [-]!?"

Zhao Xuan's wanton laughter echoed over and over again in the entire assessment space.

In fact, he didn't even notice it himself.

An invincible belief is quietly sprouting in his heart.



[Ask for flowers!Ask for a ticket!Ask for a reward!Ask for everything!Beep! 】*

Chapter 48 Strength soars

Inside the relic assessment space!

"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph..."

Zhao Xuan was still grinning, panting heavily.

Right now!

The system's notification tone sounded quietly.

"Ding Dong, you fought an unprecedented battle. After this battle, you have unprecedented views and insights on all your abilities. Your proficiency in all abilities is +50!"

"Ding dong, you fought a hearty battle, because in this battle you used the haze feet, armed domineering and green dragon fruit abilities intensively, your haze feet, armed domineering and blue dragon fruit abilities are proficient Extra +100 speed!"

For Zhao Xuan, two consecutive system prompts sounded, which can be said to be happiness on top of happiness.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! fuck! fuck!"

"This wave is awesome!"

"Add 50 to the proficiency of all abilities, plus 100 to the proficiency of Lanjiao, armed domineering and green dragon fruit abilities!"

"Is this the benefit of winning the step-up challenge?"

"It's cool! It's cool! It's so cool!"

Zhao Xuan was in ecstasy, just about to open his attribute panel, to 'appreciate' his current attributes.

Right now!



In the assessment space, a breeze began to blow.

With the breeze blowing, Zhao Xuan's body, which was originally sluggish due to overdrawn physical strength, suddenly became energetic.

He quickly raised his head, and saw above his head, a huge spiritual vortex was rapidly forming.

Zhao Xuan's eyes lit up again.

he knows.

The first benefit of passing the assessment of the relic - the baptism of the relic, is coming.

"Let's watch together after receiving the baptism of the ruins!"

Zhao Xuan muttered, temporarily giving up the plan to check the attributes!

Dragging his tired body, Li Suo sat down cross-legged, holding his breath and concentrating, ready to welcome the baptism of the ruins.

In a short time, the spiritual vortex took shape.

Countless spiritual energy, under the pull of the vortex, surged from all directions, and finally turned into a drop of concentrated spiritual liquid, which fell from the top of the vortex and landed on Zhao Xuan's head.

For different types of relics, the content of relic baptism is also different.

For example, in the low-level mysterious bird ruins before, the elixir produced in that ruins is related to spiritual power.

and so.

After receiving the baptism of the ruins, Zhao Xuan's spiritual power has been greatly improved.

But the current desert stone statue ruins and the elixir produced in the ruins, based on the analysis of the iron wild boar, are obviously related to physique.

and so!

At the moment when the spiritual liquid dripped on Zhao Xuan's head.

Zhao Xuan's physique began to skyrocket.

Count it down.

On average, it goes up by 0.5 points and 0.5 points per second.

The whole process lasted 3 minutes.

3 minute later.

That drop of spirit liquid was completely absorbed by Zhao Xuan.

The huge aura vortex dissipated.

Zhao Xuan jumped up from the ground with a 'chuckle'.

Feeling the abundant power in his body, he quickly opened his attribute panel.

【Heaven Rewards System】

Name: Zhao Xuan

Age: 18

Spirit: 45.68/62.95

Constitution: 300.01/300.01


Physique breaks [-]!

The proficiency of iron block, paper painting, and Lanjiao broke into the proficiency level one after another!

Armed with domineering color, only the last 3 points of proficiency are missing, and you can break into the proficiency level!

Big gain!

An outright big gain!

you could put it that way.

Zhao Xuan's strength has more than doubled compared to his previous day.

He even doubted that the current self could easily overthrow the two teamed up yesterday's self!

"Hahahahahaha, cool, cool, cool!"

Looking at his luxurious attribute panel, Zhao Xuan really couldn't hold back, he raised his head and laughed wildly again.

After being excited for a while, he gradually regained his composure.

"No, no, no, now is still not the time to be complacent!"

Zhao Xuan clenched his fists suddenly: "My strength is still not enough! Although I managed to kill a fourth-order creature this time with a third-order body, it was just a coincidence. Those geniuses are not as biased as this desert stone statue, if I want to get good grades, I still have to keep working hard!"


[The Internet at home is broken, I don’t know when it will be repaired, I will use my mobile phone to code first, but it should be repaired in the morning, let’s see when the time comes.Ask for flowers as usual, ask for tickets, ask for rewards, ask for everything! 】*

Chapter 49 An unexpected joy, the heart of the space system relic

Arrogance can kill people!

Zhao Xuan knew this very well.

He didn't feel complacent and complacent because he defeated a fourth-order creature with a third-order body for too long.


In his opinion.

If he can do it, maybe others can too.

Like the descendants of those big families.

They have been eating spirit grass and spirit pills since they were young, receiving the guidance of a professional training team, and practicing some special secret methods that belong to their family. How could they be weaker?

Just like Emperor Ruqing.

To know.

When Di Ruqing was a sophomore in high school, she had already awakened to be armed and domineering.

And their Tongcheng emperor's family is not well-known in the entire Kyushu.

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