Return to your own 'cozy' nest within the ruins.

what? !

Why is the word 'warm' enclosed in single quotation marks?

Is not this nonsensical!

The entire nest is almost built with the body of a desert stone statue, can it be really warm?

Although the body essence of the desert stone statue is a special kind of stone.


After all, they are still corpses.

Zhao Xuan originally wanted to take the two Lu Wangjing he had just obtained, leave the relic space, and go to the Ability Users Union to exchange money for energy fluid.

at this time!

He suddenly remembered one thing.

That is--



Have you tried the elixir cactus produced in this ruin?

Although from the extremely strong physique of the iron boar and the abnormally awakened armed arrogance, Zhao Xuan vaguely deduced that the elixir cactus should have the effect of strengthening the body and promoting the awakening of the armed arrogance.


Speculation is speculation.

"If it can really promote the awakening of Armed Color Domineering, then the value of this elixir cactus..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan's eyes suddenly flickered.

He walked quickly to an elixir cactus that he picked conveniently, and stretched out his hand to cut a section from it.


A fresh fragrance hits.

It is refreshing to hear.

"Good thing! Just by smelling this smell, you know that the effect of this cactus will not be too bad!"

Excited, Zhao Xuan peeled off the outer skin of the cactus, and then took a bite of the flesh.


It melts at the entrance.

into the stomach.


Zhao Xuan felt a warm current rise in his stomach.

Warm currents quickly flowed through his whole body.


Zhao Xuan felt that every cell in his body seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy.

The whole process did not last too long.

After the warm current dissipated, Zhao Xuan immediately opened his attribute panel.

After a glance, his brows suddenly frowned.

"Physique has indeed increased, but it's just physical fitness. It has nothing to do with the armed domineering color? Is it possible to use the armed domineering color when the warm current is in effect?"

Mumbling, Zhao Xuan took another bite of the fruit.

Warmth reappears.

This time, Zhao Xuan didn't just stand there foolishly, but activated the armed domineering energy in his body.

After the heat dissipated.

Zhao Xuan glanced at his attribute panel again.

Physical fitness has increased!


The proficiency of Armed Color Domineering has not increased.

"En? Am I guessing wrong? This cactus can't promote the awakening of the armed domineering? The reason why the iron boar can awaken the armed domineering is because it has enough talent?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan shook his head violently.

"No, no, no! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! It's just a Tier [-] iron-skin wild boar, and it doesn't have too much wisdom. If there is no chance, how could it be possible to awaken the armed domineering?"

"There must be something wrong here!"

Zhao Xuan narrowed his eyes, and tried hard to recall the scene of the iron-skinned wild boar eating the elixir cactus after he entered the ruins, and tried his best to find the points he might have missed.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Zhao Xuan suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up suddenly: "If I remember correctly, when that iron boar ate the elixir cactus, it ate it together with the cactus skin and needles. ...?"

Think of this.

An extremely bold guess spontaneously emerged in Zhao Xuan's mind.

He quickly squatted down and picked up the cactus skin thrown on the ground.

Carefully observe the skin.


Zhao Xuan discovered the clue!

There is also energy contained in the bursts of sharp needle|punctures on the outer skin of the cactus.

This is a completely different energy from the pulp of the cactus.

"Nothing wrong! Nothing wrong! Absolutely nothing wrong!"

Looking at the cactus needles in his palm, Zhao Xuan's eyes gradually sparkled: "These cactus needles are definitely the reason for that iron boar's awakening of armed domineering!"



Zhao Xuan quickly opened the entrance to the ruins and returned to his small apartment in Tongcheng.

After washing the cactus skin contaminated with yellow sand.

Take a deep breath!

Zhao Xuan stuffed the cactus skin covered with needle|thorns into his mouth in one gulp.

After chewing two mouthfuls, swallow it into the stomach.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

After three seconds.

A different kind of warm current flowed out from Zhao Xuan's belly.

The warm current lasted for a very short time.


During the period when the warm current is in effect.

Zhao Xuan felt the armed domineering in his air pocket, ready to move.

Armed and domineering, he surged out of the air pocket without his control.

Following the warm current, it flowed through the body for a circle, and finally returned to the air pocket.

Wait until the heat dissipates.

Zhao Xuan hurriedly opened the attribute panel to check it out!

Looking at the domineering armed look that already gained two points of proficiency, Zhao Xuan suddenly smiled.


Laughing, so brilliant!

Laughter, so rampant!


[Sleep, it will be updated tomorrow morning! 】*

Chapter 56 Dream Space

"The kid upstairs is crazy, he doesn't sleep at night, what a joke! He's laughing so penetratingly!"

While laughing, his angry roar came from downstairs.

Zhao Xuan quickly shut his mouth.

Quickly wake up from the ecstasy.

"It's developed! This wave is really developed! The elixir that can promote the awakening of armed color domineering, you have to buy one or two million for one plant, right?"

"No no no no no no!"

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