"Oh, no thanks, no thanks, it's just a matter of raising one's hand, it's just a matter of raising one's hand! What's more, the other party is a piece of shit like a demon cultist, everyone can punish him!" Zhao Xuan waved his hand casually.

"I still have to thank you!"

Di Ruqing bowed deeply to Zhao Xuan.

"We're all classmates, there's no need to be so polite." Zhao Xuan waved again.


The two are not talking.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

After a while.

Zhao Xuan slapped his thigh suddenly, and said: "Well, classmate Di, since the demon cultists here have been dealt with, I'll go back to No. [-] Middle School first. It seems that the results of the college entrance examination have been announced, so I have to go back quickly Check out my grades! See you next time!"

Looking at Zhao Xuan's leaving back, Di Ruqing's beautiful eyes flickered.

Seeing Zhao Xuan getting farther and farther away, farther and farther!

At last!

Zhao Xuan's figure completely disappeared into the distance.

Di Ruqing's shining beautiful eyes gradually recovered.

She tightly clenched her fist, put it on her chest, looked at the direction Zhao Xuan was leaving, and murmured: "Zhao Xuan..."


【Remarks on the shelves】

The book was issued at 10.6:10 pm on 10.15, and it is now on 9. From the time it was issued to the present, it took a total of 9 days. To be precise, it should be more than 2 hours after [-] days.

In 9 days, a total of 12w words were updated.

Although this update speed is not fast in Feilu, a place where tentacle monsters are rampant, it is not too slow. After all, there are a lot of books, and it takes about twelve or three days to put them on the shelves on average.

There is nothing to say!

The author sauce will not sell badly.

Just ask for a wave of subscriptions!


I forgot to say that.

Since it is Feilu, there will definitely be a lot of explosions on the shelves.

Just like I said before.

The 3w words will be updated on the day of the launch!

If the results are satisfactory, the author can even stay up all night to code words, and update a 4w word, 5w word that day, it is not impossible.

After being put on the shelves, if the results are acceptable, the number of words updated every day will not be less than 1.5w!

Based on a chapter of 2000 words, it is about seven or eight chapters.


that's it.

At last.

Ask for a subscription!Ask for a subscription!Ask for a subscription!Beep! *

Chapter 69 Shaking, Depressed Hangtown

Not long after Zhao Xuan left

back foot.


Two figures, successively crossed the fence of Fengming High School and appeared on the campus of Fengming High School

Seeing his daughter Di Ruqing who was stunned in the school square, Di Wenbin hurried over

He said anxiously: "Qing'er, didn't you say that there are demon cultists who have entered the campus? Didn't you say that there is a fourth-level demon cultist? What about others?

"dead, dead

Di Ruqing spoke in a daze,



Di Wenbin and Lian Jie were taken aback when they heard the words.

"Qing'er, who died? What happened? What happened?

Di Wenbin looked at his daughter Di Ruqing with worry and anxiety on his face, and asked eagerly,

"Zhao, Zhao Xuan is dead, he is dead, the fourth-order demon cultist

Di Ruqing hadn't fully recovered from her senses, and she was talking to herself intermittently.


Lianjie's complexion suddenly changed.

"Niece Ruqing, what happened? How did this matter get involved with Zhao Xuan again? And that cult member of the Demon Sect, what happened?

Lian Jie hastily asked




Seeing that his daughter was still in the same dazed state at the beginning, Di Wenbin couldn't bear it anymore.

He stretched out his hand and shook Di Ruqing's shoulder, and at the same time kept calling her name.

This moment completely awakened Di Ruqing from her own world

"Ah? Ah! Father, Father, Uncle Lian, when did you come back?

Di Ruqing was a little confused,

"Qing'er, what's going on?

Di Wenbin quickly added and asked: "Where's the fourth-order cult member of the Demon Cult? And what happened to Zhao Xuan who you were talking about just now? Was killed?

"No no no no!"

Di Ruqing quickly shook his head and said: "It's not that Zhao Xuan was killed, I mean that the fourth-order cultist was killed by Zhao Xuan."

As soon as this word comes out.


The unbelievable exclamations of Di Wenbin and Lian Jie sounded almost at the same time.


"What did you say!?

Both of them stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief,

"Niece Ruqing, what you said just now.

As Lian Jie said, he couldn't help but took a deep breath, and continued: "Zhao Xuan killed that fourth-rank demon cultist?

"Yes Uncle Lian." Di Ruqing nodded and said

"This, this, this, how is this possible!

Lian Jie's face was immediately filled with disbelief, and he murmured to himself: "The alternation of the Demon Sect is a group of vicious desperadoes, although Zhao Xuan

That kid has been able to easily kill the fourth-order desert stone statue, but the desert stone statue and human beings are also fourth-order, and the two are not the same concept at all!!

"The gap between the third level and the fourth level is not so easy

talking and talking.

Lianjie's voice suddenly stopped.

Followed by.

He seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes widened sharply.

"Could it be!!!!!!'

He suddenly looked at Di Ruqing, and tremblingly asked: "Did that kid Zhao Xuan break through 707 and break through the fourth step!?

"No Uncle Lian.

Di Ruqing ruthlessly shook his head and vetoed Lianjie's bold guess: "Although Zhao Xuan completely crushed that fourth-order demon cultist and killed him, I can be sure that he

Still a level three ability user.

"But, but how can a person with a third-level ability cross the gap?

Before Lian Jie finished speaking, Di Ruqing spoke again: "Uncle Lian, if you don't believe me, you can go to the pit outside to have a look, that demon cultist

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