First, the gap between the third level and the fourth level is really extremely difficult to bridge.

Second, Zhao Xuan is a person with animal-type fruit ability, and animal-type fruit ability is the weakest existence among the three fruit abilities

that evening

List of provincial examinations released

Both Zhao Xuan and Di Ruqing made it to the list.

among them.

Di Ruqing, with a score close to the full score of 1009, ranked No.20 among the 1 candidates who took the provincial examination.

(The maximum score is 100(ajed)0 for regular candidates and 1010 for candidates who can beat the examiner.)

Zhao Xuan, ranked No.17.

For this provincial examination, Nanjiang Province can be said to be quite concerned.

Noon the next day.

Zhao Xuan and Di Ruqing arrived in Hangzhou, the richest man in Nanjiang, with the help of a middle-level fruit ability person sent by the Provincial Education Bureau, and settled down, waiting for tomorrow

The day of the provincial examination has arrived.

Looking at the city guards patrolling by from time to time outside the window, Zhao Xuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

From the moment he arrived in Hangcheng, he had faintly sensed that something was wrong

Over the entire city of Hangzhou, there is a layer of oppressive clouds

This oppressive feeling.

It's kind of like the calm before the storm.

although quiet

But it makes people uncomfortable.

"Is something wrong?"

Finally, Zhao Xuan couldn't bear it anymore, stopped a city guard, and asked

The city guard hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head and said: "No comment.

Right now.

A familiar voice suddenly came from the side: "Brother Zhao Xuan, brother Zhao Xuan!"

Zhao Xuan turned his head to look, and saw a simple and honest fat man walking quickly towards this side with a smile on his face

"Brother Fu Jieyan!" Zhao Xuan greeted.


Fatty Fu's face darkened suddenly, and he glanced at Zhao Xuan complainingly, and said: "Brother Zhao, just call me Brother Fu after you tell me.

"Oh, Brother Fu, Brother Fu!" Zhao Xuan quickly changed his words

"That's about the same!

Fatty Fu showed a satisfied smile, then he suddenly looked around furtively, and said: "Brother Zhao, this is not a place to talk, go to my room, I will talk to you."

You are talking about something big!

Hearing this, Zhao Xuan's eyes flashed, and he nodded, "Okay!


The two came to Fatty Fu's house.

"Brother Fu, let's talk about it now, what is it, so mysterious?" Zhao Xuan's eyes flickered.

"Brother Zhao, are you wondering why the whole of Hangzhou is so depressing!" Fatty Fu lowered his voice,


Zhao Xuan asked.

"I heard it has something to do with the Devil Cult!

Fatty Fu said: "A high-ranking elder of the Devil Sect blatantly appeared outside Hangzhou yesterday, killed all the city guards who were performing their mission, and left

He made provocative words, saying that we will not let our Nanjiang province hold the provincial examination smoothly, which is why the whole city of Hangzhou is so nervous.

"Demon Cult

"High Elder

Zhao Xuan couldn't help frowning.

"But brother Zhao, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, our side has already been set up by the governor. If those bastards from the devil's religion dare to come, welcome

There is only one dead end for them!

Fatty Fu continued, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zhao, these things are known by God, you know me, you must not spread it, after all, it will easily affect other people.

As for mentality, I also told you because you have already noticed it.

"Well, I get it!

Zhao Xuan nodded.

After coming out of Fu Jieyan's room, Zhao Xuan went straight back to his own room, ate a few mouthfuls of the elixir cactus, and after eating a few nuts for nourishing the spirit, he began to meditate

Time passed quietly,

In the blink of an eye, night comes.


"Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door, and suddenly

"Who?" Zhao Xuan opened his eyes

"Zhao Xuan, it's me." Di Ruqing's voice came from outside the door.

Zhao Xuan stood up and opened the door for her.

Di Ruqing walked in quickly, closed the door smoothly, and said with a serious face: "Zhao Xuan, there is a very urgent matter, I want to tell you.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xuan narrowed his eyes.

"Have you noticed that the atmosphere in Hangzhou is very depressing?" Di Ruqing said,

Zhao Xuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded immediately

"It's the Demon Cult!

Di Ruqing said with a cold face: "A high-ranking elder of the Demon Cult issued a gauntlet to the Governor's Mansion, who would not allow the provincial examination in our Nanjiang Province to be held smoothly, that's why it happened.

Why do these words sound so familiar to me?

Zhao Xuan's expression gradually became strange.

"By the way, Zhao Xuan, you must not say these words, so as not to cause some unnecessary confusion." Di Ruqing said again

Zhao Xuan's expression suddenly became weirder.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Where did you hear the news?

"I heard it from a fat man named Fu Yanjie." Di Ruqing said

"It's Fu Jieyan." Zhao Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, yes, pay for festivals, pay for festivals.

When Di Ruqing nodded, he was taken aback for a moment, and said in a daze, "You, you, how do you know?


Zhao Xuan's face was full of black lines and he said: "Fatty Fu told me the same way before, let me not tell this matter, and said that God knows the world, you know and I know.


Di Ruqing jerked violently, and muttered as if struck by lightning: "That, that, that guy told me that too.

Zhao Xuan: "

All of a sudden, the room suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Zhao Xuan suddenly said: "Di Ruqing, what else do you need?

"Think, that. This

Di Ruqing suddenly hesitated and said: "Zhao, Zhao Xuan, tonight. Can I sleep by your side tonight?

Zhao Xuan was taken aback.

Is Ikes private enough?

Girl, something is wrong with you!

Facing Zhao Xuan's increasingly strange eyes, Di Ruqing's face turned red instantly, and she hurriedly explained: "No, it's not what you think, I just have

little scared

Explaining, explaining.

Her face suddenly turned down.

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