Go at this pace.

Zhao Xuan even doubted that his physical fitness could break through the 100 mark in one go.


[Thanks to 37062 for the big 100v point reward and monthly pass!Thanks to the color batch leader? A big monthly ticket!Thanks to fgh for the big 100v point reward! ! 】*

Chapter 9 Awakening Armed Color Domineering

Tongcheng No. [-] Middle School.

Inside the office.

It was quiet.

Zhong Jianguo, Jin Xueyang and others were anxiously waiting for Zhao Xuan's return.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Time passed by second by second.


A mysterious wave suddenly spread out from their eyes.

Followed by.

There was a ripple in the space.

A crack appeared.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Xuan came out of the crack with a red face.

Seeing Zhao Xuan's happy and excited look, Zhong Jianguo and the others looked at each other with ecstasy on their faces.


Jin Xueyang smiled, took a step forward, and just spoke.

There was a sudden pause in the voice.


His eyes widened.

A look of shock appeared on his face.

"This, this, this... this... this is!!!"

He stared wide-eyed, staring at Zhao Xuan's slightly darkened right fist, his face was incredulous except for shock.

"Wu, Armed and Domineering!?"

"how can that be!"

"Armed domineering, this is an ability that can only be awakened if the physique is above 100!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Followed by.

Zhao Xuan saw his homeroom teacher Zhong Jianguo, Jin Xueyang and other school leaders rubbed his eyes one after another, then looked at him again.

"We don't have dazzle!!!"

"what the hell is it!!!?"

Jin Xueyang and others were stunned.

Completely dumbfounded.

I was stunned for a while, and then I managed to come back to my senses.

"Zhao, Zhao, Zhao... Zhao Xuan, you, you... What's going on with you? What happened in the demon space?"

Jin Xueyang, the meticulous principal of Tongcheng No. [-] Middle School in the past, is stuttering at the moment, which shows how much the scene just now shocked him.

"Principal, it is like this."

Zhao Xuan didn't hide the fact that he didn't choose the natural devil fruit ability.

after all.

Paper cannot hold fire.

He frankly told Jin Xueyang and others what happened in the demon space.

"So it is."

After listening to Zhao Xuan's narration, while Jin Xueyang and others suddenly realized, their expressions sank.

In the office, the previous silence was restored again.

After a long time, Jin Xueyang said: "Oh, student Zhao Xuan, you are really impulsive this time."

He sighed, and continued: "You may not have been in contact with a natural devil fruit ability user, and you don't understand the power of a natural devil fruit. The natural devil fruit has a bug-like ability called elementalization. After elementalization, it can be immune to any Physical attacks..."

"Oh, forget it, let's not talk about it! It's too late to talk about it now! And the animal fish fish fruit you chose according to your sixth sense, it looks pretty good, and it will directly make your physique break through 100 Mark has awakened the armed domineering, which is a blessing in disguise!"

"Student Zhao Xuan, in the next few days, don't even think about this matter. Let the past go. Although you haven't obtained the fruit ability of the natural department, and you don't have the qualifications to be recommended to prestigious schools, but with your current physique and awakened Armed and domineering, it is not a problem to pass the martial arts test and enter a prestigious school!"

"Xiao Zhong, take Zhao Xuan back, there are only ten days left before the college entrance examination, so don't waste time!"

"Yes principal."

Then, Zhao Xuan followed Zhong Jianguo and left the office.

On the way back to the classroom, seeing that Zhao Xuan didn't speak all the way, Zhong Jianguo was afraid that Zhao Xuan would get bored because he regretted not choosing the natural devil fruit, so he couldn't help but said:

"Zhao Xuan, don't think too much about it. Didn't the principal also say that although you failed to become a devil fruit ability user of the natural department, it was a blessing in disguise. You have mastered domineering in advance, and you can try to consider developing domineering! "

"If it is developed towards domineering, it can just match the animal-type devil fruit you choose!"

"After all, almost all animal-type devil fruits have the effect of enhancing physical fitness!"

"Among the domineering masters in today's society, almost one-third are animal-type devil fruit ability users!"

Hearing Zhong Jianguo's voice of persuasion, Zhao Xuan's heart warmed slightly.

He smiled and said: "Old Ban, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm really fine, I don't regret my choice, although what I got is the fruit ability of the animal type, I don't think it is inferior to the natural type! "

"That's good, that's good, as long as you can think so."

Zhong Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief.


[This chapter is too much, thank Xiaofei for the monthly pass!Thank you Hua Ye, Lord of the Heavenly Palace, for your generous 100v tip!Thank you GD and HS for your reminders!Thanks to the magical orange peel for the big 588v tip!Many thanks! 】*

Chapter 10 Everyone's Surprise

This class is an iron block class.

Different from the meditation class, except for a few theoretical classes in the Six Styles and Swordsmanship classes, the rest of the classes are held in the practice room.

The so-called practice room is actually similar in nature to the gymnasium in the school before Zhao Xuan crossed over.

A spacious practice room.

Students in different classes are practicing different courses under the leadership of their instructors.



They were all a little absent-minded.

Especially the students of Class 13 ([-]) who were with Zhao Xuan.

Taking advantage of the break in the middle, everyone couldn't bear it anymore and began to discuss.

"I don't know if Zhao Xuan has finished selecting the fruit ability now?"

"It's getting closer now, should the selection be over?"

"With 37 points of spiritual power, one hundred percent will spawn a nature-type devil fruit. It seems that our class is going to produce a nature-type fruit ability!"

"Zhao Xuan, this guy, his grades on weekdays are obviously at the bottom of the crane level like mine, but he didn't expect to step on shit luck, and his mental power has mutated!"

"Doesn't this mean that our class will produce a seventh-rank venerable in the future?"

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"


Just when everyone gathered together, talking about Zhao Xuan's matter with red faces.

in the side corner.

Li Jiangchang had a gloomy face.

His mood at the moment is really terrible.

In normal times, without Zhao Xuan, he should be the one who becomes the focus of discussion among the students at this moment and receives the envious eyes of the students.

after all.

Those with fruit ability are rare.

Take their Tongcheng No. [-] Middle School as an example.

There will be no more than five people with fruit abilities who graduate from their Tongcheng No. [-] Middle School every year.

And the total number of graduates of Tongcheng No. 2000 Middle School in each session is almost [-].

Almost a one in three percent chance.

"Damn damn damn damn damn damn!"

Seeing not far away that his deskmate whom he had been secretly in love with for more than a year was excitedly talking about Zhao Xuan with a group of girls, Li Jiangchang silently clenched his fists, feeling unwilling in his heart.

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