Chapter 154 Third Master: I Can Take It

The people in the courtyard were almost chatting.

The people in the courtyard also fell asleep a little.

I don't have the energy to talk about the stick anymore.

After all, it's such a fun.

It took so long to find it.

After all, everyone has to work, so how can we have so much time to chat all the time.

At this time, the third master remembered the task the school had assigned him.

Get up and pack your things, go home and put them away.

He came out and knocked on the door of Qin Huairu's house.

"Qin Huairu, I am the third master. I have something to tell you about the school. Is it convenient to open the door?"

The third master said leisurely.

At this moment, I just stabilized the stick.

The stick has just fallen asleep.

Now Qin Huairu is exhausted physically and mentally.

At this time, the third master suddenly knocked on the door and said that he had something to say.

Qin Huairu then slowly remembered what Director Wang said in the hospital.

With trepidation, he opened the door.

"It's too late now, so I won't go in, lest someone gossip, I'll tell you here."

The third uncle coughed.

"In the morning, Director Wang should have told you in the hospital, and when he came back, Director Wang told me again."

"She saw that you were not in a good condition at the time. Maybe she didn't understand what she meant. Let me tell you again to make sure."

"Maybe this matter does put some pressure on you, but you don't have to worry too much."

"After all, this is a decision that the school's senior management can make. You follow the orders of the leaders. If there are no accidents, there won't be too many things."

The third master said slowly.

"It's okay, third master. If you have anything to say, you can just talk about it. I can bear it in my heart."

Qin Huairu said tremblingly.

"It's like this, and you know that today, Sticky laughed out loud at school for nearly 10 minutes, and then he lost his mind again."

"Incontinence caused the whole classroom to be smoky, and spreading it was not good for the school's reputation."

"The top management of the school unanimously decided that I hope you will take a stick to have a look, and finally check if there is any major problem with the brain."

"If there is a problem, please go for treatment as soon as possible. If there is no problem, you must issue a certificate. This is not only responsible for your children, but also for other people's children."

"I hope you can understand the decision made by the school. If there is no proof, starting from tomorrow, the stick will continue to ask for leave until the end of the leave and suspend school."

The third master spoke slowly.

"What? There can't be a problem. The stick has been in the compound all the time, and the third master also knows that if he wants to have a problem, how could he have a problem now? Is the school misunderstanding something?"

Qin Huairu grabbed the third master's clothes and said tremblingly.

"Hey, I'm not the only one who has the final say. This is a decision made by the school. I hope you can obey it. I'm just passing it on. I don't have any decision-making power."

"If you want the stick to go to school normally, you should bring the stick for an examination earlier and issue a certificate to prove it."

After the third master finished speaking, he waved his hands and turned to leave.

This is the matter of the stick family, the third master doesn't want to go through so much muddy water.

If it wasn't for Director Wang's instructions today.

The third master didn't want to talk to her more.

Who knows what happened to BangJiao when he went crazy today?

It is not sure that it is really the same as the rumor in the compound.

That is, the dead father Jia Dongxu of Banggeng is back.

Qin Huairu stood at the door of the house blankly, feeling extremely heavy in her heart.

Qin Huairu also heard a lot about what Banggen did in school today.

From the mouth of the third master, what happened today is completely confirmed.

And the attitude of the school is too tough.

But then again.

The decision made by the school is also understandable.

In case the stick really has something wrong with his mind.

How can I explain to the parents of other people's children when I go crazy and accidentally hurt other students?

So far, it doesn't matter whether there is any disease in the stick's brain.

You have to do this inspection and issue this certificate.

This is the hardest part.

Qin Huairu knew that the family had no money to buy vegetables and cook.

Not to mention going to the hospital for a checkup.

This is undoubtedly a very painful thing for Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu knew that it would be impossible for him to go to Shazhu to borrow money again.

The last time I only gave candy through Shazhu, the time I didn't give money.

It can be seen that Sha Zhu probably has no money recently.

It is impossible to cheat money from Sha Zhu again.

It would be even more idiotic to cheat Lu Chuan's money.

Relying on Lu Chuan's impression and attitude towards his family.

That is simply impossible, how much can the neighbors in the yard borrow?

Who knows how much it will cost this stick check?

Just when Qin Huairu was in a state of desperation, he suddenly thought of his vicious mother-in-law, Jia Zhang.

After Jia Dongxu's death, the pension has been kept by Jia Zhang.

I have to pay two or three yuan every month as the so-called pension.

This sum of money has accumulated over time, and it should be a lot of money.

If it is really impossible to borrow money, Qin Huairu must call for the money.

The most important thing is to let Sticky go to school as soon as possible.

Everything else can be put aside later.

Even after Jia Zhang came back, it didn't matter if she reprimanded herself.

If stick stems stay at home all the time, I don't know what will happen.

Qin Huairu decided to ask the uncle tomorrow morning.

See if we can hold an all-hands meeting and donate some money.

If you can't make up any more.

Qin Huairu could only use the small treasury in Jia Zhang's hands.

In fact, Qin Huairu already figured out where Jiazhang was hiding.

It's nothing more than three places.

Under the pillow, and over the gap in the stove.

And there are pockets sewn into the clothes.

But because of Jia Zhang's attitude, Qin Huairu had the guts to think about the money.

I really didn't have the guts to go find the money right away.

When Qin Huairu returned home, looking at the three sleeping children, she felt uncomfortable.

Since Jia Dongxu left, life at home has been getting worse every day.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu came to the back room again.

He secretly took out Jia Dongxu's spirit tablet and burned three sticks of incense.

I muttered again in my heart.

It wasn't until the three sticks of incense were all burned that Qin Huairu slowly got up.

Hide the spirit card.

After returning to the bed and covering the children with quilts, he slowly closed his eyes with anxiety.

That night, Qin Huairu once again had a nightmare.

In the dream, it was still Jia Dongxu who came back to settle accounts with him, this nightmare frightened Qin Huairu to open his eyes.

It was already the next morning.

But it was about an hour earlier than the others.

Chapter 155 Who Donates to Crowdfunding?

Qin Huairu was still terrified by the nightmare, and touched the sheet under her body.

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