"Oh, it's like this, I'm Zhuo Rong, and it was Master Yan who asked me to come here."

"Mr. Zhuo? This way!"

Looking at this staff member, Zhuo Rong had just stated his intention to come, when suddenly a person trotted over from a distance, Zhuo Rong didn't know this person, he looked about 30 years old, older than Zhuo Rong, but It shouldn't be too big.

It looks quite sunny, tall, a little handsome, but still worse than Zhuo Rong, well, this is what Zhuo Rong thinks of himself.

"Oh, hello, you are..."

"Chief Shen..."

Seeing the person trotting over, Zhuo Rong asked with some doubts.

But just after Zhuo Rong finished speaking, the staff here had already greeted the man respectfully, Zhuo Rong was also taken aback when he heard the staff's words.

In this world, people only perform elf affinity tests when they are young.

If you have affinity, you can become a trainer, and then just like going to university, you need to apply for the university you like, but whether other universities want you is another matter.

Basically speaking, colleges and universities, like recruiting college students, start recruiting from high to low. For example, this year they plan to admit 50 people, and then just admit these 50 people. Zhuo Rong's elf affinity is not special High, only over 70.

So he didn't go to any particularly important trainer academy. His No. 30 Trainer Academy in Winter City probably only ranks in the top [-] in China, which is better than the No. [-] Trainer Academy in Winter City. The college is much worse.

But even so, this academy is not something that others can enter if they want to.

Before graduating from senior year, each trainer can choose an initial elf from the school. This completely depends on one's own level. Most of the initial elves selected by trainers are relatively weak elves. Zhuo Rong Originally, it was estimated that he could only choose Bobo or something like that, but who knows, something happened to his parents at the critical moment.

In order to make it better for the children of martyrs, Zhuo Rong had the opportunity to choose Yusanjia.

Of course, let’s not talk about this first, let’s talk about trainers after graduation. There are four main employment directions.

One is people's livelihood. Some people who were not very interested in elf battles in school will use the elves they have on hand to join some people's livelihood jobs after graduation.

For example, people who own a supersonic bat can go to the hospital. The ultrasound of a supersonic bat is more accurate than X-rays, and it has no side effects, so it is naturally very popular.

People with wrist strength can also join some freight companies, construction sites and so on. The wrist strength has evolved into a powerful force. After the monster strength, its work efficiency can support at least [-] human workers, and even some workers who need machines to work Nothing is needed.

Those who have a courier bird can deliver express.

Those who have a big rock snake can dig tunnels.

Although the income of these people's livelihood enterprises is not comparable to that of top trainers, they can also make these trainers have no worries about food and clothing, and even become masters. Among other things, with these elves, they can earn 30 to [-] yuan a month. Wan is no problem.

For ordinary people, an income of two to three million yuan a year is quite acceptable.

The second is scientific research, the study of elves, the skills of elves, the research of various props obtained from various relics, etc. Zhuo Rong really doesn't understand much, so I won't say more.

The third is breeding, in other words, nurturing elves.

Generally, top large-scale companies, aristocratic families, and forces will specially recruit these breeders to cultivate their own family's elves, and their income and status are also high.

In the future, if Zhuo Rong's strength is too strong and there are too many elves, he may also need to recruit breeders to take care of his elves.

And the fourth way is actually to become a real trainer and fight.

And there are several ways out for a real trainer, one is to be a solo expert, not to join any forces, and the main income is the salary from the Elf Association, as well as rewards for completing tasks by yourself.

The second is to join a force, some aristocratic families, companies, organizations, or the army are all good choices.

Of course, in addition to the above two points, there is another point is to join the gym.

As mentioned earlier, a gymnasium not only has to earn one-thousandth of the province's GDP.

And the most important thing is to maintain all the law and order related to elites and trainers in this province.

Therefore, it is definitely not enough to rely on only one gym trainer. The gym trainer needs to recruit a lot of trainers to help, and the gym trainer will give pointers to these trainers in their spare time, and even charge some People are apprentices.

After most gym trainers retire, they are basically replaced by people from the gym, and these people are also divided into three, six, nine, and one, two, three, and four.

Therefore, in every gym, besides the owner, the chief position is a very important position. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the deputy owner or even the future owner.

It was precisely because this position was so important that Zhuo Rong was a little surprised that this person came to pick him up?

"Mr. Zhuo, hello, my name is Shen Feng, Master Yan asked me to come pick you up."

Xiao Pao came in front of Zhuo Rong, and Shen Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to Zhuo Rong. After shaking hands with Zhuo Rong, he also said to Zhuo Rong with a happy face.

"Oh, Chief Shen, you are too polite."

"No, no, I also watched Mr. Zhuo's live broadcast, and I also admire Mr. Zhuo's strength. I am also very happy to come to pick up Mr. Zhuo this time."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's polite words, Shen Feng here also replied with a smile, and then led Zhuo Rong to walk inside.

When Zhuo Rong passed through the middle of the field, he found that there were some people competing below, but the competitions were different, some were closed and individual competitions, while some were semi-open, others The trainers can come and watch, and there are referees.

"The closed competitions here are basically the internal discussions or trial moves of the people in our gymnasium, and those who are allowed to watch and have referees over there are basically coming to challenge the gymnasium. Mr. Zhuo probably hasn't got it all yet. Six elves, it's really a pity, but you can come here to play in a while."

Seeing that Zhuo Rong seemed to be very interested in these duels, Shen Feng here also laughed and said, while talking, his eyes also lit up. Obviously, he is actually not interested in Zhuo Rong's strength. I'm also very curious! .

Chapter 41: Secret Realm Qualification

"Master Yan, Mr. Zhuo is here!"

"Oh, Zhuo Rong, you are here, come on, come on, fast forward!"

Following Zhuo Rong and Shen Feng, he walked through the central area, and behind him was the rear area.

The latter part is divided into six parts.

The smallest area is actually the trainer living area.

Except for Wen Zixiao who has a large flat, the trainers of other gymnasiums live in small apartments on the first and second floors. Of course, although it is said to be a small apartment, it is actually a [-] square meter, four Large room with three halls.

Regardless of whether you are the chief or not, the food and living environment are the same.

Of the other five areas, four are areas where elves live and live.

There is a forest area, which is full of trees and lawns, and there is a beach area, with sea water on the left, fresh water on the right, and a beach in the middle, inhabited by creatures like crabs.

Further in, there is a rocky area, which is specially inhabited by ground, rock, and fire-type elves, and an ice area, which is specially inhabited by ice-type elves.

Basically, normal, grass, poison, insect, flying, electricity, water, ice, fire, ground, rock, steel, evil, fairies, these elves all have their favorite areas to live in.

As for the elves with super powers, they are basically running around, ghosts basically live in empty, dark rooms, and dragons, well, dragons are indeed rare, and even if there are, dragons are actually The department is not too picky about the living environment.

In addition to these five areas, there is also a large area that is the office area, which is connected to the Winter City Branch of the Elf Association, so that the trainers can rush over as soon as possible in case something happens.

When Shen Feng brought Zhuo Rong to Yan Zixiao's office, Yan Zixiao was talking to a middle-aged man. When he saw Zhuo Rong coming, he immediately gave up on the middle-aged man. He glanced at Zhuo Rong, and then passed Zhuo Rong.

Obviously he knew Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong also knew him.

Jinghua, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Yanhuang, the Heavenly King of Steel, and he was also sent by the association to deal with the Red Blood Army.

Because he only discovered Hongmei's relationship at the beginning, the steel type is immune to the poisonous type, so he is the best candidate, but he did not expect that Hongmei, who was originally regarded as a prey by him, was directly taken care of by Zhuo Rong. He was also somewhat interested in Zhuo Rong.

But this so-called toughest man in the world was not very good at expressing himself. After taking a look at Zhuo Rong, he left directly, and Zhuo Rong was also called in by Yan Zixiao.

"This time, you did a great job. The association's rewards should wait until the matter is over, and my rewards can be given to you in advance."

Seeing Zhuo Rong approaching, Yan Zixiao also took out a box from the drawer, and pushed it in front of Zhuo Rong with a smile.

Zhuo Rong was also very curious, so he opened the box in front of him.

When the box was opened, there were three items inside.

One is a bank card, cash rewards, this is normal.

And beside the bank card, there is also a green transparent stone, that is, inside this stone, there is a logo of lightning, needless to say, it is known as the stone of thunder.

This is an item used to evolve Pikachu into Raichu.

But to be honest, in fact, Zhuo Rong didn't care too much about whether Pikachu evolved or not.

In fact, he doesn't care too much about whether the forest lizard evolves or not.

The only thing he hopes to evolve is his wrist strength, because after the evolution of his wrist strength, his life potential will increase rapidly, and his condition will become lighter and lighter when using the Bamen Dunjia.

The strength of Pikachu and forest lizards does not lie in the little bit of potential for evolutionary improvement.

In fact, they become more dependent on skills. When the forest lizard has the body of a fairy and learns the fairy mode, it doesn't matter whether it is a lizard king or not.

The same is true for Pikachu. If you get the Thunderbolt fruit, it doesn't matter whether you evolve into Raichu or not. However, the evolution of the forest lizard is inevitable. It will automatically evolve after reaching a certain level. If you force it not to evolve, it will be harmful to your body. of.

So Zhuo Rong will not suppress the evolution of the forest lizard, but Pikachu... let him choose, in fact, Zhuo Rong thinks that Pikachu's state is actually more favorable.

Of course, it's not a matter of dexterity. Pikachu's speed is indeed very fast, with a speed of 90, while Raichu's speed is 110. Even if the two compare speed, Pikachu is not Raichu's opponent.

When Zhuo Rong said favorable, he meant its appearance, prestige, and combat power!

And color is directly proportional to prestige.

Raichu...so stupid...

As for the third item, it was a type finger, only this type finger he didn't know what it was.

"Let me introduce you. The centipede king you killed this time really saved the association a lot of trouble. There are 500 million in this card, which is my reward for you. This Thunder Stone is also a reward for you." I personally reward you, it is up to you to decide whether to use it or not, and this finger, in fact, this ring is the most precious thing, because this finger is related to a secret realm."

Seeing Zhuo Rong's gaze, Yan Zixiao laughed, and explained the three things in front of him, and when Yan Zixiao talked about the secret realm, Zhuo Rong couldn't help being taken aback.

According to the history he learned, after the elf world merged into this world.

It is true that most of the elves appeared directly in this world, but there were also some elves that appeared in some secret realms of that world.

Places such as Viridian Forest, Silver Mountain, and Hunting Zone have also appeared in this world, forming secret realms one after another, but the inside of the secret realm and the outside are two different things. The elves in the secret realm are very violent, even There are even gods in these secret realms, and humans have been exploring the secret realms for many years.

But basically there are not too many secret realms under control, and as far as Zhuo Rong knows, there are currently only two secret realms in the cold winter city, one is Viridian Forest, which is located in that forest, and the secret realm is huge. It is also very dangerous. I heard that there is a god in it.

The other one is called Sansheng Island, which is also in the primeval forest. It is said that there are three big islands, and there are gods on the three islands. However, it is obvious that humans have a good relationship with the gods of this secret realm, so the gods of this secret realm allow humans to come. This Rift captures elves and trains them.

"Is this...from Viridian Forest, or from Sansheng Island?"

Picking up the ring, Zhuo Rong looked at Yan Zixiao tentatively. If it was the key to the secret realm, then he was still very interested in this thing.

Not to mention whether I will get good things and become stronger in the secret realm, just live broadcasting in the secret realm, I guess I can make a lot of money for myself! .

Chapter 42: Battle Chief

"This is Sansheng Island. Every year we have an agreement with the owner of Sansheng Island that we can send [-] outstanding graduates who graduated that year to Sansheng Island to practice and capture an elf. In all major universities across the country, only the top five Only the best students from top ten colleges and universities are eligible to enter."

Seeing that Zhuo Rong understood, Yan Zixiao also started talking with a smile.

And after hearing Yan Zixiao's words, Zhuo Rong also thought of how fierce the competition for the spot was among the top students when he was in school.

According to the information Zhuo Rong inquired when he was in school, each of the top ten schools in the country has three places to participate in this secret realm.

For schools from eleven to thirty, each school has two places.

31 to [-] schools, each school has only one place.

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