Hu Di, the normal early stage of the second-level god, fully burst into the peak of the early stage of the first-level god.

Gyarados, the normal early stage of the second-level god, fully burst into the peak of the first-level god, but its defense power is as high as the peak of the first-level god!

The fire-breathing dragon, in the early stage of the normal second-level god, broke out at the peak of the first-level god with all its strength, but after super-evolving, it has a dual form, which is even more powerful!

Happy egg, the normal early stage of the championship, and the late stage of the full-fledged championship.

This is all Zhuo Rong's current members. With such strength, they will be able to crush the game in the Kings Tournament! .

Chapter 434: The Heavenly King Tournament Opens

After fifteen years at home, Zhuo Rong took Nie Ningshan and others to the imperial capital.

It is also participating in the competition, but this time the player is only himself.

After resting in the imperial capital for half a month, the main thing was to adjust and make sure there was nothing wrong. On March [-]st, at [-]:[-] a.m., Zhuo Rong's Heavenly King Challenge also started.

And his first opponent was the only Heavenly King among the Four Heavenly Kings...Kong Hao!

Although this name seems to be very famous, considering that the other three heavenly kings are all champions, it is inevitably a little embarrassing.

But don't look at Kong Hao as just a king, but in fact he is very powerful.

Among the currently known Heavenly Kings, he is the only Heavenly King who has twelve Heavenly King-level elves, that is to say, he can form two teams.

According to the information on the Internet, Kong Hao is the king of the water system, with water arrow turtles, giant crocodiles, mosquito-repellent swimmers, thorn dragon kings, thorn shellfish, gem starfish, tyrannosaurs, Menus, Lapras, and imperial sea lions. , Koga Ninja Frog, and Mizuibu are twelve king-level existences.

Moreover, these twelve water-type celestial kings are all in the late stage of the celestial king to the peak of the celestial king.

But it has been four or five years, and none of them has advanced to the championship level.

It is rumored on the Internet that it may be caused by the rapid growth of these water elves in the early stage.

We all know that if you want a high and good building, you need to lay a solid foundation.

But the trainers of the aristocratic family are more or less eager for quick success.

Because they must seize the initial advantages and initial resources.

So these trainers, after confirming that they have talents, their elves will receive the best care since they were young. The growth of strength is indeed fast, but the elves who have not encountered setbacks will really have limitations in the future.

Kong Zheng is considered to be the most talented among all the family trainers, there is no such thing as one of them, but even so, he has only reached the level of the peak of the king, and has been stuck here, but he already knows his problem .

Therefore, although his son Kong Hao is said to have been taken care of by the family, the foundation has been laid very firmly, otherwise there would be no such thing as northern Kong and southern bandits.

Kou is Kou Ziming, the son of Kou Tangxing, former King of Fighting Department.

However, no matter how strong Kong Hao's growth is, it is impossible to compare with Zhuo Rong, it's as simple as that!

On March [-]st, after Zhuo Rong drove back to the Bird's Nest Stadium, he also entered the player's channel again.

The court news channel on the other side chose to broadcast the game live.

"Central TV station, court TV station, we are now broadcasting live at the Bird's Nest Stadium. The champion of the national competition, Zhuo Rong!"

"Ah, speaking of which, it has been many years since I watched the Heavenly King Challenge, because generally speaking, even if they win the national championship, very few people will start the Heavenly King Challenge."

"According to our information, Zhuo Rong should be the fourth player to challenge the Heavenly King after winning the national championship since the establishment of New Yanhuang. Two of the first three failed, and one succeeded. That person is none other than the current champion Qian Pengbo."

"I remember Qian Guanjun's match. He played all four Heavenly Kings, and finally lost to the former champion Mr. Ye Zhilan. Then he inherited the position of Heavenly King and squeezed out the original fourth-ranked Kou Tangxing, Kou Tianwang."

"Let's see where Zhuo Rong's limit is this time!"

As the time came to 45:[-], the live broadcast signal had already been connected to the screens of thousands of households. Those who watched TV were fine, but at this time, those who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were basically overwhelmed by the barrage up.

"Fuck, is it so difficult to look at Brother Zhuo now?"

"Yeah, Brother Zhuo turned off the live broadcast after the national competition."

"Brother Zhuo, come on!"

"Actually, I can understand it. After all, Brother Zhuo is going to win the championship, and it's really unreasonable to start a live broadcast. Others will say it's just bad money."

"Without Brother Zhuo's live broadcast, I can't even spend the reward money!"

"Is there no one here for King Kong?"

"Yes, I'm from Lu Province, and I still support King Kong Tianwang. Of course, although I support him, I don't think he will win..."

"The world where only Kong Tianwang was injured, it's done!"

If Zhuo Rong was watching these bullet screens at this time, maybe he would be very emotional. In fact, he broadcast live broadcasts not because he likes live broadcasts, but because he is simply earning points.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Unexpectedly, these audiences still remember themselves, so emotional!

But no matter how emotional he is, it is estimated that he will not live broadcast again. The loss of points is one of the reasons, and the other is because he is not so urgent about the points now.

"Okay, the time is up, the players from both sides have already entered the arena!"

Following the referee's signal, at exactly nine o'clock, Zhuo Rong and Kong Zheng walked into the stadium from the aisle. The two also came to the middle of the venue and shook hands.

"After today, my position will definitely be lost. Please don't worry about the matters in the meeting that day. I also have my own position."

.... . . .

While shaking hands, Kong Zheng also said something to Zhuo Rong.

He knew that he was doomed to lose, so he naturally wouldn't expect Zhuo Rong to release the water. This was impossible, but he just hoped that after Zhuo Rong became the champion, he would not suppress the Kong family.

"Don't worry, you will still be in the position of the king of heaven."

Hearing what Kong Zheng said, Zhuo Rong also said something with a smile, and hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Kong Zheng was stunned. Could it be that Zhuo Rong wanted to release the water?

He returned to his seat with some doubts, but with the voice of the referee: "The game, start!"

When he saw the Gyarados, which were obviously bigger, stronger, and stronger than last year's national competition, this thought disappeared.

Zhuo Rong will never release water!

"Come on, Gyarados, tornado!"

"Mosquito-repellent swimmer, don't be afraid, rush over, Mount Tai will overwhelm you!"

The first elf released by Kong Zheng was the mosquito-repellent swimmer. After hearing Kong Zheng's words, the mosquito-repellent swimmer rushed over immediately, with a determined look in his eyes.

It knows that it should not be the opponent of the Gyarados in front of it, but for the sake of its companions behind, it must consume some of the Gyarados' physical strength!

But obviously, it still overestimates itself a bit!

Although it broke through the tornado of the Gyarados, when it broke through the tornado and came to the Gyarados, the Dragon Dance of the Gyarados had already ended, and a powerful destructive light was already at its mouth Gather up!

Chapter 435: Super Evolution!

"Destroy the light!" Following Zhuo Rong's words, a mouthful of destructive light from the Gyarados mixed with the power of the green dragon fruit blasted out instantly!

The mosquito-repellent-repellent swimmer who finally rushed over didn't even have a reaction, and was hit on the body in an instant. With the huge impact, he flew towards the back with it, and flew all the way to the outside of the ring, hitting heavily on the outside of the ring. After hitting the wall, it fell down with its eyes spinning, instant kill!A mosquito-repellent-repellent swimmer in the late stage of the king was instantly killed!

"Oh, God, spike, this blow is too exaggerated!"

"My God, my God!"

Looking at this scene, not to mention the barrage that had been boiling for a long time, the hosts who were broadcasting live in the live broadcast room all exclaimed at this moment, this blow is too beautiful and too much!

"No stiffness..."

"Yes, there is no stiffness, his Gyarados has become stronger again, no "[-]" is a champion!"

As the old saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and professionals watch the way. When Zhuo Rong's Gyarados killed the Mosquito Swimmer, Qian Pengbo and Jing Hua, who were also watching the battle in the private room, also spoke. up.

Lin Zhenyu and Lei Liang beside them also frowned. To be honest, it is not an easy task for these four champions to face Zhuo Rong's Gyarados now!

"Huh, calm down, we still have a hand brake!" After a long while, Lei Liang suddenly said, but just after he finished speaking, the other three people over there looked at him like a fool. Do you know what the brake mirror he is talking about is super evolution.

But has he forgotten that super evolution was discovered by Zhuo Rong...

Can they expect that what they know, Zhuo Rong can't?

"The red team loses its fighting power, please replace the elves!"

No matter what the people in the box looked at, the referee still announced that Kong Zheng's first elf had lost its fighting power, and Kong Zheng also took the elf back and replaced it with the second elf, the Thorn Dragon King!

The Thorn Dragon King, Nie Ningshan has one, and it evolved from the dragon scales given by Zhuo Rong.

Based on Zhuo Rong's understanding of the Thorn Dragon King, this elf is actually a bit embarrassing.

Why do you say that?You say it is not strong, it has a race value as high as 540, no weakness at all, attack, defense, special attack, and special defense are all 95, physical strength is 75, speed is 85, it can be said that this is a dog with no weaknesses at all Elf.

The attribute of adding water to the dragon erases the restraint of the ice system on the dragon system, and only dragons and goblins can restrain it!

Water takes [-]/[-] damage, fire takes [-]/[-] damage, and steel does [-]/[-] damage, making its defense almost invulnerable.

But there is a word called Almighty, which often means... omnipotent.

The same is true for Thorn Dragon King, it is very strong, but it is not strong enough in all aspects.

Of course, this kind of twisting will only appear in the trainers of the king and champion level. For ordinary trainers, there is a thorn dragon king, which can be compared to the existence of quasi-gods, because the thorn dragon king fights the emperor. Three, there is no problem!

But now it's against Zhuo Rong, let's count it as bad luck!

After the Thorn Dragon King came out, there was a smoke screen. Although today may seem like a duel between water and water, in fact, no one really knows how to use water-type skills.

Needless to say about Zhuo Rong's Gyarados, the power of Gyarados' Sea Dungeon has already been shown in the national competition, so Kong Zheng definitely doesn't know how to use water.

Kong Zheng's elf, Mosquito Swimmer, has the ability to store water and is immune to water damage.

The Thorn Dragon King only takes a quarter of the water damage.

The other elves also have water attributes, and water attacks only deal 50% damage to them. Zhuo Rong naturally won't take too much effort, so this water-type duel has now become a non-water-type duel!

After using the smoke screen, the Thorn Dragon King also used high-speed movement, and quickly killed the Gyarados, but how could the Gyarados be polite?

With a flick of its tail, it shot out in an instant. It actually prefers melee combat rather than using skills at a distance. Of course, this is also related to its special attack of only 60 points, while Gyarados's physical attack is as high as 125 !

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the Gyarados and Thorn King also collided at this time.

But obviously, the Thorn Dragon King has suffered a lot. After all, its physical attack and race value is not as good as that of the Gyarados, and it is inevitable that it will suffer from being bumped!

"Dragon Wave!"


Following Zhuo Rong's and Kong Zheng's orders at the same time, the dragon's wave of the Dragon King also blasted out at this very close distance. In fact, the Gyarados can dodge away...  

Because the Gyarados has reached an advanced level after several months of training, and it is still possible to foresee the future.

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