Every god has its own domain.

There are three gods in Oceania. The Pillar of the Sky is said to be the god's domain of Lie Kongzao, but in fact, Liekongzao does not stay here. According to the literature, the Pillar of the Sky is actually from that world. People, who adore Raykong and built it here.

And Rayquaza lives in the atmosphere in normal times, and it doesn't come down. Running around the world like this is not an elf that belongs to Oceania.

As for Kyoka, this player should live directly in a deep sea cave deep in the Pacific Ocean.

As for Gulardo, there is no temple, because it is a volcano running around the world. The last time Gulardo appeared was in South America. Basically, wherever there is a volcanic eruption, there is it.

If it is said that there are many god domains, then it has to be said that there are four god domains in total.

The Xuefeng Temple is home to the toilet king, Regichkas, who is currently the only first-level god who is sure to live in the domain of the gods. Of course, Rogia can also be confirmed now.

The second is the Temple of Beginning, which is said to be the site of Arceus, but no one has seen it.

The third homecoming cave is the site of Giratina, but this guy lives in a reverse world that only ghost elves can enter. No one has seen Giratina in this cave, but there are often some trainers here disappear.

The fourth place is the Pillar of Spears, which is said to be the temple of the God of Time and the God of Space, but no one has seen Palkia and Dialga.

But although these gods are basically invisible, their god domains have actually given the locals a lot of benefits.

Among other things, the elves in these gods are very strong, enough for the trainers to train here.

Yanhuang also has two god domains here.

One of Rogia's God's Domain, Sansheng Island, is not a big place, but it has a great variety of elves. It is indeed very suitable for novice trainers to supplement their own elves here.

And the second God's Domain is Fengwang's God's Domain, the Bell Tower.

This Ta Zhuorong learned it when he was in school. There are 99 floors in total, and a spirit will be transformed into each floor. Only after defeating this spirit, can you go to the next floor.

Only people under the age of 30 can break into this bell tower. It can be said that people under the age of 30 are a holy place for leveling, but it is not an easy task to come to the tower.

Because here, there are only ten places that can come to the tower every year.

But this time, the association gave Zhuo Rong a spot.

Regardless of Zhuo Rong's age, his combat effectiveness, or his achievements, they are all enough for the association to give him one of this precious quota.

The current record of the Bell Tower is set by the former champion and now Yanhuang's only master, 87 floors, but I don't know how many floors Zhuo Rong will break through.

"Huh, I will definitely cherish it."

Looking at the three cards in front of him, Zhuo Rong did not refuse. This is not the time to be prudish, it is better to take them directly.

"Well, you and I are at ease."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yan Zixiao also laughed and said.

"By the way, Master Yan, I have something I want to ask you." Now that the rewards have been collected, Zhuo Rong has to start asking some important things.

"Tell me." Yan Zixiao is still willing to make friends with such a proud son like Zhuo Rong, so if it's not something particularly important and private, he is still willing to tell him.

"That's... how to advance from a lord to a king?"

Looking into Yan Zixiao's gaze, Zhuo Rong also expressed his doubts.

"Have you reached the lord level?" Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Yan Zixiao couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked Zhuo Rong in surprise.

In fact, he knew that Zhuo Rong could explode into a lord-level combat power, but that was only an outbreak, not a normal state, so he was not sure how strong Zhuo Rong's elves were. He will be a little surprised.

"En." Seeing Yan Zixiao's surprised look, Zhuo Rong also released the three elves.

At this time, Zhuo Rong's three elves, the forest lizards are completely at the peak of the lord, and under the normal state of power, they are at the middle level of the lord. After the baptism of the fairy body and the study these days, Pikachu has also stabilized at the later stage of the lord. It is indeed possible. Study how the king of heaven will advance.

"Hey, your elf and you really surprised me. Some people suggested that you go to U23. At this level, if you go to U23, you will be a fart abroad. "Looking at Zhuo Rong's three elves, Yan Zixiao couldn't help but gasped.

The U23 he mentioned actually refers to the World Youth Championship. This competition is held every year between November and December. Only young trainers under the age of 23 can participate. Basically, this country Team candidates.

They are all selected from the Collegiate National League.

When Zhuo Rong was studying at the First Trainer Academy, their school had such a school team. The team captain was Lu Rongrong from the junior year. This school team only selected from the top five in the school, and a total of three people were selected. , to participate in the National College Student Trainer Competition.

Zhuo Rong has been to the competition, but his 51st place is not eligible to participate.

He has been in college for four years, and his school's best result is the semi-finals in the Northeast Division.

Although it is said that before the age of 22, the trainer will not have his own elf, but basically these talented school team members will be assigned a elf after joining the school team.

If nothing else happens, 99.999% after graduation, this elf is his initial elf, but even so, it can be regarded as a sophomore entering the school team. After three years, the cultivation speed of this elf is at most intermediate level only.

Advanced level must be possible for a top genius. Like Zhuo Rong, it is really rare for someone like Zhuo Rong to directly reach the peak of a lord in less than two months...

Of course, if (Dede Zhao) wants to participate in such a competition, it would be too bullying.

But if he could earn prestige, then Zhuo Rong didn't care about bullying.

"¨I can go to participate and win glory for the country, but now I am more curious about how the king will be promoted." Hearing what Yan Zixiao said, Zhuo Rong also said with a smile.

"Hey? I thought you didn't want to. If you want to... then let's talk about it. Let the people above think about it. I will tell you about the promotion of the king first!"

Seeing Zhuo Rong's willingness, Yan Zixiao was stunned, because it seemed to him that it was a waste of time. If Zhuo Rong went to participate in U23, wouldn't an elf kill him directly?

There is no effect of practice.

But he can't blame him, after all, he doesn't know how Zhuo Rong became stronger.

As for the method of the Heavenly King's promotion, he has no secrets, because it is not a secret. .

Chapter 74: The Way of the Heavenly King (14/20)

According to what Yan Zixiao said, the most important thing for a lord to advance to a heavenly king is to master the power of the domain, and the domain is also the prerequisite ability of the law.

How to say this thing?There must be some power similar to purification!

Just like in Naruto, if you want to become a ninja, you need to master the change of nature.

The field and law are similar to this.

Domain refers to spreading this ability into a domain. For example, the Lightning Bird that Zhuo Rong blew up that day, the Frozen Bird is the same as the Flaming Bird. Add some force field domains to the periphery of the body. areas will be affected.

For example, static electricity, such as hail, such as burning, etc...

Of course, not only the opponent, but also the opponent's skills will be affected when they fight.

It will be weakened by these domains first, and when it hits the body, it is already at the end of its strength. Only by comprehending the power of the domains can it be promoted to become a king.

After comprehending the power of the domain, it is necessary to purify the power of the domain and comprehend it into the power of the law. If it is raised by more than 1%, it is considered to have entered the champion level.

According to what Yan Zixiao said, the 1% rule of purification can basically double the damage of the same series of skills, 10% is 117 ten times, that's an exaggeration.

If it is purified to more than 30%, even if it has entered the master level, only the beasts are eligible, and if it is purified to more than 50%, it will enter the beast level!

This is also the reason why the beasts are so devastating.

The second-level gods, that is, the three holy birds, the three holy beasts, etc., as long as they are adults, they can purify the law, so they are champions as long as they are adults, but they can only be purified to 60% at most, reaching the elementary level of beasts. Only phantom gods are eligible to be purified to 70%, and only first-level gods are eligible to be purified to 80%. No one knows what happens to more than 80%.

At least Yan Zixiao didn't know.

Now Zhuo Rong's situation is actually a bit complicated. Yan Zixiao wanted to tell Zhuo Rong a long time ago that his elf attributes are a bit too complicated.

Because no matter whether it is spreading the field or purifying the law, it is obviously much more convenient for the same department to upgrade together, so basically all gym trainers, kings, and champions specialize in one department, at most two departments , these are very rare.

Many people have no choice but to do it. For example, the current champion of Yanhuang is a specialist in the dragon element, but most of the dragon element is accompanied by the flight element, so he also needs to study the flight element, so that (cgdf) can create A dual-line specialization.

Otherwise, most people are of the same type.

But now Zhuo Rong is very complicated. He has three elves and three types, grass, electricity, and fighting. He originally considered that Zhuo Rong was still a novice, so he didn't worry about it.

In the end, Zhuo Rong was very good, the growth rate was too fast, which caught him off guard!

Listening to Yan Zixiao's detailed explanation, Zhuo Rong squinted his eyes and thought about it.

Laws, domains, um, well, it’s true that it’s a bit out of line now, but Yan Zixiao also said that this thing only represents the realm, not the real combat power. For example, Zhuo Rong’s power now, regardless of the realm It's still at the lord level, and after the eight doors are opened, its explosive power can reach the peak of the king, but it doesn't show.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to break through the weakening of the Three Silly Birds' domain.

"Well, okay, Teacher Yan, I see, I'll go back and study it carefully."

After listening to Yan Zixiao's words, Zhuo Rong also nodded, expressing that he understood.

This teacher was the first time he called Yan Zixiao, and he felt that there was no problem, because he had indeed learned something from Yan Zixiao.

"Ask me anytime if you don't understand anything."

Seeing that Zhuo Rong understood, Yan Zixiao also nodded with a smile. It's really cool to point out such a super genius, but Zhuo Rong doesn't want to come to the gym, otherwise, a champion, or even a master, will come out of his own gym. Isn't that just around the corner?

"By the way, what happened to those undercover agents?" Seeing that the serious matter was finished, Zhuo Rong was about to leave, but before he left, he suddenly remembered something.

Because during the live broadcast in the past few days, some boxers often came to Zhuo Rong's live broadcast room to make trouble. Of course, Zhuo Rong was directly banned from speaking, so he would not be used to these people, but they every day Ti Zhuorong beat women, saying that Zhuo Rong beat them because of jealousy.

Said that apart from Mizuki and the First Trainer Academy of the Imperial Capital, the other academies are rubbish.

Although he knew that they were starting a war, Zhuo Rong didn't care about it, but Zhuo Rong still wanted to ask how those undercover agents were doing. If they were miserable, then he would be very happy.

"Basically, it is certain that they are going to be executed, and the relationship behind them has been investigated." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yan Zixiao also directly expressed his superior's opinion on how to deal with it.

"What about the school they are in? Didn't it deal with it?"

Hearing that the relationship between them and their backs was only dealt with, Zhuo Rong couldn't help frowning and said with some doubts that recently some school dogs often came to hack him, so he actually wanted the court to punish these two schools.

"No, because this matter is actually not particularly related to the school. It can only be said that they have not educated good people, and there is no way to talk about their problems. After all, these two universities are currently the best universities in our country. These people Basically, they are people from the Red Blood Army who came into contact with them in high school, and then the Red Blood Army invests in them, trains them, and asks them which two trainer universities they want to take when they are in high school. It’s both of them.”

Helplessly spreading his hands, Yan Zixiao also looked at Zhuo Rong and said.

Hearing what he said, Zhuo Rong also scratched his head, as if it was indeed the case.

After all, he remembered that when he was in high school, he had fantasized about whether he could go to Mizuki or Diyi. Those who were trained by the Red Blood Army in high school would choose to come to these two universities. It is normal, but these two universities, Although the teaching level is high, the level of teaching and watching people seems to be really not good.

After chatting with Yan Zixiao again, Zhuo Rong also left Yan Zixiao's office.

Then he was going to find Yuan Tianqing to go home.

When he was walking out, he was thinking about how to make his next arrangement. He has four or five things to do now.

One is that in the past few days, he is going to the Imperial Capital Elf Garden to catch elves.

The second is that after catching the elves, he should go directly to the Bell Tower, and break into the tower there. He doesn't know if there is a Phoenix King on the 99th floor, but it is inevitable to break into it.

The third is the matter of the U23 national team that Yan Zixiao mentioned just now. Let’s see what the high-level officials say about this. Is it a human accident, so this is a possibility.

The fourth is that he still remembers the power of Viridian. Rogia gave himself a feather, and when he has time, he will go to the Viridian Forest to find Rabbi to see the problem of obtaining the power of Viridian, but considering that Rabi is Phantom God, at least must be at the champion level, so Zhuo Rong should let his elves improve a little bit more...

The fifth is what Zhuo Rong has thought about a long time ago, the problem of the black market!

This black market, he can go there recently and have a look! .

Chapter 75: To the Imperial Capital (15/20)

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