"Cough, it's not as bad as my family. I said too much just now. I apologize to your father and Lingtang. I am indeed not in a good state today. Goodbye!"

Looking at the aggressive Zhuo Rong, the man here has already exited Zhuo Rong's courtyard at this time, while retreating, he also apologized for what he said just now, and then left without looking back.

At this time, Zhuo Rong, who had walked outside the courtyard, saw this man walking pitifully towards the courtyard on his left, while the other woman walked towards the courtyard on his right. It seemed that he had told this man just now. , whose own is it, it should be her.

When she saw Zhuo Rong looking over, the woman also glanced at Zhuo Rong.

After nodding his head as a greeting, he walked into the courtyard on Zhuo Rong's right.

Seeing them all go in, Zhuo Rong looked at the staff here.

"Who are these two people, did they also break into the Bell Tower? Are you so arrogant?"

"Uh, Mr. Zhuo, these two people are indeed here to break into the Bell Tower. The person who clashed with you just now is called Kong Hao, and the lady here is called Chu You."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, the staff here also spoke up. .

Chapter 95: Synchronization

There are only ten cards in total in the Bell Tower, that is to say, there are only ten places.

Basically, the card will be handed in after reaching the age of 30, and the country has to check the quota for this entry, because it needs to keep a few spares.

So there are currently only eight card holders in Bell Tower, including Zhuo Rong.

These two are also the holders of the Bell Tower card, which means that they are two of the top eight trainers under the age of 30 in the country.

The person who just had a conflict with Zhuo Rong is called Kong Hao, his father is the king of heaven Kong Zheng, also from Lu Province, a member of the legendary sage family, the Kong family.

The son of the king of heaven, and extremely talented, at the age of 27 this year, he already has three elves at the lord level. Before the age of 30, there is no problem with all the lords.

He and Guan Ziming, known as Beikong and Nankou, are the two top trainers of the younger generation, but Kou Ziming only has one lord-level elf, Lucario.

But because he is also the owner of the power of waveguide, his Lucario can display the strength of the lord's late stage when it explodes, and can even pierce the two, so the combat effectiveness of the two is actually similar.

"Kou Ziming? He is also the tower breaker of the Bell Tower, he is not yet thirty?~"

Others Zhuo Rong may not have much impression, but Kou Ziming knows, that white-haired burly man with an uncle's face, is less than thirty?

"Kou Ziming is actually half a year younger than Kong Hao. To be precise, he is only 26 this year." Hearing Zhuo Rong ask himself this question, the staff here also recalled it-said.

"Twenty...six? All right."

Recalling the appearance of a white-haired burly man, and then marked a 26 on his head, it feels inconsistent no matter how you look at it, but there is no way, the birth should not be faked.

"What about this woman?" Zhuo Rong asked about the situation of the girl just now, throwing out the image of Kou Ziming in his mind.

I just glanced at the girl just now, but now I think about it, this girl is very beautiful, she is about 1.7 meters tall, and her figure looks good. She has dyed blue hair, which is quite strange, but her appearance is very beautiful. The value is indeed high, and the skin is particularly white.

"That lady's name is Chu You. She is the nephew of the current champion Qian Pengbo. She is the child of Qian Pengbo's wife's sister's family."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, the staff also explained.

"Good guy, they are basically the second generation of champions, the second generation of heavenly kings, I am not the only one out of the eight, I am a pure commoner." Hearing what the staff said, Zhuo Rong touched his nose and asked in a low voice stand up.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it seems to be the case. These second-generation trainers are actually easier to cultivate than ordinary people. When they are born, they can roughly measure their affinity for elves.

If they have affinity, although they can't get elves, they can grow up with elves. After getting their first elves at the age of 22, they can subdue the elves in their family who grew up with them. It's quasi-god or Yusanjia or something. "

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, the staff here also said helplessly.

And hearing him say this, Zhuo Rong was actually a little embarrassed, because he was actually the second generation of trainers, his parents were both trainers, but they were just ordinary trainers, so he had already measured Over affinity.

Although I don't know the details, at least there are some. The elves in the house are very close to him and will not attack him. It is precisely because of this that his parents manage him in such a relaxed manner.

Because I know that he will definitely be admitted to the trainer academy to become a trainer, so as long as he is not a fool and doesn't even know common sense, there will be no problem with cultural lessons.

It is precisely because of this that his parents didn't have any objection when he played with Yuan Tianqing every day when he was young. Otherwise, when the child was young, his parents never said that he should find those who have studied well to play with and learn from. What are you doing badly?

So Zhuo Rong also enjoyed certain benefits.

But from this point of view, Kong Hao, in fact, is okay, although he is very arrogant, very embarrassing, and he deserves to be beaten, but at least he didn't overwhelm others just now, came to Zhuo Rong and said, do you know who my father is?Of course, it may also be because the people who know that they can come here are basically the second generation of top trainers, and they can't be overwhelmed.

Besides, even if it was suppressed, Zhuo Rong probably wouldn't care.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Of the Four Heavenly Kings of Yan and Huang, all three have champion-level fighting power, and only Kong Zheng is the real king... Now that he is fighting Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong may not be afraid of him!

The king who can carry Haoli - Ye Haoli, let's talk to him again!

After chatting with the staff for a while, Zhuo Rong went back to training.

In fact, Zhuo Rong didn't care who he was with at the same time, because what he cared more about at this time was the problem of climbing the tower and the problem of understanding the field!

In this way, Zhuo Rong lived in this small courtyard for another two days.

The adjustment time of these three days is really good, because just as Zhuo Rong thought, at this time, all his elves have reached the peak level of lords in their normal state.

... ... ...

As long as he breaks through the king of heaven, it is estimated that there will be a blowout improvement.

After all his elves recovered, on the fifth day Zhuo Rong came here (he broke into the tower on the day he came, and then rested for three days, today is the fifth day), Zhuo Rong was ready to break into the tower again.

But to his surprise, when he finished his meal in the morning, adjusted his state, and went to the Bell Tower, he found that Chu You and Kong Hao were also in front of the Bell Tower, preparing to break into the tower.

Logically speaking, they have been here for three days, why did they start breaking into the tower today?

Obviously, Zhuo Rong has no way to measure by the standard of ordinary people.

"Hello, is Mr. Zhuo coming to break the tower today?"

Seeing Zhuo Rong approaching, Chu You also asked Zhuo Rong.

"Well, the two of you are also here to break into the tower." After nodding his head, Zhuo Rong also asked the two of them.

"Well, but it's different from you. I've only made it to the 53rd floor. If I'm in good shape today, I can make it to the 56th floor. Mr. Zhuo started from the 65th floor!"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Chu You also replied with a smile.

"Hey, we're here to break into the tower, not to chat, I, I'll go first."

Just as Chu You's voice fell, Kong Hao here also said something, and then swiped his card and opened the door and walked into the Bell Tower.

"It's okay, this kid has some brain problems, and I can't stand others ignoring him." Seeing Zhuo Rong's puzzled look when Kong Hao's back disappeared, Chu You here also said it calmly.

Chapter 96: Raising Too Fast

"Okay, I'm going to break into the tower too, come on!"

Hearing what Chu You said, Zhuo Rong also smiled casually. I guess it's not that Kong Hao can't stand others ignoring him, but he can't stand you ignoring him.

Of course, Zhuo Rong knew that there was no need to tell the truth, he just smiled, swiped his card, and entered the space.

When he re-entered the space, he found himself on the 64th floor, and he had 15 minutes to prepare.

But this time, he didn't need to prepare for so long.

After releasing all four elves and adjusting the situation in the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong also chose to enter the next floor, which is the 65th floor!

For Zhuo Rong, this layer is not difficult to solve.

Relying on Zhuo Rong's elves' improved combat power in the past few days, it took him just over 65 minutes to get through the 4th floor "one, three, three". It's just that the three silly birds and three holy beasts in the early days of the lord were bad for Zhuo Rong. No harm or threat.

When Zhuo Zhi came to the sixth floor of No.60, although he had already been mentally prepared, Zhuo Rong took a deep breath when he found that the six second-level gods in front of him had reached the level of the mid-lord. The six gods in the middle stage are more than five times stronger than the early ones.

Even for Zhuo Rong, fighting is troublesome and time consuming.

It took Zhuo Rong almost half an hour to penetrate the 66th floor.

Then 67 floors, 68 floors, 69 floors, [-] floors...

Zhuo Rong spent more and more time, and he would not waste a single point of the 15-minute break, and the people in Zhuo Rong's live broadcast room were also watching Zhuo Rong's elves nervously.

Originally, four-on-six was very troublesome, and the opponent was still a god, so it had to be said that the difficulty was really high. Even Shen Feng and the others who were still in class turned on the live broadcast room to watch.

While fighting, I also compared at the same time, what would happen if it was not Zhuo Rong who broke into the tower at this time, but himself?

But lord-level trainers like Shen Feng and the others shook their heads helplessly after the comparison. Let alone 66 to 61, it is estimated that they could not beat the five floors of 65 to 45. Finally, after spending almost [-] minutes of time.

After Zhuo Rong solved the elves on the 71th floor, the passage on the [-]st floor also appeared in front of Zhuo Rong, and Zhuo Rong also hurriedly replenished his elves' strength and healed their injuries.

And he took the time to rest.

But when he reached the 71st floor, he was still taken aback...

Because originally he thought that the 71st floor should be similar to the 71th floor, at most it would be a bit stronger, but when he came to the [-]st floor, he realized that it was not just a little bit stronger, because the six beasts at this time had already Reached the level of the late lord!

"No, according to the standards of the first 6 floors, 15-16 should be a level, and then 25-26 is a level, and the final peak is only 30-[-]. But now Why did it suddenly become a later stage?"

Looking at the six elves in front of him, Zhuo Rong's heart trembled secretly. If calculated according to this standard, 71-75 is the late lord, then 76-80 is the peak lord, and above 81 is... the king level?It's a bit too exaggerated!

"Huh, calm down, you will know if you hit it. If it is true, it is not right. At present, there are quite a few people who have beaten the 30th floor before the age of 87. Although the record was set by Master Ye, the 86th floor, But the same champion, Qian Pengbo, also reached the 84th floor, and the former champion also had the 70th floor, and even the current kings all have the level of the 30th floor and the [-]th floor. Become a heavenly king before the age of [-]?"

Patting himself on the face, Zhuo Rong forced himself to calm down. Fighting still has to be fought, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was a bit against the law!

Because according to what he has learned, since the profession of trainer was established more than 100 years ago, except for the first chaotic 30 years, no matter where else, at least after Yanhuang stabilized, the record for the fastest promotion to the king seems to be 71 years ago, the master of the former champion Ye Zhilan, at the age of 32, was promoted to the king of heaven.

Apart from him, even Ye Zhilan and the current champion, Qian Pengbo, were all promoted at the age of 34 or [-].

The promotion to the Heavenly King mentioned here does not mean winning the seat of the Four Heavenly Kings, but reaching the level of a Heavenly King trainer. Even so, it is extremely fast internationally.

Of course, there are some countries that mess around by themselves. Yinsan also once named a 12-year-old Kshatriya girl as a heavenly king, and the island country also sealed it. In fact, only junior-level trainers became heavenly kings. The reason is that at that time the first In the Second World War of Trainers, they became a defeated country, and the king of heaven was the child of the highest commander of the US emperor stationed in the island country at that time, and even this child was not from the island country...

Let’s just say that a serious Tianwang-level trainer, in his 30s, is already quite young...  …

So Zhuo Rong didn't know how these people jumped to the 87th floor where the Heavenly King was at the leader level by relying on the original fighting style of this world...

But in fact, Zhuo Rong thought too much.

Because when Zhuo Rong felt that his opponent had become stronger, everyone in Yanhuang could feel that his opponent had become stronger. People who had never been to the Bell Tower, or ordinary people, didn't feel anything about it. Because the introduction of the Bell Tower only introduced the first forty floors.

They don't know what's behind them.

But many people who came into the Bell Tower before felt that something was wrong at this time.

Especially in the National Spirit Garden, the old man who was chatting with Zhuo Rong that day, looking at the phone in front of him, couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In fact, Zhuo Rong didn't recognize him, this old man is not an ordinary person.

He is the former champion Ye Zhilan.

You look at him as if he is 70 or 80 years old, but in fact, he is already in his 18s and almost 3.5 years old. He retired [-] years ago [-] years ago.

The reasons for stepping down are also very simple. One is that the new generation of Qian Pengbo does possess great power and can take his place.

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