...... 0

Go all the way to the depths of Viridian Forest.

Because Zhuo Rong is traveling here, he doesn't hit elves, and he doesn't take detours. It can be said that he meets the mountains and opens the mountains, and walks in the water... so the speed is still very fast.

Hurrying all the way, Zhuo Rong finally arrived at the place where Casey said he had seen Rabbi at dusk today.

This is a clearing, but what is interesting is that the forest outside the clearing grows particularly well, and the trees are thicker and stronger than the trees in other places.

But not a single tree grew into the open space.

At this time, on the open space, there was a tree stump, and on top of the tree stump was a small shrine made of wood.

The shrine is not big, only about half a meter high and half a meter wide, but Zhuo Rong knew that this place should be the home of Rabbi.

"Be careful around you!"

Looking at this shrine, Zhuo Rong also walked over with his elves. Before the door shrine, Zhuo Rong bowed first to show his sincerity, and then took out the phoenix and Lugia's from the backpack. feather.

"Rabbi, the god of the forest, I have something to ask you, please show up!"

Holding these two shiny gold and silver feathers, Zhuo Rong also muttered softly.

And at the same time Zhuo Rong's voice fell, above the shrine, a door of time suddenly opened, and then a little guy who looked like a green onion, slowly flew out of it, a little He looked at Zhuo Rong suspiciously.

Chapter 116: Conditions for Obtaining the Power of Everpan

"Huh!" Zhuo Rong took a deep breath looking at the rabbi who came out, as long as it came out, it was right.

"Hello, Rabbi, I want to obtain the power of Everpan, what do I need to do?"

Looking at Rabbi, Zhuo Rong also asked.

"Woo, um." Listening to Zhuo Rong's words, Shi Rabi looked at Zhuo Rong, then at the Phoenix King and Rogia's feathers in Zhuo Zhi's hands, and it couldn't help scratching its head.

In fact, whether it is the power of Yulong, the power of Viridian, super power, the power of waveguide, the power of overcoming, 90.00% [-], they are all innate.

The power of the Viridian can actually be called the power of the forest, because it is bestowed by the Viridian Forest.

This ability is not particularly strong among other abilities. It has two main functions. One is to communicate with the soul. It can understand what the elves need and understand the words "one six three" of the elves, and the other is to use healing. Fluctuate to allow the elves to recover quickly.

In the special chapter, Xiao Huang used to be the heir to the power of Viking Pan, and the boss of the Rockets, Sakaki and Toto, also possessed the power of Viking Pan in some chapters.

It can also be seen from these people who have obtained it that the power of Tokiwa is still a very powerful ability. Generally speaking, the power of Tokiwa is chosen by oneself.

But now like Zhuo Rong, the one who came directly to say that he wanted to get it was still the first one.

But Fengwang and Rogia still have to give face.

After all, the elves are not fighting and killing, it is a human accident.

Especially for the favors of the two first-level gods, rabbi still wants to sell them.

So after thinking for a while, it waved at Zhuo Rong.

Then it opened a time channel, and seeing Rabi's movements, Zhuo Rong knew that it was telling him to go in with it.

For Shi Rabi, Zhuo Rong still trusts him a lot, of course, the most important thing is because Zhuo Rong believes in the strength of his elves.

So after glancing at rabbi, he also took back his elf, and followed rabbi into this time channel.

When he walked in, he felt an extremely hot feeling coming.

When his eyes adjusted to the surrounding situation, he found that the entire Viridian Forest had stepped into a sea of ​​flames.

Zhuo Rong knew that this time point was not the current time point, it might be the past, or it might be the future. Anyway, at this point in time, Viridian Forest was on fire.

If you want to gain the power of Viridian, you need to be recognized by Viridian Forest, and if you want to be recognized by Viridian Forest, you need to show your good deeds to Viridian Forest, and even help Viridian Forest, so looking at the appearance of Rabi, Zhuo Rong also reacted.

"Pray for rain!"

As Zhuo Rong's voice fell, Pikachu also began to use the most powerful prayer for rain at the first time. When the dark clouds gathered in the sky and the big raindrops fell, the original raging and forest fires were also restricted at this time. Some.

Of course, just restricting is useless, Zhuo Rong needs other methods.

"Lizard King, help the elves in the forest, Casey, you teleport to the sky to see the scope of the forest fire, and then Guai Li and Wang Wang leave to dig fire ditches."

When encountering a forest fire, it is not an easy task to put out the fire directly.

So the best way is actually to dig a fire prevention channel. As long as the fire cannot spread, the fire here will be extinguished gradually. Zhuo Rong understands this much better than the elves.

When the elves encounter a fire, they basically just spray water to put it out, which is not effective.



"Strange power!"


Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, his four elves except Pikachu also called out at this time. Casey first moved to the sky in an instant, and then roughly drew a range for the strange force and the king of leave. The leave king also quickly ran out of the flames at this time, and then began to dig the fire canal according to Zhuo Rong's request.

It has to be said that the speed of digging the aqueduct is still extremely fast with the two heavenly king-level elves.

As for Pikachu and the Lizard King who are still in this forest at this time, one is still using praying for rain, and the other is also shuttling through the woods, healing those elves who were attacked by flames, including Casey, who is constantly Shuttle, and send these elves to the outside in an instant.

However, Casey was still young after all, and after teleporting a few times, he lost his physical strength, and was taken back into the elf ball by Zhuo Rong, while the other four elves moved very quickly.

It has to be said that the way humans prevent and control forest fires is very good.

As the fire prevention canal was dug quickly, the surrounding flames couldn't expand...  

The entire mountain fire has also been controlled here, and the biggest function of praying for rain is not to extinguish the fire, because such a fire cannot be extinguished with rain.

The biggest function of praying for rain is to allow plants to absorb enough water.

Plants cannot burn if they have enough water.

These plants can be burned only after the flames have dried the water.

As long as the water can absorb enough heat energy, the fire will not start.

Seeing that the mountain fire was slowly controlled by the five elves under Zhuo Rong's command, the rabbi next to him was stunned.

You know, rabbi is the god of the forest. It not only lives in the shrines of the Viridian Forest in normal times, but also runs around, searching for forest fires.

But its method is very simple and brutal, that is, to use huge power and skills such as hardening plants to forcibly extinguish these wildfires.

But doing so will undoubtedly consume a great deal of strength and stamina.

So after every fire, rabbi will be seriously weak for a while.

But looking at Zhuo Rong's actions now, it seems that it is not particularly difficult to put out the fire.

After controlling the fire, Zhuo Rong also began to look for the fire source that set the forest on fire.

After all, if it is just to control the fire, it will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Zhuo Rong's elves also have limited energy, so if the source of the fire is not controlled, then the fire 3.5 will not be able to be extinguished.

And looking for the source of the fire naturally requires Pikachu, and its knowledge and domineering sweep away, and naturally the culprit can be found soon.



Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Pikachu also temporarily stopped praying for rain, but closed his eyes, and began to use his knowledge and domineering to search for it. As a result, after searching, he really found the ignition point.

The fire started in the middle of the forest.

After determining the location of the fire, Pikachu also waved at Zhuo Rong, but Zhuo Rong didn't call back the Lizard King who was helping the elves, the King of Leave and Wei Li, and followed Pikachu towards the fire. past.

And Rabbi Shi was actually a little curious about why the fire was on here, so he followed Zhuo Rong and ran to the place where the fire started. .

Chapter 117: Artificial...God?

When Zhuo Rong ran here with Pikachu, he found that it was an underground base that was on fire.

The current gate of the underground base was also broken from the inside and fell to the ground, but Zhuo Rong was very clear about the mark on the gate.

R... Team Rocket!

"This is the base of the Rockets?"

Looking at the gate, Zhuo Rong narrowed his eyes, and he hesitated for a while, because he didn't know if there was any danger in the Rockets.

Of course, even if there is danger, he is not too afraid. His elves protect him, and there is more than enough self-protection, unless he accidentally meets Sakagi.

"Casey, go and see if the leave king and the lizard king are finished, and tell them to come over quickly when they are finished." In the end, Zhuo Rong still felt that it would be better to wait a little longer, released Casey, and said to Casey After the sentence, Casey also nodded, and then disappeared instantly.

Casey already knew how to use the Flying Thunder Art this morning, and the Flying Thunder Art combined with teleportation is quite buggy.

You can directly engrave a mark on something with mental power, and then instantly move to the side of this thing, pay attention, it is a thing, that is to say, whether it is an elf, 26 people, or Zhuo Rong's house, as long as Casey wants Arrived in an instant.

Of course, Zhuo Rong's home can't be engraved now, because Zhuo Rong hasn't brought Casey home yet, but Zhuo Rong's elves all have Casey's mark on them, so it's quite convenient to teleport there.

In almost ten seconds, Casey came back.

And following it back, there are Wang Wang and Wei Li. With the strength of these two guys, it is not a difficult task to dig a fire canal, and it has been done now.

"Take a break, and when the Lizard King comes back, let's go in!"

Ask Pikachu to start praying for rain to lower the fire in this base. Zhuo Rong is also waiting for the Lizard King to come back. Fortunately, he didn’t wait too long. About 10 minutes later, the Lizard King came back. He was waiting for the fire to die down. Afterwards, with a tree world descending, all the elves were directly thrown out of the range of the fire.

Although the fire in this forest has not been completely extinguished, it is already much smaller, and it should be completely extinguished in a short time.

And Zhuo Rong saw that his elves had almost recovered, and with a wave of his hand, he entered the base of the Rockets. Pikachu's prayer for rain basically suppressed the flames in the base at this time. Rabi Shi also followed Zhuo Rong all the time, obviously, he was also very curious about this place.

When Zhuo Rong walked in, he found that the base seemed to be very high-tech, and the surrounding walls were all made of metal, including lights, some corner wiring, etc., which gave people a sci-fi feel, and there were still scattered on the ground. With a lot of information and the like.

A lot of them were partly charred, and judging from other parts that weren't charred...

Well, I don't understand, the characters used here are from the world of elves, and Zhuo Ronglian Niaoyu has not passed the grade since the second year of junior high school, let alone the characters of the world of elves, he can hardly understand them.

I can only know a little, such as elf balls, the names of various wound medicines, etc., because these things must be learned when entering the secret realm.

Items will also be produced in the secret realm. Although it is said that whoever picks it will return it, you must at least know what this item is, so Zhuo Rong knows these terms.

But Zhuo Rong didn't understand these professional words.

Walking along and watching all the way, Zhuo Rong soon discovered that this place seemed to be a scientific research base of the Rockets. What scientific research can the Rockets do?Nature is the test of the elves.

Because as Zhuo Rong slowly went deeper, he found that there were many damaged petri dishes in the base, and the corpses of some elves were inside.

These elves are either missing a part of their bodies, or some extra tissue has grown out. It is obvious that Team Rocket is doing very evil experiments with these elves.

But unfortunately, the explosion here also caused these unstable elves to die here.

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