Will Zhuo Rong take anger at Rindong Gym because of Pang Wenjue's incident?

This matter is very important to him.

But fortunately, from the current point of view, Zhuo Rong didn't mean that, but was still very kind to him, so he felt relieved.

"Go fishing in the reservoir tomorrow?"

Seeing Yan Zixiao leave, only then did Yuan Tianqing dare to pant loudly. It has to be said that trainers, especially gym-level trainers, still have a lot of pressure on ordinary people.

When Yan Zixiao was talking to Zhuo Rong just now, not to mention the people next to him, even the person next to him who was controlling the machine unconsciously lowered his voice as low as possible.

I'm afraid it will affect the conversation between Zhuo Rong and Yan Zixiao.

In fact, in the eyes of these people, a heavenly king-level trainer is no different from a national leader, and it must be that kind of top leader.

"Well, go fishing in the reservoir tomorrow." Hearing Yuan Tianqing's question, Zhuo Rong also said with a smile. After all, he kept saying that he was the live broadcast room of the rural farming stream.

But it seems that from the first day of the live broadcast to the present, he has never been serious about farming or playing wild. Every day he either goes out to do tasks or exercises at home, or he goes to the Bell Tower, enters Sansheng Island, and fights Viridian forest.

Tomorrow, I will honestly go wild at home, uh, that won’t work, because after catching the carp king, I have to go to the elf center in the town to verify my level.

"Forget it, if it doesn't work, I'll re-authenticate the day after tomorrow, it's okay anyway!"

After checking that there was no problem with the car, everything was fine, and after being given a temporary license plate, Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing also left the vehicle management office, but the two of them were not in a hurry to go home, because Zhuo Rong still had to buy fishing tackle .

Fishermen also exist in this world, but fishing is naturally different from fishing for elves. After all, no matter how big a fish is, it is not as fierce as elves.

Fortunately, fish and elves eat different things, so it is easy to distinguish them.

Of course, if you change the bait, you can use the elf fishing rod to fish, but it is ridiculously expensive.

An ordinary elf-fishing rod can be sold for more than 1 yuan, but for fishing rods that cost more than 1 yuan, you basically don’t buy the best ones, you have to buy top-notch products. This is the gap.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhuo Rong to buy poor fishing tackle. All he bought were better fishing rods. He bought a total of three fishing rods, two handles, one of 10 meters and one of [-] meters. Put, and then a sea pole, whether it is used or not in the future will be discussed separately, but the equipment must be equipped with it.

Then fishing chairs, rod bags, and all these messy things are ready.

It cost Zhuorong nearly 100 million in total, these toys are indeed expensive!

After everything was ready, Zhuo Rong also returned home. The preparations were complete. On the second day, it was still the same configuration. Casey, Pikachu and Wang Wang were at home, while Guai Li and Lizard King accompanied Zhuo Rong in Yuan Tianqing's car and went together. The reservoir on their side...  

This is also the first time this car has taken this kind of mountain road, not to mention that it must be much better than Yuan Tianqing's broken bread. It seems that most of the dirt roads and the like, this car has no problem.

When Zhuo Rong came to the reservoir, he found that there were many people fishing here, but these people were ordinary people, most of them were old people.

There are also some brats, with fishing rods at home or homemade, fishing for small fish here. These small fish can be played with them, or taken home to fry a plate, whatever they want to do.

"Hey, there are a lot of people today!"

Finding a place on the big side that looked pretty good, Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing also took their things here and prepared to start fishing.

The reservoir on Zhuo Rong's side was built about 60 years ago.

The earliest time was to store water to ensure that the villages below had water for farming.

But with the development of science and technology, this water is no longer needed. After all, the extreme northern province is quite rich in water resources. Two of the five major rivers in the country are in the extreme northern province.

Therefore, the problem of water shortage in the north does not exist in the Far North Province. On the contrary, it is still a province with a lot of water resources, especially the groundwater is quite rich.

After the technology has developed to the point where groundwater can be detected, and there is a very high success rate of drilling wells for water, this reservoir will gradually become useless.

Later, some people made plans to raise ducks and fish in the reservoir, but the problem is that the reservoir should be 3.5. Not only can you raise fish, but also ducks, and there are many water-type elves who are willing to lay eggs here, so don’t worry. Knowing when it started, there were elves in this reservoir, and the existence of elves made the people who built the reservoir lose their money.

Because the elves don’t just eat tree fruits, they also eat meat. Naturally raised ducks become the best meat. As for fish, although there will be some leftovers, once they are caught in the net, both elves and fish will be eaten. caught.

As for the power of elves, can human nets catch it?

So often the fish didn't die, but the net broke, which aroused the anger of the water elves, jumped onto the water, beat up humans, and even killed them.

So gradually, the reservoir here is no longer occupied by anyone, but there are quite a few people fishing. .

Chapter 122: True-Big Cruelty

"I'll go fishing first, do you want to catch elves?"

After Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing sat down, the two also fixed up their thread sets and so on.

Yuan Tianqing definitely didn't dare to catch elves, so he could only fish, and then Zhuo Rong had to choose whether to catch elves or fish.

"Well, I'll catch an elf first, and then go fishing!"

In response to Yuan Tianqing's cry, Zhuo Rong also looked at his bait.

To catch elves, you must use the bait that elves like to eat, but what kind of bait is used for which elves, this is particular, it mainly depends on what type it is.

If it's a slow-witted beast... Well, this one doesn't need bait, because it should lie on the water's edge, and if it sees the past and throws the poke ball, it will catch it, and it will be much slower to resist when it resists.

In addition to it, the lantern fish needs to use the bait of the charged system.

Marylou needs to use fairy-type bait, thousand needle fish needs poisonous-type bait, sun coral needs rock-type bait, giant fin flying fish, this game should not be able to catch...

As for the water system, you can catch more.

For example, the Jenny turtle and the little saw crocodile, well, these are all wishful thinking. Even if 26 has Yusanjia in the wild, it is impossible to live in the reservoir next to the village...

But other than that, water spirits such as Kodak Duck, Mosquito Repellent Tadpoles, Little Sea Lions, Large Tongue Clams, Claw Crabs, Black Seahorses, Horned Goldfish, Sea Stars, King Carp, Iron Paofish, etc., all like to eat water system bait.

Of course, there are no such toys in the reservoir, because little sea lions, black seahorses, starfish, and iron gunfish all live in the sea.

Although some people have seen the duck here, it does not swim.

Basically, the only fish that can be caught in this reservoir are big tongue clams, big claw crabs, mosquito coil tadpoles, horned goldfish and king carp.

After Zhuo Rong put on the bait, he also thought, if these kinds of elves were baited, how would he get them?Claw crab... Actually, Zhuo Rong didn't really want to use this elf.

Because he really couldn't think of any special abilities that this elf could inherit.

The same is true for mosquito coils and tadpoles, and the same is true for horned goldfish...

However, if he is lucky and gets a big tongue shell, then the iron shell shell after the evolution of the big tongue shell has ice attributes, and this kind of elf is extremely powerful, with a race value as high as 525, which is no worse than Yusanjia.

And it has ice attribute, can Zhuo Rong get a frozen fruit for it?

The shell version is young and immature, but it's still quite interesting.

Of course, if it's not the big tongue shell, then the carp king. Although Zhuo Rong couldn't think of any skills that the carp king could use, it would be good to be an ornamental plaything in the future.

While Zhuo Rong was thinking here, suddenly his fish floated.

"Hey, hey, hey, Zhuo Rong, it's fish!"

Seeing that Zhuo Rong's fish was floating, Yuan Tianqing was much more excited than Zhuo Rong at this time, and immediately began to push Zhuo Rong, and then asked excitedly.

"Well, I saw it, and I'm waiting for the heavy mouth."

Well, in fact, Zhuo Rong didn't see it at all, but he still chose to say that, man, you must never admit defeat.

And just as he was speaking, suddenly, the elf under the water gave a heavy mouth and pulled Yupiao directly into the water, and Zhuo Rong was not polite, he raised the fishing rod at the first moment, and immediately pulled Yupiao into the water. With full strength, the underwater fish is not small, but compared with Zhuo Rong's strength, it is still a bit weaker. After the two of them pulled like this for about 5 minutes.

The underwater fish finally couldn't hold it any longer, and was slowly pulled out of the water by Zhuo Rong.

"Hi, Elf, Carp King!"

"I thought it was a big fish..."

"I see that young man has a poke ball around his waist. He should be a trainer."

"The trainer came here to catch elves? Isn't this nonsense..."

"Maybe this elf is powerful?"

Seeing Zhuo Rongla's fish float to the surface, the old men who were still watching from a distance sat down again. Obviously, even if they are not trainers, they still despise elves like the Carp King from the bottom of their hearts. .

Although the Gyarados is very strong, the chance of the carp king evolving into a Gyarados is less than one in a million, and this reservoir has not had a Gyarados in decades.

If there is, it is estimated that the association has sealed this place long ago.

And Zhuo Rong is not angry when he sees the carp king, so he can be regarded as his target fish.

So he directly took out the poke ball and smashed it on the body of the carp king. With a flash of red light, the carp king was taken into the poke ball. When it was pulled just now, it struggled for 5 minutes, causing it to have no energy now.

So after the elf ball subdued the carp king, it only flickered for a moment, then stopped directly, and was killed. It can be seen that the strength of the carp king itself is very pathetic!

While Zhuo Rong picked up the elf ball, he was also ready to start fishing, but when he was baited, he also habitually glanced at the data of King Carp.

Elf name: Carp King

Gender: male (good guy, Liuxiong has a meeting)

Attribute: Water

Feature: Free and easy to swim (when it rains or heavy rain, the speed increases by 100%)

Hidden feature: timidity (when attacked by evil, ghost, or insect attribute skills, the speed increases by 50%, and each attack will trigger this feature, up to 1000%, and when affected by intimidation, the speed of this feature elf will also increase 50%.)

Ten Thousand Realms Skills: None

Height: 0.9M

Weight: 10KG (good guy 20 catties)

Combat Power: Newborn

Skill: Leap (Water Splash)

Recommended Wanjie skills: Yuyu Fruit-Blue Dragon Form (highly recommended), Water Escape Ninjutsu 163, Forbidden Art Water Escape-Hard Vortex Water Blade, Water Escape-Water Dragon Bite Explosion, Water Escape-Big Explosion Water Rush, Writing Wheel Eyes, Immortal Body, Immortal Art, Armed-colored Domineering, Knowledge-colored Domineering, Overlord-colored Domineering, Konoha Fluid Art, Navy Six Styles...

"Uh, the combination of Kaido and the Second Hokage?"

Looking at the Myriad Worlds skill recommended by the carp king in front of him, Zhuo Rong couldn't help but froze in place. Could it be that the guy he always thought was the mascot would be his first meat shield in the future?Think about the tyrannosaurus that evolved after the cruelty, um, well, it is indeed somewhat similar to the green dragon. Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing.

Good guy, I thought I was just catching a random elf, but who would have thought that the problem of the flying mount was solved, and there was an extra invincible meat shield.

"Sometimes luck is also a part of strength!" Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong laughed, and at the same time changed into ordinary bait, happy today, let's see if the fish gives face...

Then, at noon, it was obvious that the fish didn't give face.

Zhuo Rong is in the air force today except for one carp king!

Fortunately, Yuan Tianqing didn't, so he took the fish, Zhuo Rong went home and brought all his elves, and he went to the town's elf center with Yuan Tianqing.

Of course, Yuan Tianqing went to the nearby restaurant to process fish, while Zhuo Rong went to the Spirit Center, ready to start the upgrade assessment! .

Chapter 123: Newbie Rewards?

"It's opening, it's opening, bet on what level of trainer Zhuoge can get today!"

"Who is sick? I bet you this? Even if the anchor is 13, according to the regulations of the alliance, only when all six elves have reached a level can they become a trainer of that level. His carp king has just been captured. , does it directly have extremely high combat effectiveness?"

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