A slap is enough. Although this guy is hateful, he is not Yanhuang after all, and he did not break the law. In this world, there is no one who was sentenced for lobbying others to change their nationality. Even a rogue like the US Emperor will find some Other reasons for interfering with other countries to do so...  

And Zhuo Rong didn't need it at all.

His heart is still quite firm.

It's not to say how patriotic he is, but what this guy said really didn't attract him much. What he said, such things as money, power, and status, he could also get in Yanhuang.

Then he is the world's largest country, and his motherland will not stay.

Is he sick if he goes to other countries that are not as good as his own country and becomes a second-class or third-class citizen?

Go to a country to become the king, and then let the people of that country say every day: Get out, Yanhuang people, you are not welcome here...is this interesting?

Perhaps in the eyes of many people who admire foreigners, this kind of life is very interesting, they like it very much, and they are even willing to give up everything in the country to become a second-class or third-class citizen.

But Zhuo Rong couldn't bear such anger, and beating him would be light.

Hearing that Nie Ningshan was not going to buy any more, Zhuo Rong also shrugged his shoulders, and then he was about to leave. The people who were surrounded here saw the elf ball around Zhuo Rong's waist, and Zhuo Rong When they opened their faces, they realized who they were watching.

Then subconsciously backed away, watching Zhuo Rong and Nie Ningshan leave.

But in the whole world, there are no good people anywhere, no, Zhuo Rong has just returned to the hotel, and the video about him beating people in public on the street has already been posted on the wai3.5 network.

Due to Zhuo Rong's strength, the foreigner who dared not say anything at first became excited this time. He said that a person like Zhuo Rong is not worthy of being a trainer, and he should be deprived of his qualifications. Saying that Zhuo Rong is not yet a heavenly king, he dared to beat ordinary people in the street.

If he becomes the heavenly king in the future, then he must not be domineering over the people!

Unable to see how these foreigners sprayed Zhuo Rong so much, some people posted the reasons for the incident, but after posting, it seemed that these people sprayed more ruthlessly.

After all, in the eyes of these gringos, Zhuo Rong rejected the call of the lighthouse, that is, evil, brainwashed villains.

He might be able to keep Yanhuang and make a lot of money, but what he lost was freedom...

Well, it is said that there are many brains abroad, and now it seems that there are indeed many. .

Chapter 142: The Final Begins

There is nothing wrong with being patriotic, but in fact, there are many people who use the name of patriotism to do a lot of disgusting things.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Zhuo Rong. When he is live broadcasting, there will often be some bullet screens and black fans coming over to find trouble.

Why do the audience in Zhuo Rong's live broadcast room like Zhuo Rong?What are you looking at this thing for?

Has Zhuo Rong made any contribution to the country?

People like Zhuo Rong should actually be banned.

How much did Zhuo Rong donate?How many Hope Primary Schools have been built?

Such a barrage, to spray some celebrities, Xiao Xianrou is okay, but it is not good to spray Zhuo Rong.

Not to mention that all the money Zhuo Rong earned was taxed, and the tax paid was more than the sum of money earned by all these trolls.

It is only said that Zhuo Rong is a trainer now, but that is the combat power of the country. If there is a war one day, Zhuo Rong will naturally need to go to the battlefield.

Okay, let's not talk about these future things. Just because Zhuo Rong suppressed Sanshengniao and didn't let the secret realm of Sanshengdao collapse26, this is a kindness to the court.

These trolls naturally don't know the rarity of a secret realm.

They only know how to find fault, and spray for the sake of spraying, and there is no other reason.

Therefore, when Zhuo Rong saw such trolls in the live broadcast room, he would report them directly, silence them, and kick them out of the live broadcast room. As for the users reported by Zhuo Rong, the headquarters of Shark Platform paid close attention to them, and basically canceled their accounts directly. punish.

You know, in this world, Internet real names have long been popularized.

Even for a profit-making platform like Shark, one ID card can only register one number.

So if he was banned, he would use his family member's identity to register again, or else he would stop playing this game in the future and register with his family member's identity, naturally register one, and Zhuo Rongfeng seals one!

Of course, on the Internet, there are more brains like this. From their point of view, Zhuo Rong is unwilling to join his own country. That is his own country. Give him face, he is shameless!

Then there will be more sprays, but unfortunately, Zhuo Rong can't seal these people.

But Zhuo Rong didn't need to seal it, because he couldn't see it at all.

Even if his mobile phone is connected to the Internet, it is also on the domestic APP. What is he doing to read the news from the external network when he has nothing to do, and he has no interest in it.

In this way, Zhuo Rong went back to rest after watching the battle for No.3 between France and Soviet Russia in the afternoon. The turmoil from the outside world did not pose any threat to him.

In tonight's game, France was pretty strong. In the end, relying on Evelyn Ella's decisive counterattack, they turned the doubles and won the bronze medal in this U23 World Youth Championship.

To be honest, watching them fight was much more powerful than when Zhuo Rong played by himself.

After all, their strengths are close. Although they haven't developed any advanced tactics yet, the fights are really good-looking, punching to the flesh!

In this way, after the No.3 final, they had a rest overnight. At 23:[-] pm the next day, the final of the U[-] World Youth Championship also started in this stadium in France.

The two parties participating in the war are Yanhuang and the US Emperor.

According to the organizer's idea, Yanhuang and Meidi had better fight fiercely all afternoon, and then at [-]pm, it was just the closing ceremony, perfect!

But it's a pity that Zhuo Rong, who was the first to appear on the stage, directly gave the main team a blow...

At 1 minute and 58 seconds, Zhuo Rong's Casey went straight to a series of sixes and solved the No. [-] player on the American Emperor's side. However, it seems that the No. [-] player has gotten used to it, so he is a little relieved.

It is indeed good news for them that they didn't ask the strongest on their side to meet Zhuo Rong. After Zhuo Rong's side won a victory, the second battle will be the focal point.

After the US Emperor's No. [-] seed was selected, Kevin Flatt faced Yanhuang's original No. [-] seed, Nie Ningshan!

This battle can actually be regarded as the most exciting battle in this competition so far.

In terms of attributes, Nie Ningshan actually has a slight advantage in beating him.

Because Nie Ningshan's main force is water-based, while Kevin Flat's main force is steel-based.

The steel type is actually very strong, the most annoying poison type, steel is immune.

Then only the ground, fighting and fire can restrain it. The evil, competition, water, and electric types have full damage to it, but no bonus.

In addition, other normal, worm, flying, grass, ice, rock, super power, dragon, steel, and goblins only have half the damage.

Coupled with the defensive power that the steel system is already good at, and the powerful elves that are easy to obtain, this makes it very popular with some civilian trainers.

After all, elves with a race value of more than 530, many of the other departments need Yusanjia, or rare elves, but the steel department does not need it. The larvae of Boss Kedora with a race value of [-], Tuao There are many caves...

The larvae of the self-explosive magneton with a race value of 535, the little magneton, basically exists in a power plant.

The big steel snake with a racial value of 510, the big rock snake before evolution, can be found on many mountains, and it is not a rare elf.

In addition, the three non-earth royal families with a race value of 530, Emperor Nabo.

The race value is 500, known as the master of air combat, and the red flashing giant pincer mantis.

The Sword of Killing God, a sword monster with a strong shield with a race value of 520.

An aluminum steel dragon with a race value of 535.

The hero of Bird, Lucario with a race value of 525...

These elves are the pride of the steel system.

But the steel type also has weaknesses. It has a strong defense, but its attack power is actually not too strong. It only deals half the damage of water, fire, electricity, and steel.

Then Nie Ningshan is of the water system, and then...

This Kevin 197-Flatt's ace elf is Lucario, and Nie Ningshan's cousin, Kou Ziming's ace elf, is also Lucario...

This advantage, after a little bit of accumulation, becomes a winning force!

When the opponent's trump card, Lucario, was successfully taken down by the water elves, the battle was actually over. In the end, Kevin Flatt lost 6-5 against Nie Ningshan. Before Zhuo Rong airborne, the strongest opponent fought.

Although it was said that Lu Jing, who played third, lost, the match had already been won.

Because Zhuo Rong and Nie Ningshan scored two points in doubles.

In the first five games, no, except Zhuo Rong's game, in the first four games, as long as they win one game, they can actually win the cup in advance, but the old saying is good, the heart will not die until the Yellow River, and the coffin will not cry, The trainers on the US side are still working hard.

In the next 2VS2, Nie Ningshan met Kevin Flat again. This time Kevin Flat took revenge and won a victory, but then their third seed was avenged by Lu Jing , Sincerely, in the first five games, they played a 3-2, which is back to good.

All eyes were on the final two-player battle!

A lot of gamblers from the outside know, don't look at the fierce roar of these audiences, but in fact, there are almost no people who are optimistic about them...

The probability of the Yanhuang team winning the championship is 1 to 1.02, and the probability of the American Emperor team winning the championship is 1 to 3.31...

Chapter 143: The Last Doubles

"Central TV station, court TV station, the current time is 23:[-] pm in the imperial capital, and [-]:[-] pm local time in France.

Good evening, viewers. Welcome to the finals of the U23 World Youth Trainers Championship.

The two teams in today's game are the Yanhuang team and the Meidi team.

In the previous match, in the singles situation, Yanhuang's player Zhuo Rong won the opponent's player named Jason Scals, and then Yanhuang's Nie Ningshan won the opponent's trump card, Kevin Fo Rattle, but Lu Jing lost to Datley Newslett.

In the following two-v-two match, Nie Ningshan lost to Kevin Futera and was pulled back by the opponent, while Lu Jing won against the opponent's Datley Newslett.

The current score of the two teams is 3-2, with the Yanhuang team at the front, and now it is the last match, the doubles match.

As we all know, the doubles game is divided into two points, so even if our country's players are one point ahead of the other side, the two sides are actually even. It only depends on the final match. Director Zhang, what do you think about today's match? What about doubles? "

"What do you think? Sit and watch. With Zhuo Rong around, it's just playing with him. The outcome has already been decided."

"Hahahaha, although it's not very good to say that, after all, the host must remain neutral, but with such an obvious advantage, it's really difficult for us to remain neutral!"

With the end of the previous game, the time came to more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Of course, the reason why we played for so long is that, except for Zhuo Rong's game, the other games took a relatively long time. The winner will be decided only when the last elf is hit.

In addition, the organizers are afraid that the time for the competition will not be long enough.

So between the three 1VS1 games and the two 2VS2 games, we prepared programs, some singing and dancing, etc., to enliven the atmosphere of the scene, but it did increase the duration.

Originally, they felt that no matter how they played like this, the match would have to be held until six o'clock, but it turned out that the double finals would be held after four o'clock.

"Let's get ready for the award ceremony in advance, if it takes longer, let's make it longer."

Looking at this time, the directors on the scene knew that it was impossible for Zhuo Rong to entrust the game for a long time, let's conservatively estimate 10 minutes.

Then prepare for half an hour and present the awards. Even so, it's not bad if you can last until five o'clock.

There are still three hours left for the closing ceremony from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], hey, I feel tired just thinking about it!

What the organizer here thinks, Zhuo Rong doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know.

At this time, he was just preparing to deal with his opponent.

Following the position of the head referee and two side referees, Zhuo Rong and the others also walked out of the game channel together and came to the arena.

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