Pikachu's knowledge-colored arrogance has reached an advanced level. If the advanced knowledge-colored arrogance is concentrated, it can predict the future, just like Kaji, Luffy, and Usopp.

So Zhuo Rong may not know if there is any danger and what kind of danger it is, but Pikachu must know it.

Sure enough, when Pikachu was released, it also swept around with its domineering power.

"Pickup!" (There are some naughty bullets in the back kitchen)

"Yongjila, go and throw those guys into the sky!"

After hearing Pikachu's words, Zhuo Rong also released Yong Kira immediately, and Yong Kira also teleported to the back kitchen with Pikachu at this time.

Seriously, when Pikachu and Yong Kira appeared in the back kitchen, the chefs in the back kitchen were startled, joking, this is an elf, if this elf runs wild here, then they are dead?

Fortunately, Pikachu and Yongjila didn't have time to deal with them. Pikachu found the positions of a few naughty bullets immediately, and at this time these naughty bullets had woken up from their deep sleep. After seeing Pikachu and At the same time as Yongjila, they are ready to explode.

But Yongjila's reaction and speed were faster, and immediately wrapped these naughty bullets with mental power, moved instantly, and disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it had already appeared hundreds of times meters high in the sky.

At this time, the self-destruction of the naughty bomb has reached the most critical time.

Yong Jila also teleported at this time and returned to Zhuo Rong's side.

At the same time it appeared beside Zhuo Rong.

"Boom!" A loud bang came from mid-air. The huge explosion force even shattered all the windows of the nearby residents and shops. The passing cars were also considered disasters, and the glass must have been shattered. , and many cars started to sound their alarms.

Seeing the situation, Zhuo Rong ran to the window for the first time, and saw that the car he and Yuan Tianqing belonged to was also gone. As for Yuan Tianqing, he is still confused now, not only because of Zhuo Rong's actions just now Confused, also because of the explosion just now.

You know, this is Yanhuang. Apart from the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, the loudest explosions I've ever heard may be the tires of some big cars bursting.

This kind of explosion sound, for the common people, was greatly frightened.


After the first person came to his senses, the whole street became a mess, only Zhuo Rong's face was ashen, but there was a wrong and a debtor, Zhuo Rong knew that this matter must have something to do with Pang Wenjue, and even his father, because The explosive power of these naughty bombs is almost above the level of elves, it is impossible for Pang Wenjue to get such naughty bombs by himself.

So it must have something to do with his dad.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong picked up the phone and called Yan Zixiao directly, but Yan Zixiao's phone was busy all the time, and then Zhuo Rong called Shen Feng again.

This time the connection was made, but when Shen Feng picked up the phone, Zhuo Rong heard an extremely noisy voice coming from the other side.

"Hello, Zhuo Rong? Tell me something quickly."

Hearing Shen Feng's words, Zhuo Rong also immediately talked about his own situation.

"Pang Wenjue, the son of Pang Hanli, put a lot of naughty bombs in the restaurant where I was eating, and they exploded just now. Didn't you hear the explosion just now?"

"What? You got naughty too?"

"Also?" Hearing Shen Feng's words, Zhuo Rong couldn't help being a little confused, what does this mean.

"Pang Hanli has defected, and he also blew up the Winter Gym just now!".

Chapter 174: Defecting

November 11th was originally just an ordinary day for the bosses and commoners of Yanhuang.

It's not a weekend, it's not a holiday, those who should go to work have to go to work, and those who should go to school have to go to school. If you want to remember, maybe the biggest event in the city of winter today is the [-]th anniversary of the first trainer academy in winter. .

But these were suppressed by two bombings.

One of them was the assassination of the 22-year-old Heavenly King trainer Zhuo Rong who was known as the number one genius in Yanhuang, God Slayer.

The other party quietly put down four naughty bombs at the restaurant where Zhuo Rong was eating, but fortunately Zhuo Rong found out and sent the naughty bombs into the sky at a critical moment.

Although it still caused a lot of damage, the windows facing the streets of several nearby communities were all shattered, and the loss of vehicles was countless, but after all, there were no casualties, which is a blessing in misfortune.

The second bombing attack was much worse.

The location of the explosion was the Rinwinter Gym, the office area of ​​the Rinwinter Gym, and the rest area suffered heavy losses. The most important thing was the elf cultivation area and the reference room, all of which were destroyed.

Many important materials in the data room were lost.

According to the investigation, the people who made the case were Pang Hanli and his son Pang Wenjue. These two people exist in 227.

Later, after a satellite inspection, it was found that the two had already used an unknown super power elf to leave Lindong when the accident happened, and entered the territory of South Koryo at an extremely fast speed, causing Qian Pengbo to become the champion. The Kuailong did not come in time to intercept the opponent.

Just when Yanhuang was negotiating with South Korea through official channels.

They moved from South Korea to the island country, but according to the island country, they disappeared on the day he arrived in the island country. The last time they were found, they had already gone to Canada.

This is the message Shen Feng sent to Zhuo Rong the day after the incident ended.

Obviously, Pang Hanli should have been recruited by foreign forces, and bombing Zhuorong and bombing Rindong Gymnasium is his nomination certificate, and it is also to cover his existence.

Because he also stole (cgdf) a lot of confidential files from the Cold Winter Gym and took them away.

"Then there is no other way now?"

Looking at the message sent by Shen Feng, Zhuo Rong also used a certain letter to ask Shen Feng.

"At present, it is like this. It is easy to assassinate, but are you willing to let the father and son die like this? They must be brought back for trial, but we have no extradition treaty with Canada. , so something is not easy to handle.”

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Shen Feng over there also quickly responded to the message.

With Yanhuang's current strength, it is not difficult to kill two defectors abroad, but letting them die abroad like this is really too cheap for them.

Death is not scary. On the battlefield, one bullet can directly kill a person.

What is really scary is the time waiting to die.

I didn't see that [-]% of those condemned prisoners couldn't stand up when they were about to go to the execution ground. Why?Scared!

So killing these two directly is too cheap for them, and they must be tortured as they should be, which is also a relatively difficult thing for Shen Feng and the others to do at present.

"Otherwise, I'll go there? After I catch them, I can use Rogia's feathers to go back to the secret place of Sansheng Island, and I can come back directly without going through the plane or the like."

After thinking about it, Zhuo Rong said to Shen Feng.

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Shen Feng was a little moved, but this kind of movement was only a little bit, and then he rejected Zhuo Rong's proposal.

"I know you want revenge, but you have to understand that your current strength has entered the eyes of that country. Canada is not qualified and dare not challenge our country. There must be US imperialism and Shadow of Europa, if you go like this, if these people fail to recruit, they will very likely kill you, and the loss outweighs the gain.”

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Shen Feng also persuaded him.

He knew that Zhuo Rong would usually report revenge on the spot, but for his safety now, he had better be careful.

After hearing Shen Feng's words, Zhuo Rong actually understood what he meant.

It is nothing more than to say that his current strength may not be able to beat the champion, so if he goes and is surrounded by the opponent, it will indeed be troublesome.

Zhuo Rong opened his mouth, but he really didn't say the words that followed.

In fact, he is not very worried about this. After all, as long as he has points, his Pikachu, the king of leave, and his strange power can all be strengthened again. Even if he can't reach the championship level by then, it is still not a problem to beat a champion violently. .

But not afraid of [-], just in case, what if the opponent has more than one champion?

There are two champions in the U.S. Empire, the champion in South America also followed their lead, and the four in Europa. Apart from Soviet Russia, there are three other champions of the U.S. Empire. There are also island countries and Yinsan.

And the most important thing is, Zhuo Rong, the strength shown is too terrifying. It is hard to imagine whether Soviet Russia will also intervene. After all, in this world, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. Those who play politics A man's heart is black, even darker than a merchant's heart.

If Zhuo Rong is from a different country, then they may not listen to the American Emperor. After all, everyone has to think about and consider their own country, but if Zhuo Rong leaves the country once, then it is uncertain.

"Well, I understand, I won't act rashly for the time being, there will be a chance." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Zhuo Rong also looked at his elves.

To put it bluntly, it was still a matter of combat power. If Zhuo Rong had a combat power that surpassed the sum of these champions, he would fly to Canada now, grab these two guys and fly back directly.

How can it be as tangled as it is now!

In the final analysis, you still have to become stronger, it's that simple!

But how to become stronger is a problem. According to Zhuo Rong's original idea, it will be a bit slow to become stronger, so Zhuo Rong needs to think of a different way.

To become stronger, besides training by yourself, the best way is to find a partner.

"Huh? How did I forget them, aren't these guys the best sparring partners?"

As soon as the sparring partner was mentioned, Zhuo Rong suddenly smashed his hands, he thought of some good sparring partners, although he didn't know if they would agree, but the parents who came to them would agree.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong also started to pack his things, he was going to go into the mountain. .

Chapter 175: Looking for a sparring partner

"Dig Trough, Brother Zhuo heard that you were assassinated?"

"I didn't like him a long time ago, so I'm so happy!"

"An arrogant personality like the anchor will die in the hands of others sooner or later."

"The two dogs in front don't like to watch and roll, and you are the ones to speak in this round."

"Hey, don't be so hostile, you already know they are dogs, and you still take dog barking seriously?"

"Compare them to dogs? Dog lovers have five seconds to reach the battlefield."

"How can they have cute dogs? Do they have keys? Do they have them? How many do they have?"

"I'm not talking about you, Brother Zhuo, you've just been assassinated, it's better to stay at home for a while, why did you go into the mountain again?"

"Aside from other things, there are quite a few people in the Red Blood Army and those abroad who are willing to see something happen to you~."

"Yes, safety first!"

After Zhuo Rong packed up his things, Zhuo Rong left the house the next day.

Sitting on Yuan Tianqing's broken bread (the SUV is still in the window of the 4S Xun'an car.), drove towards the mountain - inside.

While on the road, Zhuo Rong opened the live broadcast room, and Zhuo Rong's fans in the live broadcast room saw that Zhuo Rong started the broadcast, and they all ran in.

"It's okay, I know it in my heart, those guys who can't get on the stage, want to kill me, they need a crown."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhuo Rong also said with a look of embarrassment.

"Look, he is floating again, floating again..."

"But what he said makes sense. Didn't he kill a heavenly king just now?"

"Heavenly kings are also different from heavenly kings, just like people's physiques are also different. For example, when I was five years old, I was able to bear the finishing touch of Lie Kongzao..."

"Damn it, you saw Rayquaza, didn't you kill it with a shovel?"

"Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe it."

Listening to Zhuo Rong's words, the live broadcast room was quite lively for a while.

Talking and laughing with these water friends in the live broadcast room all the way, Zhuo Rong soon arrived at the destination this time.

When Zhuo Rong got out of the car, the people here also saw where it was.

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