Hubein: Damn it!In reality, he is a handsome guy, and in the game he has a harem, so he must burn it!

Apple song: One thing to say and one thing to be sure.

Yazi: The scumbag in the harem dies, the scumbag in the harem dies, the scumbag in the harem dies x10...

Several people were chatting enthusiastically, while Guan Tiancheng was adjusting the grouping of the team and adjusting the distribution of items to the captain's designation.

After he finished setting up the team, he saw the record in the chat box and sent a sentence very calmly...

Horror: If you dare to BB, you will assign all the equipment you need to Lisbeth and Silica

Charge now and die: plop down on your knees

Hubein: Kneel down plop

Yazi: bow to domestic violence forces

Lisbeth: Hey, is there such a good thing?

Apuligo and Horror Rusi are heavy krypton players, but he has no equipment requirements for the ice dragon dungeon and is just here to join in the fun, so he is very stubborn and did not bow his head.

Ding, you have been invited out of the team by the captain [so terrifying]

Apple song: ? ? ?

Apple song: NO! President, I was wrong, please let me in.

Guan Tiancheng pulled him back to the team and got down to business.

It’s so scary: I’ll just write what you want later, the boss will be dealt with by me, Asuna, and Apuligo, your defensive HP is too poor, you’ll die if touched by an ice dragon, don’t rely on me if you lose experience.

This game has a setting of losing experience after death, but the leveling experience requirement in the later stage of the game is terrifying. Even a kryptonian like Guan Tiancheng has not reached the full level, so dying once is still quite painful.

Unlike ordinary games, the full level is the beginning. The player's upgrade cycle is very long. It takes at least a month to upgrade to level 82. He has played this account for three years and only reached level [-].

This shows the importance of skills. It is difficult for players who often die suddenly to level up. The lowest level person in the team is not the bastard Silica, but his second wife, Yazi.

The level can reach the entry threshold of the ice dragon, and the equipment is not bad, after all, there is a kryptonian husband.

Even if Guan Tiancheng didn't give her money on purpose, Yazi benefited a lot from what was leaked from his hands.

In order to prevent her from randomly running around in the dungeon, causing the loss of hatred and causing the group to be wiped out, Guan Tiancheng had to be vaccinated in advance.

It's so scary: especially Yazi, just watch the show in the future, don't add blood to the boss

Yazi: Husband, why did you expose me in front of so many people? It’s the kind that I can’t coax when I’m angry.

Asuna:  …

Lisbeth at the side quietly sent a private message to Asuna.

Lisbeth: Asuna, don't you feel jealous when your husband is having hot fights with other women?

Asuna: Why should I be jealous.

Asuna said silently in her heart.

"I just want to concentrate on fighting the boss."

The excuses she made in her mouth were also high-sounding, but Asuna still vaguely felt a sense of depression by the tauren. Compared with the enthusiasm of the second wife, Yazi, her real wife had no sense of existence.

Guan Tiancheng's shield guard married Yazi three months ago.

Before that, the communication between the two was very harmonious and they had never quarreled. During the game time, it was easy to decompress. Asuna liked that feeling very much.

But after Yazi joined the guild, it was completely different. Asuna could clearly feel that Guan Tiancheng devoted a lot of energy to Yazi.

In the guild chat, compared to Yazi's gags and malicious gags, Asuna's speeches are much more rigid and simple.

In the eyes of most people in the guild, Yazi's image is obviously cuter, even Asuna herself thinks so.


Asuna and Guan Tiancheng have known each other for almost three years, and the relationship between the two has always been limited to the level of good friends.

Sometimes Asuna is also curious, what is the real face of her gaming husband?

From time to time, Shi Shang burst out a sentence or two of information about Guan Tiancheng. Asuna said that she should not involve reality, but she gradually sketched the image of Guan Tiancheng in her heart.

"The eldest son of a rich family, very handsome, a sophomore in high school, and ranked No.1 in his grade for three consecutive years.

It's like a template character from an otome game..."

Asuna didn't know the authenticity of this information. After all, everything on the Internet is fictitious, and the reality is often much skinnier than the ideal.

If Guan Tiancheng is as Shi Shang said, I'm afraid the real world is even more popular than the game world.

"I'm thinking wildly... Anyway, in the real world, I'm sure I won't be killed by a tauren."

Although she has zero relationship experience, it doesn't prevent Asuna from being confident.

She has the confidence not to lose anyone's appearance, her body and temperament are all top choices, she has outstanding abilities, and her family is well-off.

With such a luxurious overall quality, compared to Asuna being bullied by a tauren, she is almost as good as taking the initiative to bully others.

Asuna: No, why should I bully others?It's all Lisbeth's nonsense.

Horror: Into the dungeon, into the dungeon

The progress of the dungeon was very fast, except that Yazi deliberately added a movement speed buff to Guan Tiancheng in the middle of the process, so that Guan Tiancheng moved a few meters more when avoiding the boss's big move, which almost caused him to be killed in seconds, it was basically smooth.

As punishment, Guan Tiancheng assigned Silica the Ice Dragon Wings that Yazi had been talking about for a long time.

Since today is Friday, everyone played until two o'clock in the morning, and they didn't log off one by one until everyone was hungry.

Yuuki Asuna took off the game helmet, staring at the scenery outside the window, wondering what she was thinking.

Chapter 13 Gu Gu Gu

At noon on Saturday, Guan Tiancheng was playing a mobile game alone in the coffee shop, and in the cubicle not far away, Mei and his daughter were having a heart-to-heart conversation.

The father-in-law was naturally overjoyed, but Mei was forcibly sent in by him.

The rigid relationship between father and daughter is very simple to put it bluntly.

Back when Mei's parents were still divorced, his father-in-law wasn't as out of touch as he is now.It was a social elite in a suit who perfectly met the old man's expectations, with his hair combed to look like an adult, and a dead face all day long.

He is knowledgeable, well-spoken and reliable.

From the standpoint of his daughter, such an excellent father is undoubtedly a perfect idol.

And then...and then no more.

Mei's father is divorced, running around with a bucket, and has become a middle-aged idler with sneakers.

The image of my uncle just getting off the plane is an uncle in a Hawaiian floral shirt, the image of a middle-aged idler is at school, and it is even worse at home...

It is very difficult for a five or six-year-old girl to accept such a gap.

Mei was directly stunned, not knowing what expression to use to face her father, so she chose to escape, and this escape lasted for a full ten years.

If no one pushes her behind her back, she will probably be able to escape for another eight or nine years.

If it were someone with a cheerful personality, the barrier between the two would have been automatically resolved long ago, but who made Mei more strange.

Mei's father is an eloquent person, as long as he is given a chance, he should be able to lift the alienation, probably...

Things were easier than Guan Tiancheng imagined. As soon as he hadn't exhausted his physical strength, the father and daughter came out of the private room.

"Ahaha, thank you Tiancheng.

Without the opportunity you provided, Mei and I don't know how long the stalemate would have been. "

"It's all I should do."

"It's so reliable, son-in-law, no wonder Mei relies on you so much."

Guan Tiancheng glanced to his side.

Mei's eyes were cold, probably because she disliked her father's frivolous image.

The father-in-law may have been a little overjoyed, since then he has been muttering, Guan Tiancheng is perfunctory, and Mei is silent.

Guan Tiancheng felt a little bored, so he played with Mei's little hands under the table.

As he expected, as long as Mei let go of her idol expectations, the relationship between father and daughter can easily return to normal.

Next, Mei and his father-in-law left for the hospital, while Guan Tiancheng came to the college to continue working.

It took Guan Tiancheng two days to finally smooth out the main personnel relations of the college. He didn't plan to reform the school system and just leave it as usual. The work at hand was roughly completed.

Guan Tiancheng couldn't help but feel distracted after taking a break.

After all, Lanyuan College is a girl's school, and it is a girls' high school with a long history. Anyone will have thoughts!

If it wasn't for his lack of energy these two days, he would have made up two short movies in his head.

"Should I use the excuse of reviewing the club's funds for a while, should I go to the track and field club, or the swimming club, or the archery club? It's really a difficult decision."

"I disappoint you, Lanyuan College doesn't have a track and field department or a swimming department.

By the way, it is the responsibility of the student union to review club funds. "

"Mei, you're back, uncle and grandpa didn't quarrel, right?"

Guan Tiancheng's face was not red, and he changed the topic as if nothing had happened.

Yai had a good understanding of Guan Tiancheng's character, so she didn't like it at all.

She gave Guan Tiancheng an angry look, and instead of answering the question, she threw a thick document.

"If you're so free, why don't you help me do the calculations."

"Oh NO, I shouldn't be cheap."

At night, Guan Tiancheng took advantage of the opportunity when Mei went to the bathroom, left a note and ran away at light speed.

Still playing games tonight.

Every Saturday is the game's siege event day, all guilds have the opportunity to capture a fortress, and there is a lot of sweet talk in the server at this time.

Guan Tiancheng's guild [Miscellaneous Fish Gang] is also attacking a small castle named Shacheng. The Miscellaneous Fish Gang is a small guild with only a dozen or so members in total, most of them are guild members' trumpets, and there are only six living people.

The guild guarding Shacheng was very strong, Guan Tiancheng and Asuna were both hacked to death by enemy swordsmen.

Apulige is a trash with empty output, manipulating hips, and has never won PK with others.

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