"There is also a bathroom to the east of the living room on the first floor."

Mihua cried out in despair, if she climbed the stairs now, she would die.

Mihua's face turned almost liver-colored, distorted into a Picasso style, with one hand leaning against the wall on the verge of erupting at any moment.

Despair ushered in hope, Shen Yu seemed like a ray of dawn pierced the dark sky, that was the sound of flushing the toilet!

Ten seconds later, Shen Yu came out of the bathroom with smooth steps, Mihua showed her an ugly smile, and then rushed in with a whoosh.

Five minutes later, Miss Mihua hugged the sun refreshed. She had never felt such a comfortable and peaceful life like now.

"Miss Hinasaki is really a good person, but there seems to be a few black marks on her face. I didn't see them clearly just now. Could it be an oil-based pen?"

Going to the washroom downstairs to wash up, Mihua borrowed a set of unopened toothbrushes, but there was no extra toothpaste.

There are two cups in the mirror cabinet, which are mugs of the same style and different colors. The blue cup is filled with mint flavor, and the pink cup is filled with jasmine green tea.

It didn't take much thinking to know that these two cups belonged to Guan Tiancheng and Shen Yu respectively.

Mihua felt embarrassed to share the same toothpaste with a boy ten years younger than her.

She picked up the jasmine green tea toothpaste and started using it. Fukaba also came to the washroom halfway through brushing. Mika was stunned to see her pick up the blue cup.

After brushing her teeth, Mihua came to the living room.

There was no trace of being touched in the kitchen, and Guan Tiancheng and Xi Li were not found after coming out for a while.

"Could it be that they slept together?"

Mika wanted to ask Fukaba, but found that she took out a can of luncheon meat from the refrigerator, took two tomatoes from the kitchen, and returned to the room like a gust of wind.

Mihua was embarrassed to stop her, so she walked to the door of Guan Tiancheng's room.

Thinking of what happened yesterday morning, Mihua's cheeks turned red.

"What should I do if I open the door and see Guan Tiancheng and Xi Li hugging each other naked?

Probably not..."

No matter what, she had to go in anyway, Mi Hua learned the lesson from yesterday and leaned her ear against the door to eavesdrop.

The room was silent, without the worst noises.

Mihua's heartbeat accelerated, and she knocked on the door twice, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, there was no response from inside, and she knocked twice again, but the door still didn't open.

The door was unlocked, and Mihua curiously pried open the door and took a peek.

In the room, Guan Tiancheng had bare shoulders, a thin blanket covering his crotch, and was sleeping soundly with a soothing expression.The other side of the bed was crumpled into a ball, and it was hard to see if anyone was there.

Denimflower sneaks into the bedroom like a cat.

Walking to the side of the bed, clothes and quilts were placed in a mess on the other side of Guan Tiancheng, and there was also a metal helmet full of technology, which seemed to be the hardware used to play virtual infiltration games.

Xi Li was not found in the bedroom, but instead of leaving immediately, she checked the garbage bag beside the bed.It was full of used condoms and dry toilet paper, Mi Hua blushed and her heart beat when she saw it.

But I was thinking in my heart, Ms. Hinasaki is such a person, she is really a person.

Of course, the most important thing is the man around...

Mihua couldn't help swallowing, turned around and looked at the big bed, Guan Tiancheng was still sleeping soundly.

Like most men, Guan Tiancheng likes to return to the original natural state when he sleeps, preferably without a piece of cloth on his body.

It was approaching six o'clock in the morning, and when Guan Tiancheng was about to wake up, he scratched his thighs and inadvertently pushed aside the blanket.

There was an exclamation in his ear.

He half-opened his eyes in a daze, his mind was still a little confused, and he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, and he only vaguely saw a female figure.

He hastily closed his eyes, but his brain froze and he began to think quickly.

It must be Shen Yu who discovered my prank and wanted to take revenge while I was still sleeping, hehe, look at my plan...

Guan Tiancheng continued to pretend to sleep and wait for the rabbit.

Peel off the cover of the blanket, revealing the territory of Tongliao like a pillar of the sky.

Mihua's adrenaline was secreted crazily, and she instinctively closed her eyes tightly and was too frightened to move.

After a few seconds, he opened his eye slits and found that Guan Tiancheng was still relaxing after sleeping.

"Huh, you scared me to death."

Mihua's spirit slackened, her legs went limp, and she sat down on the edge of the bed weakly.

At this time, Guan Tiancheng stood up suddenly like a carp, hugged Mihua's slender waist from behind, rolled her hard, and pressed her under him.

Just as Mihua wanted to scream, she realized that her lips had been taken away, and a flexible tongue stuck in, her hands were not slow...

Guan Tiancheng just rubbed it twice and suddenly realized that it didn't feel right.

He took a closer look.

The dense blossoms were panting with peach blossoms all over their faces, and their body exuded a fragrance. One hand tightly grasped the bed sheet, and the other softly rested on his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, just make mistakes like this!"

?This chapter has not been approved

The content of this chapter has not been approved

Chapter 25 Pokémon Battle

"Hehe, thank you for always taking time out of your busy schedule to accompany me. I am really grateful."

"Shen Yu, don't be so yin and yang, go out at eight o'clock in the morning, isn't the time just right?"

After Shen Yu stabbed him, he remained silent, and the two of them rushed all the way to the foot of Rishang Mountain very quickly.

There are a total of three roads leading to the upper level of Mount Rishang.

The far left is the road leading to Hot Spring Yiweizhuang, the middle is the main road of Wu Waterfall, and the last one is the cable car route on the right.

Because Rishang Mountain has attracted too many people who try to die and commit suicide, JC dispatched manpower to set up barbed wire along the main road. Coupled with the collapsed gravel and trees, this road is difficult to pass.

"Let's take the cable car up the mountain."

"After so many years, is the cable car still functioning normally?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. I investigated that until the year before last, there was a Tanling anchor who took the cable car to shoot videos. Even if the cable car happened to be broken in the past two years, the driveway will not be blocked. At worst, we will go up in a paper sedan chair."

It is a few minutes walk along the path to the cable car station.

This place is different from other places and finally has an atmosphere of modern society, with cement, steel frame awnings, iron fences and this rusty cable car.

Next to the cable car is a small house, which should be a ticket office or warehouse in the scenic era.

Guan Tiancheng walked directly into the house regardless of the cable car, and he had a hunch that he might be able to find a suitable gift inside.

Shen Yu didn't have that leisurely mood, so she chose to stand at the door and wait.

The room was dark and old, and there was thick dust everywhere. After killing the two evil spirit fans with eight consecutive shots, Guan Tiancheng found a good thing in the utility room.

"Oh oh oh, this is a star poster from decades ago, it looks super contemporary!

Although the color is slightly faded, the faces of the characters are completely blurred, and there is a kind of uncanny valley atmosphere...

But I believe my aunt will like it very much. "

Just as he was reaching out to tear the poster off the wall, a gray arm suddenly stretched out from the blind spot of his vision and grabbed his hand tightly.

A cold and evil energy passed over.

Guan Tiancheng was slightly displeased to stir up his true anger, and a counter-shock wiped out the ghost's hands.

"This salty pig hand really doesn't talk about martial arts, so he came to trick and attack my 17-year-old comrade."

After Guan Tiancheng came out, he told Shen Yu about the ghost hand, and asked her to be more careful when picking up things in the mountains.

"Do you think the ghost hand will appear repeatedly?"

"There must be more than one monster like this treasure monster. If you don't believe in evil, you can try it. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you are touched by that thing."

Entering the dilapidated cable car, the inside is quite clean, there is no dust on the seats and glass.

Guan Tiancheng walked to the front of the cable car, studied it for a while, and then pressed the start switch.

Immediately, the cable car made a sharp creaking sound, and then began to move slowly.

"Shall we sit all the way to the top?"

Guan Tiancheng showed Shen Yu the tourist guidebook of Rishang Mountain, pointed to the halfway up the mountain and said.

"The cable car has three stations in total, and the highest platform is [Yuzhigongmae Station]. After arriving at the location later, we will walk through the trail to the gate of Youzhigong. There should be a forest trail in the forest next to it.

Passing through it is the Valley of Death, and finally arrives at the entrance to the House of Knot.

If nothing else, your mother should be trapped in the knot house, and if not, it doesn't matter.

Yougong is the center of Rishang Mountain, and it is convenient for us to search around.

When you get to the place, you can use the shadow to confirm it. "

Guan Tiancheng chattered for a long time, and Shen Yu nodded in agreement from time to time, but her mind was empty and she only remembered the last sentence.

After entering the hinterland of Rishang Mountain, there are more ghosts and monsters from all walks of life.

As soon as the two got off the cable car, they were warmly welcomed by the villagers of Rishang Mountain. There were drowning miscellaneous fish groups, hanged evil spirits, and all kinds of suicide evil spirits. It was too troublesome to clean up one by one.

It's fine if it can be done once and for all, the key is that these guys can be resurrected, and it's not good to kill them.

Guan Tiancheng and Shen Yu felt like vomiting when they saw them.

"It's up to you, Brother Octopus!"

Guan Tiancheng took out the elf ball and released his most loyal servant.

"Hmph, Brother Octopus is a Ghost-type and Evil-type Pokémon, so he will definitely be able to deal with these guys with ease."

Guan Tiancheng matched a Japanese fighting style BGM with his mouth.

Brother Octopus was released and roared happily, his black arrogance was so strong that people couldn't tell which side was more evil.

"Attack first and I'll take it down. Brother Octopus uses [Random Grab] on the drowning miscellaneous fish!"

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