In Guan Tiancheng's view, there is no difference between his main body and the split body, and the split body is exactly the same as the main body.

However, the pictures seen from different angles are different.

In the eyes of your children, you are a kind father, in the eyes of your wife, you are a reliable and gentle husband, in the eyes of your subordinates, you are a strict and annoying boss, and in the eyes of your political enemies, you are a cunning and hateful mouse.

These are all you, but there is no way to connect the young master Guan Tiancheng with the mountain god Guan Tiancheng.

The departure of the main body is actually a good thing for the witches, because the remaining 'Mountain God' is only the Mountain God.

The master served by the witches is the mountain god of Mount Rishang. Even if Guan Tiancheng opens other trumpets in the future, this fact cannot be changed.

"Now I'll give you two choices, one is you stay here forever to serve my incarnation of the mountain god, or..."

Although the other choice was not stated clearly, Fengshi could guess that Guan Tiancheng hoped that he would go to Tokyo with him.

Perhaps from the point of view of the supremacy of interests, the benefits obtained by following the ontology are greater.

But Feng Shi knew nothing about Guan Tiancheng's past life, nor did he know anything about modern society, and he couldn't let go of the land of Rishangshan.

Feng Shi interrupted Guan Tiancheng's words, she was afraid that she would be persuaded and betray her current intentions.

"Master Mountain God, I want to stay here!"

Fengshi knelt in front of him, his tone was firmer than ever before.

"Well, I won't force you to change your mind, you still have a chance to repent before noon.

Since you want to stay in Rishangshan, there is nothing to discuss between me and you. "

"The mountain god is disappointed."

Guan Tiancheng said calmly with his usual expression.

"Actually, I guessed it a long time ago. I can fully understand your choice."

While the two were chatting, the avatar of the mountain god had already left the Water Palace to go to the Great Disaster Realm, where the coffin cage was located, and there were a large group of admonishing women guarding the coffin cage.

Sensing the aura of the mountain god, they immediately branched out and knelt down on both sides respectfully.

The admonition girls guarding the big pillar coffin cage are naturally different from ordinary witches. Although their spiritual power is not up to the standard of the middle pillar coffin cage priestesses, they are considered outstanding.

After the ceremony, their spirits were immediately freed from the boundless torture, and they no longer had to endure the torment of the underworld. In addition, a warm spiritual power came from the depths of their spirits to soothe their souls.

The evil resentment of the admonishing women quickly dissipated, and through contact with Fengshi, they probably understood the current situation.

The aura of the mountain god cannot be faked. After seeing his figure, the admonishing women immediately knelt down to the ground and saluted the new owner.

"Get up, don't kneel.

The God of the Mountain hates empty courtesy very much, and it is enough to bow when he sees me in the future. "

Dozens of miko said yes in unison, and then stood up one by one.

The master of the mountain god took a quick glance at the appearance of the women, and found that they were indeed all beauties, with slender figures and almost all of them had long legs.

Suck, suck, suck...

The master of the mountain god has already begun to fantasize about the beautiful life of the gods in the future.

Walking in front of the coffin cage of Fengshi and ordering the admonishers to open the lid, Guan Tiancheng noticed the difference at a glance.

He has opened many boxes these days, and he is very familiar with the original appearance of the coffin cage.

But now the Huangquan water in the coffin cage is separated by a thin golden film, which does not directly touch Pengshi's skin. This film comes from the power of the mountain god.

Guan Tiancheng touched it with his hand and felt it carefully for a while.

"It's not wrong, it is the godhead of the patron saint of the witch who exerted its power. Although it was separated by a layer, Fengshi did not wake up immediately. Could it be that the yellow spring water is still exerting its effect?

Doesn't that mean that the current coffin cage sealing ceremony can create perfect permanent flowers! "

He ordered the remonstrance girls to seal the coffin cage again, and the mountain god master went to Baiju's coffin cage to confirm it again.

It was not what he expected.

"If you don't care about the difference between the soul body and the physical body, it is unbelievable that the perfect eternal flower can be counted as immortal."

It stands to reason that immortality is considered high-end in any fantasy novel.

However, immortality in Rishangshan is so cheap. The only disadvantage is that it is limited to those who have the qualities of a witch.

After the confirmation, Guan Tiancheng himself explained the matter to Fengshi.

Kurosawa Eisei has lived for more than 100 years, which is really too long, but she has never felt anxiety about longevity.

After suddenly knowing that she could live for an unknown number of hundred years, her expression still did not waver.

Feng Shi calmly replied yes, unable to tell whether he was happy or indifferent.

"Please, that's eternal life, you can't be happier."

Fieshi was more or less happy, but so many good things happened these days that she was already numb.

My family has great supernatural powers and boundless mana, and it’s just a mere immortality, sprinkle water...

"Okay, then go out and call Xi Li, Mi Hua, Shen Yu and her mother over, I have something to talk to them about."

Feng Shi made a bow and walked out of the room.

Chapter 58

The four of them had been waiting at the door for a long time, and Jianzi and Yulia were also curiously pasting on the scroll to eavesdrop.

Seeing Fengshi walking out in neat clothes, everyone understood that Guan Tiancheng was indeed talking about something serious this time.

The four sat down one by one, and Shen Yu sat directly opposite Guan Tiancheng, looking straight into his eyes.

The other three were a bit restrained, Guan Tiancheng was no longer an ordinary person, Xi Li didn't dare to treat him as an ordinary friend anymore, and Mi Hua was also a little apprehensive.

The atmosphere became quite awkward, and finally it was Fukaha who broke the silence.

"You called us here because you have business to talk about."

"Well, just now I gave Kurosawa Meiyo two options, one is to stay in Rishangshan to become my subordinate god to assist my avatar of the mountain god, and the other is to follow me back to Tokyo.

Fengshi chose to stay here, and I also want to know your answers. "

Shen Yu didn't speak, but was thinking seriously, and Shen Hong had no position to make suggestions.

The air became very heavy again.

After a long time, Mihua slowly opened her mouth.

"Shan... no, I mean Tiancheng, if I stay here, can I also get the god position?"

"Well, you all have the same treatment. But the grades are different. Among you, only Fengshi and Shenyu are qualified to be the seventh-rank gods, and the others are at most eighth-rank."

Even if they are both in the eighth grade, there are differences between them.

Kurosawa Mika and Second Act Hall Yulia, the two of them can only be the last of the eighth-rank gods, but Crimson has the qualifications to be the first-rate eighth-rank gods.

Even the master of the mountain god can't break this restriction. Can a second-in-command like Mika Kurosawa who can go up the mountain in one day, be able to be her? She doesn't have the ability.

"We... No, but I haven't made any achievements. The position of god should be very important. Am I really qualified to take it?"

Hearing Mihua's unconfident words, Guan Tiancheng laughed out loud.

"Mihua, you got the premise wrong. I don't give you the god position because of your merits, but Rishangshan's current manpower shortage is serious. You are here to help me. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing.

Whether you are qualified or not is not up to you.

The mountain god is me, I say you have it if you have it, and I say you don’t have it if you don’t, it’s as simple as that.

I'm so sorry, but I'm a crony guy. "

"Don't regard God as something unattainable. A social idler like me can be a mountain god. You should be more confident."

Xi Li was silent for a long time, and it was only then that she mustered up her courage.

"Even if it's me?"

"Of course, but Xi Li is still very young, there are too many things in this colorful world that you haven't seen.

After becoming a god, you can't live freely like you do now.

The same is true for Fukaha.

But I welcome grown-ups like Aunt Hinasaki and Mika-san. "

Due to the embarrassment of Crimson's identity, the conversation between the two has been limited to polite greetings so far.

When she mentioned herself suddenly, Crimson was taken aback.


I...I want to be with Fukaha. "

Scarlet frantically grabbed Shen Yu's hand, so her daughter looked more like her mother.

"Tiancheng, you said that mother can live for at least six years, right?"

Guan Tiancheng sighed and could only nod his head.

"Then I will stay in Rishangshan, and I will explain to my adoptive mother in person."

Crimson grabbed her daughter in panic, trying to persuade Shen Yu not to sacrifice her freedom for herself.

Shen Yu ignored her mother, but continued to speak firmly.

"I didn't just think about my mother...

You said a few days ago, let me think about how to live after I find my mother, I didn't take it as a deaf ear.

I think Rishangshan is the best destination in my life. Here I found my mother and friends who drink with me. My ability is like a fish in water on the mountain, and...

This is the first time you seriously seek my help instead of relying on you blindly. "

Shen Yu stood up and hugged Guan Tiancheng tightly with both hands.

"Sorry, my intuition tells me. If I miss this opportunity, I will never be able to repay your friendship in the future, even if it's just a little bit...

Just leave me here and I'll help you. "

Shen Yu let go of her heart and let Guan Tiancheng feel everything about her.

"Shen Yu, you really decided."

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