"Mr. Guan, I'm ashamed to say that I'm usually a taciturn person. My father has always been strict with me. This is the first time I have such a relaxed and happy chat."

Isayama Meihan tilted his body, tilted his head and looked up, showing a sincere expression, which increased his cuteness by [-]%.

"Although Mr. Guan and I met for the first time, it is better than a close friend. I believe there must be some kind of fate.

Mr. Seki, Ms. Isayama, the address is too distant.

I am two years older than you, how about I call you Tiancheng Jun, and you call me Sister Ming? "

Isayama Meiyan showed an anxious and cute expression.

Some people appear to be simple and straight girls, but they are actually quite high in the tea ceremony.Such a little trick is absolutely fatal against an innocent little virgin.

It's just that the acting is not very good.

Guan Tiancheng thought that this gift was indeed not for nothing, and started to call her sister and brother within 10 minutes of meeting.

"It's my honor, sister Ming."

Isayama Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile spread on the corner of his mouth.

"In order to commemorate the relationship between you and me, take a word from your name and call it Tianming."

Guan Tiancheng couldn't help but curse at the dagger's toughness value of 35 points.

"It's a bit unlucky to be called this name. If the knife breaks in the future, wouldn't it be the time for me to stab you in the back..."

You are such a clever little devil.

After a few hypocritical and provocative sentences from both sides, they finally got to the point.

"Tiancheng-jun, you have a lot of questions to ask.

Sister Ming assures you that as long as I know, there will be endless words. "

"Sister Ming, don't worry, what I want to know should not be a secret. It's just that the lines are like mountains, and some things can only be explained clearly by the front-line personnel of exorcism."

"So that's the case, Mr. Tiancheng, you can ask."

Guan Tiancheng asked his own questions one by one, and Isayama Meina, who was short of staff, naturally took great pains to answer them in detail.

The two chatted for almost three hours, Guan Tiancheng saw that it was getting late and asked her to have dinner again.

Isayama Mei couldn't shirk it, and finally stayed for more than an hour before leaving.

Before leaving, the two parties exchanged phone numbers and agreed to visit Isayama's house next time.

Isayama Mei explained all his problems clearly, and unveiled the mysterious veil of the inner world for him.

According to Isayama Mei, the supernatural inner world and the social outer world in this world are two curves that are constantly overlapping and intertwining.

The two sides will only overlap in some links, and the influence of the big family in the outer world cannot penetrate into the inner world, and vice versa.

There is an important prerequisite for this.

In the entire multiverse, there are two opposing and interfering regular consciousness bodies.

The existence of rules representing human society, civilization and science is generally called human reason, and it is also called Tiandao and Alaya.

Represents the existence of non-human, fantasy, and mysterious rules. Its titles vary in different regions, cultures, and sects. The most common title is God, and there are also titles such as Buddha and Lingchao.

The modern mystical circles collectively refer to it as supernatural.

The continuous development of human science and technology negates all supernatural phenomena, while the myths and folklore derived from social development have in turn become a hotbed for the birth of mysterious and supernatural beings.

Humans have invented electricity storage technology, so spells that manipulate lightning are no longer mysterious and powerful.

When human beings created the Cthulhu Myth, some people would fantasize about whether the Old Ones really existed in the nihilistic universe. When this idea came into being, the mystery was born.

Human dreams and reincarnation of life and death are the biggest mysterious phenomena. The two most commonly used methods in the modern neon mystery world are physical attacks and using shikigami.

People in the inner world will not interfere too much with the outer world. If you are too involved with the outer world, your personality will be shifted, you will not be able to continue to improve your cultivation, and you will eventually become a mortal.

Conversely, if the people of the outer world keep exploring the mysteries of the inner world, they will gradually lose their status as human beings, or become non-human beings, and are more likely to be killed by monsters in the inner world.

If you stop in the middle, then as time goes by, your cognition will be corrected by human reason, and the memory of that part of the world will be distorted and forgotten, and eventually you will become a mortal completely.

This also explains why the video quality of supernatural scenes is always so blurry, often only black and white, and there are constant rustling noises.

Renli shouted.

"If you don't turn on the big membership, the picture quality is only 360p, and the network speed is only tens of K. Give me a full-screen mosaic, and go watch serious programs!"

This is always harmonized.

The social activities of people in the inner and outer worlds are limited to necessary.

Isayama Minghui is commensurate with Guan Tiancheng's sister and brother because both of them are in the other world, and Isayama Mei covets the position of Patriarch endlessly, so it is always right to make a powerful ally.

There is a saying in the other world.

The more you deviate from the concept of a living person, the more powerful you will be.

If this sentence is interpreted backwards, it would be a bit contrary to human relations.

If ordinary people want to transcend the extraordinary, they must rely on mysterious rituals.

Among them, the well-known pen fairy game, under the premise of meeting the conditions, even if the host of the ceremony is all mortals, it is possible to summon the pen fairy.

"It seems that the predecessor did attract the pen fairy, and died because of violating the rules. If you don't die, you won't die."

The so-called pen fairy is actually a kind of undead.

There are a large number of low-level undead floating on the surface of the living people, as long as they are not observed, they are basically harmless.

On the other hand, if you have a spiritual eye that can see through yin and yang, once the undead realize your existence, they will attack you.

Chapter 21 Three Illusions

"It is confirmed that the predecessor died of suicide!"

Instead of vendettas from people, supernatural events are much easier to deal with.

Isayama Mei has dealt with several cases of pen fairy murders. The behavior of pen fairy is strictly influenced by folk customs and urban legends. As long as there is no violation of the rules in the pen fairy ceremony, generally no harm will occur.

But once a violation is made, life will definitely be lost.

The ghosts of the pen fairy are generally relatively weak, and the enchantment class in the countermeasure room is strong, but they can't respond to such tiny fluctuations.

Death of the Predecessor doesn't have any plot elements.

The predecessor who violated the rules has been killed, and now the person living in this body is a time traveler, which belongs to two individuals in the eyes of the pen fairy.

"The pursuit of Pen Fairy is over, I don't need to be suspicious anymore."

After solving the mystery of the predecessor's death, a new problem arose.

People from the other world should not interfere too much in the real world. This is an iron law recognized by the mysterious world.

"According to this rule, my strength, which is deeply involved with the watch world, should not rise but retreat. How could..."

"Wait, that's it.

My strength is not obtained through hard work, but through cheating. "

With Fenglingyueying on, no one cares about your rules except jumping off a cliff to die.

"My plug-in is super brave!"

After solving the mystery of his predecessor's death that had plagued him for three years, Guan Tiancheng didn't go online to play games that night for a long time, but had a full sleep.

Because he spent last night in the ancestral home, he took a special car to school this morning.

As soon as he arrived at the parking lot next to the school gate, he saw a girl wearing glasses blocked by the car door with short legs.

The little short leg was talking arrogantly outside the car door.

"Master, Xiuzhiyuan has arrived."

Guan Tiancheng took out the comic book, and Ge You lay down very comfortably.

"Don't worry, it's only seven o'clock, I'll read comics for a while."

Guan Tiancheng changed his posture, took a sip of happy water, and deliberately shook the cover of the manga in front of Mizi's eyes.

Mizi was so angry that the Buddha ascended to heaven and the Buddha passed away, and he slammed on the car door vigorously with his arms crossed.

In the past two days, Mizi seemed to have gone epileptic, ambushing Guan Tiancheng on the way to and from school, and even brought her good friend Ji, which made him tireless.

At the beginning, the little short leg probably wanted to say something, but then for some reason, he focused on making trouble for him, and he didn't know what to ask.

"Could it be that this little short leg has taken a fancy to me?

It's like a kid in kindergarten, who bullies her desperately after falling in love with her. "

He thought so and asked directly, but Xiao Miyu denied it on the spot and taunted him, which made him very embarrassed.

Guan Tiancheng is a narrow-minded person, and he must take revenge.

"Guan Tiancheng, you are too arrogant. The school expressly stipulates that comic books are not allowed to be brought in. I will confiscate them."

"Which eye of yours saw me breaking the rules?"

"I can see it with both eyes. The book in your hand is a contraband."

Guan Tiancheng had already prepared for this, and took out the school rules manual of Xiuzhiyuan from his arms, pointing to one of them.

The most essential mental method secret book of modern martial arts is not a qigong diet, but a thin book of criminal law.

To deal with the disciplinary committee members, it is very important to master the terms of the school regulations.

"Take a closer look."

Yazi took a quick glance to confirm that there was no problem.

"You just broke the rules, don't try to quibble."

"Are you sure you want to confiscate?"

"That's right!"

Mizi with her hips on her hips was extremely arrogant.

"Then you have to take it."

Guan Tiancheng seemed to have succeeded in a trick, instead of denying it, he took the initiative to send the manga to Mi Zi. Mi Zi did not expect this scene, and the two girlfriends looked at each other.

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