Harumi Taniguchi felt that Guan Tiancheng's gaze turned into a thousand ants, crawling on her own bones, shouting loudly in her heart.

"Let me go, let me go, I'm not curious at all. If more secret news comes out next, I won't be silenced by this young master!"

In order to prevent the topic from continuing to expand in a subtle direction, and damaging his face, Guan Tiancheng talked about serious matters.

"How many days are you two going to play?"

"I want to play for a week!"

Yuzu got excited without authorization, and Harumi Taniguchi returned an awkward yet polite smile.

"If you want to play for a few more days, make it Friday.

You prepare your luggage in advance, and I will send a car to pick you up at your home one by one after school. "

Hakone is the back garden of Tokyo. It only takes more than an hour to drive between the two places. In theory, you can play for two full days.

"Wuhu, it's so cool."

"If there is something to do in the middle, I can also send a car to take you back. As for the number of people, there are not many vacant rooms in the peak season, and there are about eight places."

Hot spring hotels are in peak season almost all year round. You can enjoy snow in winter, cherry blossoms in spring, and stars in summer. Autumn is originally a hot season for tourism.

Bathing is a necessities of life for Neon people. This can be seen from the real estate. Even a one-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​only [-] square meters has to be forced into a bathtub for bathing.

And Neon people's love for hot springs is engraved into their DNA, and even Mei, who is not used to traveling, did not refuse, which shows its popularity.

Yuzu immediately calculated with her fingers.

One for Mei, one for me, one for Harumi Taniguchi, plus Momokino Himeko and Maruda Kayo from the student union, and even including Guan Tiancheng himself, there are only six places.

"Enough is enough.

It's a pity that my mother is busy working overtime. It would be nice if the family could go on a trip. "

"It depends on when Uncle and Aunt Mei have vacations. Anyway, the hotel is mine, and I can arrange it anytime."

Having said that all Yuzu's questions have been answered here, Guan Tiancheng gave Yuzu a see-off look, but the latter turned his head and chatted with Harumi Taniguchi.

Seeing Yuzi being so arrogant, Guan Tiancheng couldn't help but strike.

"Ahem, let me just remind you, even if you can play for three days, you still need to do your homework."

Yuzu immediately puffed up her face in displeasure.

"Don't mention such a spoiling thing!"

Half an hour later, Guan Tiancheng finally sent them away, and Harumi Taniguchi also felt that she was almost sent away.

"Woo woo woo...

I didn't do it on purpose, it was Yuzi who wanted to pull me, don't wear small shoes for me. "

Chapter 27 Grapefruit Still Wants to Play

"So I was released as a pigeon?"

"It should be like this. I heard that senior Guan often receives calls and asks for leave to leave school. The attendance rate is very low. He is probably busy with business now."

"Damn Guan Tiancheng, I've been struggling for so long. Xiao Bo, let's eat ramen tonight!"

"Mizi, please eat less, or we will be watched again."

By the time Guan Tiancheng finished all his work, it was already past five in the afternoon, and the school was over half an hour ago, and the teachers and staff also left work one after another.

Only the students who are still busy with club activities and hot girls who have nothing to do are left in the school...

"Yeah, I'm here again."

Recently, Yuzu has gradually adapted to the atmosphere of Lanyuan College, and her makeup is no longer a beautiful and frivolous hot girl style, at least it is barely passable during school.

At least not wearing jewelry and nail polish.

As a result, Jiangshan is easy to change and his nature is hard to change. Just after school, Yuzi immediately changed back to the dress he had when he first met in the hospital, only his hairstyle became a shawl.

If grandpa was still in school, he would probably be given a red card on the spot when he met Yuzi who looked like this.

Yuzi dressed up in this picture is very attractive, but it is very difficult for him to stand on the position of the administrator of the college.

Guan Tiancheng wanted to speak but stopped talking, and finally decided to pretend he didn't see it.

"Yuzi, this is the chairman's office, not the vegetable market. Can you be a little more serious. Mei and I are not married yet, and you are only a prospective sister-in-law at best. If you dare to be presumptuous, I will go crazy."

Ever since Youzi found out that Guan Tiancheng is actually a very casual person, her attitude has become more arrogant, and she always sticks close to him.

"What, there are no outsiders. If there are other people around, I will definitely give you face. Don't worry."

Guan Tiancheng thought to himself, when Taniguchi Harumi was around, you still went your own way and didn't pay attention to me at all.

Maybe in Yuzu's eyes, I am not an outsider, which means that my best friend is not an outsider either...

Cheerful and extroverted are Yuzu's strengths, and Mei once said that she doesn't hate Yuzu's character.

In Mei's dictionary, if you don't hate it, you like it. It is also difficult for Guan Tiancheng to refuse the closeness of grapefruit.

At noon, Yuzu played until the end of the lunch break before leaving. Unexpectedly, Yuzi came again just after he got off work. Is there any hidden treasure in the room?

"You can continue to work on your work, I will play a game for a while."

After all, she took out her phone and was about to put on earplugs to play mobile games, Guan Tiancheng had no choice but to interrupt her movements.

"Unfortunately, my work is over. I am going to find Mei. You can play games after you get home."

"Really, you will leave as soon as I come, Tiancheng, you don't hate me, do you?"

"I hate you so much, crawl."

After Guan Tiancheng packed his bags and went to the student union room, Yuzu followed him shamelessly.

"Tiancheng, Tiancheng, I have something to ask you."

"Just ask, I'm sure I won't answer."

"Tiancheng, you are a rich young master, you must know a lot of rich people, right?"

"and then."

"So... is there any son who is similar to you, please introduce me."


There was silence in the corridor, only the footsteps of the two of them, Yuzu waited for a while but did not hear an answer.

"I finally mustered up the courage to ask, don't ignore me."

"I didn't ignore you. I'm searching for candidates. Your standards are too high. Lower your requirements appropriately."

Youzi had never seen such a shameless person like Guan Tiancheng, who put money on his face in a playful way.

"No, you won't lie to me, will you? It's fine to look similar to you."

Grapefruit's concept of mate selection is more important than money or face.

"I know a few young masters who are at the same level as me, but it's rare to find someone as handsome as me. You can lower it a bit."

"You can really brag, isn't there a lot of handsome guys who are similar to you on TV, and you don't know any of them?

How about this one. "

Yuzu took out her phone and selected a photo of a popular idol.

Guan Tiancheng took a look and immediately laughed out loud. This person's appearance is indeed not inferior to him, but...

"This person is a ketone, and he is on the side of 0."

The handsome guy in the photo has just starred in a youth campus TV series. The quality of the TV series is extremely high, and it is advertised as a youth drama that will be produced once every ten years. Once it was broadcast, it won extremely high ratings.

The male protagonist's appearance is one in a thousand, coupled with his online acting skills, he has become the hottest little fresh meat star at the moment, so much so that even Guan Tiancheng knows him.

Yuzu sprayed his face with saliva on the spot, so scared that Yuzu hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe it for him.

Guan Tiancheng tied himself in a cocoon, and immediately kept a distance of more than three meters from the pomelo after wiping.

"That... I'm sorry, I accidentally sprayed you all over the face, I'm really sorry."

Guan Tiancheng waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

"I can barely bear being sprayed on the face by a beautiful girl. It's the first time in my life that I've been sprayed by someone. It's a little more than disgusting and shocking."

Yuzu accepted the compliment with peace of mind, feeling secretly refreshed.

"Hey, I'm so sorry.

But Tiancheng, you are also responsible, who made you explode such a big rumor so suddenly!If the paparazzi found out, it would definitely blow up the headlines of the major media.

The hottest protagonist of a school romance nowadays is actually a belly ketone, which is too outrageous. "

Guan Tiancheng shrugged indifferently.

"Yuzi, you are not in the circle, let me tell you a little secret, besides xxx, there are also xxx, xxx, xxx who are crooked."

"Stop stop, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it at all!"

The big news just now has already disillusioned Yuzu. I don’t know how many of my idol giegie will be spared. Um... It doesn’t seem to be disillusioned, it’s a bit subtle.

Anyway, Yuzu didn't dare to ask anymore, she was afraid that her little heart would not be able to bear it.

"Forget it, forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

"Why, don't you want to find a boyfriend?"

"Um, take it easy for now. By the way, Tiancheng, how do you know that xxx is a belly ketone? This should be very secret news, isn't it..."

Guan Tiancheng interrupted her words with a knife in one hand.

"If you dare to choreograph me again, believe it or not, I'll stick you up on the spot."

Yuzu immediately pretended to be afraid and covered her buttocks.

"But I'm curious."

"He is an entertainer under my mother. Don't talk nonsense to others about what my mother called me two days ago."

"So that's it, wait a minute, who is your mother, Tiancheng? Why have I never heard of it?"

"The person who married me is Mei and not you, why do you have to know."

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