Yuuki Asuna: Tomorrow my mother will attend a funeral, and the president will also be present

Rika Shinozaki: It sounds like a routine in a novel. Isn’t there 1400 million people in Tokyo? It’s too coincidental.

Shinozaki Rika: This is the guidance of fate. Asuna doesn't want to meet her gaming husband? If she is a handsome guy, she can get out of the order directly

Shinozaki Rika: Asuna, you are going to transfer to a girls' school. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Otherwise, you will have the opportunity to meet boys of the same age only in college.

Yuuki Asuna: No, it’s fine now

Rika Shinozaki: It's a pity, if I were you, you would have already made an appointment to meet offline

Yuuki Asuna: Listen to the introduction, my husband is a heartthrob, he often participates in social gatherings, and is accompanied by a lovely school girl every day to and from school

Yuuki Asuna: Maybe he already has a girlfriend, isn't there two wives in the game?If I date him, Yazi's position will be awkward

Rika Shinozaki gasped.

She just made a casual joke just now, and she didn't think it was a big deal, but she didn't expect her best friend to be serious.

It's like you complain to the classmates at the back table that the teacher is annoying.

You joked 'how about we beat him up after school today'.

As a result, the classmates at the back table pointed out various difficulties in every way. For example, the teacher was too strong for us to fight, and we didn’t have suitable weapons.

Not a serious joke, but a genuine thought.

Rika Shinozaki: Asuna's affection for the president is already full

Yuuki Asuna: He and I are just ordinary netizens, at most we have known each other for a long time

Rika Shinozaki: I didn't mean that...

Yuuki Asuna: It’s too late today, let’s stop talking here, good night

Rika Shinozaki: Well, good night

Guan Tiancheng spent the whole weekend as a beast.

Ken Muto's influence is far greater than he imagined, and the total number of people from all walks of life attending the funeral is at least [-].

There was a constant flow of people in front of the coffin, and a special servant had to be sent to clean up the censer where the worshipers offered incense.

Guan Tiancheng was like a spinning top at the funeral venue. The 100 business cards he had prepared were all distributed, and the number of bows was too many to count.

I just met a distant relative before, and Dad’s classmates came to say hello, interspersed with executives from the family’s branches, young masters and ladies from various families, cultural celebrities, people introduced by cousins, etc...

Every day, I keep repeating hypocritical social remarks, because I am a low-ranking person, I have to respectfully laugh at everyone I see, and I keep bowing, bowing, and it's still Tamar's bowing.

How enjoyable it is to show off the young master's style, and how painful it is at the funeral.

"Damn feudal and ethical society, isn't it just two years older than me, it's so annoying!"

After a disastrous weekend, it's Monday's commute to school.

Guan Tiancheng saw Iino Yako and the little bowl of the Buddha whom he was thinking of.

"Sister Iino and Daibutsu, good morning."

"Good morning, Senior Guan." x2

"Sister Iino, I miss you so much, come and give us a hug."

Mizi stood there with a blue face, trembling all over, and was digging around in his schoolbag as if he was paralyzed.

The big Buddha and small bowl on the side thoughtfully sent his siren to Mizi.

"Guan Guanguan... Guan Tiancheng, you finally can't hide the desire of the beast. If you want to attack me in public, I won't let you succeed."

The big Buddha's small bowl took out potato chips and watched the scene, the light reflected by the lens was ten times more dazzling.

"It's weird, I just want to hug Iino, it's normal among friends."

"Hey, just hugging and nothing else?"

"I miss you so much, come and give us a hug."

Guan Tiancheng slowly walked towards Mizi with open arms.

Yiino was stunned, not sure why Guan Tiancheng was going crazy, why his condition worsened after not seeing him for three days.

More importantly, should I avoid it?Wouldn't it hurt Guan Tiancheng's heart if he avoided it? Is it normal for friends to hug each other?This is neon, not France!

Yiino frantically gave Big Buddha Xiaobo a look, wanting her to come to the rescue, but saw his best girlfriend taking out her mobile phone to adjust the focus.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, even between friends, you shouldn't... and you can't hug them casually, at least in a room with fewer people..."

Miko's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became inaudible, and she closed her eyes as if giving up the treatment.

The imaginary hug did not come, but I felt a gentle big hand caressing my forehead, and gently combing the hair between the fingers.

Very comfortable, but there is a subtle feeling of being underestimated.

Mizi opened his eyes and saw Guan Tiancheng's happy smile. For some reason, he became very angry, and his shyness disappeared instantly.

Mizi slapped Guan Tiancheng's hand off, and took two steps back.

"Didn't you say you want to hug, why did you change it to touch your head?"

"Hugging and touching the head are both ways of expressing love. I think Iino-senpai prefers the latter. How is my technique not bad?"

Chapter 35 Sleeping Black Tea

"That's the way you touch pets!"

Mizi pinched the soft flesh around his waist angrily, and unceremoniously twisted it vigorously.

"Hey, oh, lightly, lightly."

Probably all girls have the specialty of pinching. When Mei and Ai Hayasaka are angry, they also like to pinch his waist the most, followed by stepping on his feet.

Naturally, an attack of this level couldn't break through the iron shirt's defense, but in order to make Iino Yako happy, Guan Tiancheng howled a few times cooperatively and raised his hands in surrender.

After a round of jumping around, Mizi finally calmed down, Xiaobo got several interesting photos, Guan Tiancheng's pressure was relieved, and everyone has a bright future.

"I've spent these two days in hell, and Miko is the best."

Guan Tiancheng's hand fell on Mizi's shoulder.

Mizi pinched him with reddened cheeks in embarrassment, but the force was so light that even a mosquito could not be pinched, it was so itchy.

"Did senior go to Fukushima to block the nuclear power plant on the weekend?"

"I attended Ken Muto's funeral on the weekend, sent out 100 business cards, and bowed [-] times by the way."

Iino Yako and Dafo Xiaobo have also participated in many social activities, so they naturally know how painful it is to meet their elders. Nihong is also a member of the Zhonghua cultural circle who attaches great importance to superficial etiquette.

Obviously, I have only met you once or twice since I was born, and I am not familiar with you at all, but I keep nodding and bowing, smiling and catering to the other party's inquiries.

How much is your salary, are you married, do you have a house in a first-tier city, why haven’t you been promoted after working for several years, so it’s no wonder you’re single because you drive a Mazda...

Then he falsely reprimanded him, and turned to show off how cute his grandson is, telling you to hurry up and have a child too.

Ten thousand bows is an exaggeration, but 100 business cards are not fake.

Say hello to a hundred seven aunts and eight aunts in a row...

The two of them imagined the picture in their minds one after another, and shuddered at the same time.

"It's hell indeed, no wonder seniors have to touch Mizi's head to relieve stress."

"I'll forgive you this time, next time... don't touch my head casually next time."

Taking advantage of the atmosphere, Guan Tiancheng formally exchanged phone numbers and LINE numbers with the two, and changed their address to a more intimate level.

"At present, there should be three red hearts on the short legs, and one more heart on the top of the big Buddha's small bowl. Sure enough, Mizi is cuter."

Because Guan Tiancheng couldn't understand what the little bowl of the big Buddha was thinking, and was covered by a pair of big glasses, so he couldn't see his expression at all...

The little short legs are easy to understand, Guan Tiancheng felt that as long as he worked a little harder, he could coax her to bed that night.

In interpersonal communication, he seldom takes actions with strong purpose, and everything goes with the flow, and neither good nor bad results are deliberately forced.

This is Guan Tiancheng's way of being a man.

Translating into adult words means not taking the initiative, not refusing, not being responsible...

After school in the afternoon, Mizi and Dafo were invited to come to Guan Tiancheng's house to play. Last week he made a promise to give Mizi a set of comics, and he tried not to break his promise.

"Please come in."

Opening the door, one can see a spacious hallway. There are dozens of pairs of men's shoes in the walk-in shoe and hat room. Miko glanced at the women's high-heeled shoes and boots.

Go through the corridor to the large living room with a wider view.

Surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, marble floor tiles, a sofa that can lie flat for a person, a floor height of nearly four meters, hotel-style decoration style, colorful lamp heads on the roof...

"It's more like an action film studio than a private house. There won't be a camera hidden in the corner, right?"

Miko's brain is very clever only in the aspect of yellow waste. In an instant, his brain made up 10 terabytes of 4K resources.

The conclusion of the observation is.

"Cleaner than I expected, the furniture is so new."

Guan Tiancheng used to present himself clean and fresh in school, his body seemed to be highlighted all the time, it was not surprising that the room was clean and tidy.

"My father bought this house a year ago. I usually live here alone, and many of the furnishings have never changed."

Guan Tiancheng took out three cans of drinks from the freezer and put them on the coffee table in a cheap way.

"Is only black tea okay?"

Mizi instantly got the meme, but reservedly pretended not to understand.

"Miko-chan and classmate Xiaobo, you must be very careful. It is very dangerous to go to the home of a notorious opposite sex alone.

You have to be vigilant at all times, and it's best to keep communicating with people on your phone at all times.

In addition, there are many unexpected dangers.

For example, the hidden pinhole camera in the bathroom may have a drink containing sleeping pills. If a house is built, the basement prison will have to be guarded against. "

Guan Tiancheng shoved the drink in front of the two of them meanly.

"Please use."

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