After school on Tuesday afternoon, Guan Tiancheng asked Ai Hayasaka to come out to play.

Both of them have carefully dressed up, and their clothes are completely different from when they were wearing school uniforms.

The man is wearing a frivolous scumbag outfit, and the woman is also full of support, which can be described as crouching dragon and phoenix.

Similar images frequently appear in various film and television works. As long as two people appear in one screen at the same time, it will make people think about it.

You can tell at a glance that if you want to stay out at night, there must be a beep plot next.

The man put one arm on the woman's shoulder, and the woman threw chocolate bars to the man with a dissatisfied expression.

He is definitely an old hand with rich experience, without the shyness and inexperience of novice players.

This kind of couple's aura of acting like no one else, no one dares to approach within three feet.

"If I were a good man, I wouldn't be able to maintain such a relationship with Ms. Hayasaka."

"It's true that Mei Lanyuan is your fiancée, but there is also the possibility that you refuse a blind date because of me, right?

After all, I knew you a year before her. "

Hayasaka Ai only has a lot of resentment towards Lanyuan Mei.

Obviously I came first, but in the end you won the final victory without doing anything. What is even more annoying is that Mei put on an attitude that even if Guan Tiancheng is an ugly fat pig, it doesn't matter.

She agreed to the marriage contract not because of Guan Tiancheng's personal qualities, but because he is the young master of the Guan family.

Every time she goes on a date, Hayasaka Ai will spare no effort to speak ill of Mei and provoke the relationship between the fiancée.

It's useless, but at least it makes her feel better.

"Don't put the plot in the girl's manga in the real world, if you take a step back and say that your home is not annexed by the Shinomiya family, there is still such a possibility.

Grandpa would never allow me to marry a girl from an ordinary family. "

Hayasaka Ai stuck a chocolate bar into Guan Tiancheng's nostrils in disgust.

"Wow, as soon as this person mentions a topic that is not good for him, he immediately uses grandpa as a shield, you are such a filial son.

Obviously your mother was born as a commoner, so why can't I do what she can? "

"My mother is a national-level movie star with high influence and popularity, where is the ordinary civilian?

What matters is not status, class status, but whether it can help me.

In the eyes of grandpa, maybe a rich widow from a family is more suitable than Mei. "

Ai Hayasaka imagined the scene of Guan Tiancheng marrying a fat aunt who is 30 years older than herself...

"Pfft, hahahahahaha."

Hayasaka Ai couldn't hold back, and sprayed him face to face. Guan Tiancheng's embarrassed expression made her tremble, and she wiped Guan Tiancheng's face while smiling innocently.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I sprayed your face, hahaha..."

"Aichan, you're not apologizing, you've been laughing all the time."

Guan Tiancheng's eyes lost their brilliance and let Ai Hayasaka play with her at will, since her hairstyle must be messed up anyway.

Oops, I'm too smug, it's not easy to coax now.

Hayasaka Ai knows how stinky Guan Tiancheng is, and his hairstyle is like his second life.Usually stepping on his feet and pinching his waist casually will not make him angry, but the hairstyle can't be broken or slapped in the face.

"Is it necessary to show the expression of 'I just bought the stock with full position and received a delisting notice the next day'?"

"Stop, stop, your metaphor is really terrible, change it."

"The sports car I just bought hadn't been driven for a few rounds before the kid drew a pig's head on the car cover with spray paint that couldn't be washed off."

"Hayasaka, are you a demon?"

The two chatted idly on the bench for almost an hour.In early spring, the sun sets relatively early, and a cold wind gradually blows in the park.

Guan Tiancheng took Ai Hayasaka's arm and strolled leisurely down the street.

"Where are you going to play next?"

"Ai-chan, is there somewhere to go?"

"I want to sing, go to karaoke for half an hour, and then eat ramen."

As for what to do after dinner...

Ai Hayasaka scratched Guan Tiancheng's palm, and the two looked at each other and smiled self-evidently.

At this time, the atmosphere was just right, the faces of the two kept getting closer, and the warm breath hit their cheeks, and Ai Hayasaka obediently closed her eyes.

"Improper heterosexual contact is prohibited!"

Suddenly a petite figure pushed the two of them away like Yasuo opened up.

Hayasaka almost fell down, but when he was about to lose his temper, his face changed drastically, and he put on women's glasses like a conditioned reflex.

"Off-campus sexual intercourse is illegal!"

The voice was almost roaring, and the pedestrians around looked over one after another.

In order not to appear on the scandal page the next day, Guan Tiancheng took Huang Qingcang to the left and Qingcang to the right, and took the two of them with his left and right hands to hide in the nearest karaoke shop.

"Little short leg, why did you jump out all of a sudden?"

Furious, Yako Iino raised her hand and slashed at the hand holding Hayasaka Ai with a knife.

Guan Tiancheng's kung fu is all in his left and right hands, so such a light attack is completely useless.

Yazi made too much strength and put on a pain mask in pain.

"I just changed my attitude toward my seniors a little bit, and then I did this... this, this kind of shameless and dirty behavior."

"I'm just an ordinary girl who asked out to play. How can I be brazen, obscene and dirty?"

"So it is illegal to say that aiding X is illegal. As a student of the Xiuzhi Academy, you actually did such a despicable act. I misunderstood you, Guan Tiancheng!"

Guan Tiancheng raised Ai Hayasaka's hand and asked in a daze.

"Miss Smithy? Sex girl?

Hey, it sounds a bit like hearing you say that. Could it be that Miss Smithy has been on the [20xx Ranking of Animated Characters Who Look Like Doing Enguang]? "

"Looks like a ghost, you scumbag, it's not because you like me to dress up like this!"

"So you let me go!"

The sudden incident at the Shura field put the karaoke staff in a dilemma.

But Guan Tiancheng took them by the hand and walked to the front desk very calmly.

"Open a box for an hour. Then come two bottles of Pikachu-patterned carbonated drinks, three fruit plates, one of this and this and this.

You don't have to be polite to order a few of Miko sauce, today I'm treating you. "

Chapter 46 Great Crisis

"Wait a minute, why did you enter the karaoke and opened the box?"

"Going to karaoke is of course to sing, and the invitation is just by the way."

"Compared to this, explain to me the current situation, who is she, and what are you going to do."

Both of them understand that if they don't coax Mizi well, they can't do anything in the future.

Guan Tiancheng gave Hayasaka Ai a look.

Hayasaka Ai immediately used a very exaggerated tone and body movements, and lied like breathing.

"Good night, Miss Miko, I am Smithy A. Hasaka, I don't work, and I am cool at night."

"She is a neon-Irish half-breed, and the neon says notgood. My relatives, I will take her to visit Tokyo."

Miko has been dazzled by the new language mixed with Japanese, English, slang, and hometown dialect. His mind is full of questioning and anger, and he can't speak, and he is overwhelmed.

Before the CPU was overloaded, Miko miraculously recalled the smooth conversation between the two just now.

Taking another look at Hayasaka's playful expression and Guan Tiancheng's crooked smile, he still doesn't understand what's going on.

"Guan Tiancheng!

How dare you play tricks on me!

She can obviously speak Japanese and is super fluent, without any foreign accent. "

At the same time, Yako also noticed Ai Hayasaka's blond hair and blue eyes. Coupled with this Western European appearance, she seemed to be a real foreigner.

But Mizi always felt that this person looked familiar, had he seen him somewhere?

Yako-chan's eyes gradually became sharper, and Hayasaka Ai hurriedly sent out a distress signal.

"Ahem, I was just joking to ease the atmosphere.

Smithy is indeed my relative, and I am showing her around Tokyo.She was a little tired just now, so I happened to pass by a karaoke bar and brought her to sing. "

"Is this really the case? Then why hold hands!"

"There are too many pedestrians on the street, and the sun will soon set. If they get separated, it will be very troublesome."

"Your faces are almost overlapping for a kiss?"

"Smithy got sand in his eye, let me blow it."

The cause and effect were explained very clearly, but Mizi didn't even believe a word, she only believed in her own eyes.

Miko also reacted.

She had no evidence to identify Smithy as the girl who aided X, and she had no position to destroy Guan Tiancheng's date with someone else.

But Mizi was not happy, and felt very depressed when he saw them holding hands, as if his heart was being held, and even the air he inhaled was bitter.

At this moment, there was a little embarrassment in the air.

Yako glanced at Ai Hayasaka anxiously.

The girl in front of me is so beautiful and youthful, dressed in fancy and fashionable clothes, with a nice smell of perfume on her body, like a heroine under the spotlight.

Uh... the heroine refers to the feeling on the cover of the Youth Training Manual.

In contrast, he is an ugly duckling.

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