"It's something bad about you. I don't have comics or game consoles in my schoolbag."

"Senior is not only the top student in the school, but also the VIP of Xiuzhiyuan. The discipline committee will definitely not dare to check your schoolbag. Can you hide my game console in your schoolbag? This is my lifelong request."

Guan Tiancheng shrugged helplessly.

Yu Ishigami's information has been out of date for almost two weeks. If it was before, he would still be 100% sure of passing the test...

But from the very beginning, Mizi kept lip-synching to him. Guan Tiancheng had never learned lip language, but he could roughly guess what Mizi meant.

I won't let you go!

Changing the scene is a standard sick and charming quotation.

I just said that Mizi is good-looking, but it really is insanity. This kind of school girl who likes to cause trouble is better to be a rag.

"Ishigami, you saw it, and there is nothing I can do to help you. Based on my friendship with Miko, it's not bad if she doesn't pick her bones. It's just a dream to expect her to be merciful."

"All plans are exhausted!"

"Not at all, I still have a little trick that can't be put on the stage, please listen to me."

Shi Shangyou listened carefully to Guan Tiancheng's tricks.

"It's a little bit too nasty... If I do this, my integrity will be gone forever."

"At least I can keep the game console, and I won't tell other people, you can figure it out."

Guan Tiancheng lined up in a long queue and soon came to Mizi.

Mizi put her hips on her hips, showing the most arrogant expression so far, and said every word.

"Senior Tiancheng, I will check your schoolbag carefully, and I will not let go of any prohibited items!"

Mizi rubbed his hands excitedly, his face was full of revenge and gloating.

But this remark was not right to the ears of the other members of the Disciplinary Committee, except for Xiao Bo who knew the inside story, everyone thought Miko was speaking ironically.

The excitement of rubbing hands is because I am happy to help my boyfriend.

Brazenly opening the back door to your boyfriend, with extreme arrogance, pretending that we don't exist?

Can't you say this in a low voice!

"Ahem, student Mizi, I recognize your rigorous attitude, and I also believe that you enforce the law impartially and will not do anything that insults the Disciplinary Committee.

It's just... Considering your private relationship with this classmate, you might be a little bit suspicious, you don't want to be misunderstood by other classmates, do you?

It is still up to me to check classmate Guan's schoolbag. "

Since receiving the notice of surprise inspection last night, Yako Iino has been fantasizing about the scene of Guan Tiancheng being devastated. She would laugh out loud at breakfast from time to time, and the image of punishing the evil senior with her own hands is still in front of her eyes.

Why is the plot different from what I imagined.

My private relationship with the senior...

I remembered that it was a boyfriend and a girlfriend... Ah bah, it's the relationship between Renzhu and Xie Chong.

The chairman of the Disciplinary Committee took Guan Tiancheng's schoolbag and checked it hastily, not daring to look through the middle of the schoolbag.

Do you know the gold content of Xiuzhiyuan VIP?

It's a little funny, who is so brave and blatant to offend Master Guan.

Ask yourself, do I have the strength?

Are you afraid of being sentenced to commit suicide with [-] shots in the back, or do you want to go to Africa to farm with the legendary former student council president of the mixed college?

Ordinary small objects, he can turn a blind eye as if he didn't see them.

But in case TT, remote control, white powder particles, small vibration motors and other suspicious props are found inside.

"What should I do!"

In the end, the heart of the chairman of the discipline committee fell to the ground smoothly.

Guan Tiancheng's schoolbag is very sound, and he didn't even find a single extracurricular novel.

Mizi on the side puffed up his face in displeasure, and in his heart scolded the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee who was extremely respected in the past.

Sure enough, canine girls are seductive.

Ishigami Yu's complexion changed and he finally made up his mind. He ran to the toilet and did some unseen activities. After leaving the toilet, his steps were strange, as if he had hemorrhoids.

Fortunately, it finally passed the customs smoothly.

In the end, Yuguang Ishigami ran to the toilet at high speed, but no one knows what he did...

Chapter 60 Table Meeting

At noon, Guan Tiancheng, Ishigami Yu and Baiyin Yuxing went to the cafeteria for dinner together.

In the morning, Ishigami abandoned his integrity as a human being, and was busy eating and drinking to relieve stress.

Baiyin Yuxing, on the other hand, had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and looked increasingly thinner.

"Brother Baiyin, you are working too hard. Could it be that you worked all night?"

"Hmph, the young master who doesn't touch the spring water can't understand my hard work. In order to pay off the loan as soon as possible, I have to work harder next month."

Guan Tiancheng had investigated the background of the Silver Royal Bank.

The Baiyin family was originally from a wealthy family. The family business was annexed by the Shinomiya family more than ten years ago. His father was burdened with a lot of debts, and his mother ran away from home. The Baiyin family has lived a poor life ever since.

Baiyin Yuxing's luck was not ordinary, and he fell from the upper Vaisya to Dalit not long after he was born.

Baiyin Royal Bank has many excellent qualities, such as diligence, perseverance, seriousness, strong learning ability, and excellent business...

More importantly, he never refuses to work overtime. As long as the money is in place, he is not afraid to take a rocket to Mars. Guan Tiancheng likes this kind of Baiyin Yuxing very much.

Self PUA... Well, it's rare to see wage earners who are so good.

You must start early to lure him into your team.

"Brother Baiyin, although it is very important to subsidize the family, delaying the important social activities of the academy is like picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons. Xiuzhiyuan's network resources and meager salary...

Which is more important, I don't need to say more? "

What Guan Tiancheng said was the most correct truth, and Baiyin Yuxing couldn't refute it.

Damn rich young master, if you have money, you are great. Watch me kill you with a dung fork.

"Even if you say that, it's not like you don't know my family's conditions. What will I eat next month if I don't work hard?"

There are two kinds of bankruptcy in this world, one is called 'limited liability company', my business went bankrupt and it has nothing to do with me being a rich man.

There is also a kind of "unlimited liability company". Once the company goes bankrupt, the boss not only leaves the house, but also often bears astronomical debts.

At that time, Papa Baiyin must have been unprepared to run away, but his foot slipped and fell into the stinky ditch.

Speaking of this, Guan Tiancheng wants to see it poorly.

"Actually, my family is about to open a Japanese language training institution and is recruiting instructors. The salary is 20 per month. The working hours are from [-]pm to [-]pm. Brother Baiyin..."

Baiyin Yuxing's dead fish eyes sharpened.

"Wait a minute, high school students are also qualified to be teachers?"

"Of course there is. It was originally a crash course for immigrants and foreigners, and the content of the course is very basic.

As long as the students are able to carry out daily conversations, it is OK, plus the customs and legal obligations of the neon, in order to allow students to integrate into society as soon as possible.

You need a certain level of English skills, and Brother Baiyin will definitely be fine. "

"Please be sure to introduce me to this job!"

Working three hours a day does not take up daytime time, and the most important salary is double that of odd jobs.

For any ordinary student, this job is like a pie in the sky, and the conditions are so good that Baiyin Yuxing wonders if the other party specially prepared it for him.

Baiyin Yuxing thought so, and asked in person.

"Brother Baiyin, don't underestimate this job. There are not many people who can handle several foreign languages ​​at the same time."

Even so, it was a very sought-after job, after all, only three hours a day.

"In addition, I would like to trouble Brother Baiyin to dress up in a more old-fashioned way in class. Go to the middle-aged market to buy an old-fashioned suit, and then comb your hair to look like an adult, so you won't attract criticism.

The Japanese language institution officially opened after the Golden Week. During this period, Brother Baiyin, remember to study a few common languages. Take my business card to XXX and someone will welcome you. "

Baiyin Yuxing prostrated himself at the young master's feet on the spot.

It's so considerate, even this is considered for me, I'm really a beast who was still suspecting that my relatives and friends had other purposes just now!Guan Tiancheng is the only person in this world who can consider this kind of friend for friends.

Ah, I am really lucky to be able to join Xiuzhiyuan and meet such good friends. I have to do my best for my relatives and friends.

"By the way, if Brother Baiyin really wants to thank me, why not introduce your sister to me..."

Baiyin Yuxing changed his countenance in an instant, and answered without expression.

"This really doesn't work."


I also have a job as a maid here, what do you think of [-] yen per hour? "

Baiyin Yuxing was dumbfounded on the spot, Guan Tiancheng's salary was too high, he just thought that 20 yuan for three hours a day was a high income, but it turned out that the maid only needed to work for 20 hours to be the same as him.

If a maid works three hours a day, it will be 90 yuan a month, which is equivalent to the salary of a white-collar worker at the team leader level, and he earns more in one month than he does in three months.

If compared with his current income, Xiaogui is as good as him for nine months a month.

Damn, the salary is so high that even I want to apply for a job in women's clothing!90 per month is probably more than Yuan X earns. Money coming too easily will corrode Xiaogui's normal money values, so Xiaogui must not be allowed to know.

Baiyin Yuxing was not Guan Tiancheng whom he had just met recently, the two had been friends for more than a year, and Baiyin Yuxing had a vague guess as to the temperament of the big yellow hair beside him.

"This is definitely not a part-time job as a serious maid, I will never hand over Xiaogui to you!"

"Brother, you think too much, Xiaogui only needs to be responsible for putting me to sleep at night and waking me up in the morning, occasionally serving as my model, recording some videos and photos, etc.

You see how healthy and easy it is, Xiaogui will definitely be able to do it. "

"I'm not your uncle, and the maid in my imagination is the same profession as the maid in your mouth.

Damn young master, don't think that you can do whatever you want with money! "

Yu Ishigami on the side burped comfortably, and made up for it in a slightly lewd tone.

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