As the so-called selection of wives and talents, from this perspective, few people can compare with Mei...

The grandparents of the two families were college classmates, and it is only natural for the grandchildren to be married.

Compared with the prosperous Guan family, the Lan Yuan family is quite thin and has been passed down for three consecutive generations.

The head of the contemporary Lanyuan family is a stubborn feudal old man who is extremely strict in the education of his children and grandchildren.

This is how Mei's all-weather obedient girl face was forced out.

Compared with Mei's resignation, Guan Tiancheng's father-in-law is particularly rebellious.

At the age of three, this incomprehensible elder resolutely divorced his emotionless wife, and then completely overturned the arrangement of Grandpa Mei, and went abroad to open a public welfare primary school to pursue his ideals.

Grandpa Mei is indeed an annoying old man, he can fully imagine the pain of his father-in-law, so he was stunned by this operation.

The relationship between father and son, even if it can't reach the level of father's kindness and son's filial piety, at least it is a relationship of kindness and righteousness.

If Grandpa Mei hadn't stepped into the gate of death with one foot this time, Dad Mei would definitely not come back.

Mei has a lot of affection for her school, she didn't choose to follow her father around the world, but stayed at Lan Yuan's house.

The father ran away irresponsibly, the mother divorced, the grandfather was so virtuous, and the grandmother died early.

Educating his son was a big failure, and the old man didn't think about it at all, and used that trick on Mei again.

Although Mei was not forced out of mental illness, it was limited to this...

Some time ago, Mei's father got married a second time, and Mei had an extra stepmother and sister Giri of the same age, which made the Lanyuan family more popular.

The bad relationship between father and son has not improved because of this marriage, and the two parties still have no contact with each other.

Mei's stepmother had probably never seen the old man, and this auntie was in a particularly awkward position, and thinking about it made his head even bigger.

"It's easy to talk about other chores, but what should I do when I need to sign?"

In the corridor, Guan Tiancheng sent another message to the cheap parents, explaining the general situation, so that they can have a psychological preparation.

When she returned to the hall, Mei was trying to wrap herself in a blanket into a rice dumpling.

Seeing him come back and still not saying a word, Guan Tiancheng is already familiar with the atmosphere of getting along with Mei, so there is no need to feel embarrassed because there is no topic, and sticking to him with special enthusiasm will make Mei feel that you are very annoying.

"I just informed my uncle and my parents, and my uncle said he would be back within two days."


"Mei's night is still very long, why don't you squint for a while, I will watch in the first half of the night, and I will trouble you in the second half of the night."

Without waiting for Mei Yi's response, Guan Tiancheng directly picked her up and laid her across the chair. The latter gave him a white look with her beautiful eyes, but did not express any objection, and obediently closed her eyes to rest.

After a while, Guan Tiancheng shook his hand in front of Yayi's face, Yayi suddenly opened his eyes wide, then took out a hand from the rice dumpling and twisted it hard on his waist.

Guan Tiancheng quickly raised his hands in surrender.

After a while.

Seeing that Mei's brows are completely relaxed, and her chest is rising and falling evenly, it seems that Mei has indeed fallen asleep.

Only then did he carefully take out his mobile phone, and then played a mobile game...

"If Mei finds out that I'm still in the mood to play mobile games at this juncture, I'll definitely lose my favor."

Although Guan Tiancheng didn't know how Mei Yi felt about him, Mei Yi had a poker face all day long, and she was a twisted and sullen monster, and often she didn't even know it herself.

It's about...not annoying?

Anyway, it's definitely not the love between ordinary men and women, that's the only thing he's sure of.

It was 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, six hours had passed since Guan Tiancheng arrived at the hospital, and Mei's stepmother hadn't arrived yet.

Just now a nurse and a group of doctors came out of the operating room and announced good news.

Grandpa Mei has basically passed the critical period and is expected to wake up at noon tomorrow.

"Fortunately, I can go to school normally the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

After wandering around the gate of hell, Grandpa Mei's body obviously couldn't bear it any longer. Even the stubborn old man had to accept his old age and stay in the hospital to recuperate obediently.

The normal operation of the academy before was the result of the old man staying up all night.

In the future, part of the daily affairs of Lanyuan College will probably be shared with Mei...and his uncle-to-be.

Unlike Guan Tiancheng's incomparable disgust behind his back, Grandpa Mei is very satisfied with Guan Tiancheng.

With good grades, good family background, polite and good looks, he is the best successor in his mind.

Every time I see Mei at Lanyuan House, the old man always reprimands him. In that person's eyes, catching and reprimanding you is an act of love and appreciation.

If Guan Tiancheng didn't meet his requirements, it would not only be finished with a few words of training, but at least one training session for half a day.

The old man will definitely entrust part of the work of the academy to himself.

The two families agreed that Mei and Mei would get married, and after marriage, they would slowly take over the work of the academy, but now it was only two years earlier than planned.

"Oh NO, my beautiful youth campus life.

This life is worse than the previous life, and I have to start working before I am an adult! "

Just as Guan Tiancheng was lamenting his fate as a social animal, a sharp female voice suddenly came from the exit of the corridor.

"There are idiots!"

Guan Tiancheng thought to himself that there are idiots working tirelessly at such a late hour, which is really respectable.

"By the way, is the security of the hospital run by Dad Cheap so bad?"

That's right, this hospital is one of the industries run by Guan Tiancheng's father. It has a good reputation in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and its building specifications, doctors' level, security and other aspects are first-class.

As the future owner of the hospital, Guan Tiancheng's sense of ownership exploded and immediately put down his phone to prepare to punish the villains.

In fact, the more important reason is that the screaming girl grows up beautifully...

Her temperament is completely opposite to Mei Yi's, but it is very similar to Guan Tiancheng's current painting style.

Her dress presents a distinct youthful and girlish style, with blue heart-shaped earrings, shiny nail polish, carefully combed hairstyle, cute star hairpins, and a slightly rolled up skirt for the purpose...

The beautiful long brown hair is combed into a side ponytail, the facial features are very beautiful, and the eyes are big and bright, giving people a cheerful and gentle feeling.

The gorgeous attire gave her a three-point extra support, which shocked people's appetite.

The hero saves the beauty can increase the favorability most.

Guan Tiancheng put on the iron sand palm posture and roared.

"Where is the villain who bullies the girls?"

But the girl with tea hair pointed at Guan Tiancheng and shouted louder.

"It's you, pervert! Stay away from my sister!"

"Huh? (David's voice)"

Chapter 7

Guan Tiancheng looked around, there was no third person in the waiting hall except him and Mei.

"Strange, could it be that this girl just turned on her spirit vision and saw a ghost floating in the hospital?"

Guan Tiancheng inspires the ability to see.

The picture in the field of vision changed drastically, and more than a dozen illusory figures suddenly appeared around, crying loudly, cursing in a low voice, or sitting on a chair without saying a word.

Many figures quickly dissipated within a few seconds, as if nothing had happened.

In the empty waiting hall, Guan Tiancheng could see a brilliant golden aura exuding from himself, illuminating the dark space.

But he searched several times and did not find the ghost.

"The idiot is actually myself!"

Seeing Guan Tiancheng looking around stupidly, the tea-haired girl took out the anti-wolf spray very unscrupulously, and was going to take the opportunity to attack the pervert's eyes fiercely.

The girl launched an onboard charge, trying to knock him away with momentum.

Guan Tiancheng's lower body didn't move at all and even had some strength left, he used a backhand move to snatch the spray away.

"It's very uncomfortable to be sprayed by this thing. To prevent children from spraying the wrong person, I confiscated the spray."

"Pervert, return the spray to me, or I'll call the police."

Guan Tiancheng raised the spray over his head. Maybe the girl with tea hair didn't feel the danger instinctively, or she was angry, or she had a super brave personality, or she might be worried about her sister.

In short, not only did she not run away shouting perverted, but she fought bravely with the idiot.

The girl with tea hair is about 1.6 meters tall, and she is jumping and jumping up and down to snatch it, but she just keeps her body close to Guan Tiancheng's chest.

The latter raised the corners of his mouth with a dark expression.

"A little bigger than Mei, close to the level of the destroyer Taipan."

Whenever the height of the girl's jump is about to touch the spray, he raises the height a little...

Just as Guan Tiancheng was having fun, and the tea-haired girl was jumping more and more vigorously, Mei's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

Lan Yuan Mei's spirit has been under high pressure for a long time, her sleep quality is very poor and she is often awakened by nightmares, the noise in the hall is continuous, she was awakened almost immediately.

Opening his sleepy eyes, he saw this strange scene in front of him.

Because it was too magical, Mei thought she hadn't woken up, and it wasn't until more than ten seconds later that she confirmed that everything was real.

In the waiting hall of the hospital, Sister Yili, whom she just met, was rubbing back and forth in the arms of her fiancé, in front of her, and her grandfather was still in a state of unknown life and death...

Ordinary people must be blown up at this moment, but Mei is not angry at all, she just feels strange.

The tea-haired girl retreated to Mei Yi's side suddenly, opened her arms to block Guan Tiancheng's sight, and said righteously.

"Mei, leave this to me, you hurry to find the security guard, that person is an idiot!"

Mei opened her eyes wide and wanted to get to know Guan Tiancheng again, but she didn't get up, but her voice fluctuated a little.

"Indeed, Yuzu, your tofu has already been eaten by him."

"Not about me.

He touched you just now, Mei, why don't you call someone, my sister can't last long! "

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