Yuzu immediately wanted to take out her mobile phone and search for [how to get along with Bingshan beauty], [how to strike up a conversation even a fool can understand] and other things.

Fortunately, Yuzu's torment only lasted 2 minutes, Harumi Taniguchi and Asuna Yuuki finally came.

After Hinasaki Fukaha and Taniguchi Harumi introduced themselves to each other, everyone embarked on the road to the shrine.

The four of them are all beautiful high school students who are juicy and beautiful. When they walk together, they turn their heads very high. Most of the pedestrians' eyes are focused on Shen Yu.

Asuna is used to being calm and calm when she sees strong winds and waves, and Fukaha regards the pedestrians around her as grass and trees.

Yuzu Aihara and Harumi Taniguchi were suppressed by the aura of these two people and passed away.

Shinto claims to have 800 million gods, and there are many shrines of all kinds under the background of polytheism.

The Neon people's attitude towards the gods is basically the same as that of Chayousi. They are extremely utilitarian and have no piety.

When you are useful, you are a god, and when you are not needed, you are "respect ghosts and gods and keep away".

Asuna looked like a devout guy, the reason why she visited this shrine was very simple...

Closest to school.

The shrine looked desolate, and there were only four of them pilgrims in the huge shrine.

One of the witches, Lai Yangyang, swept the floor with a hache, and the other was responsible for selling amulets and unwrapping lottery. Since she had no business, she was concentrating on playing mobile games at this time.

This scene suddenly chilled Asuna's heart.

"There are too few pilgrims, this shrine must not be effective!"

Yuzu was in high spirits. Today was the first time she received an invitation from a student from the same school. Everyone went out to pay homage together.

"Sister Yuki, this is this."

Asuna forced a smile.

After all, it’s all here, no matter if it’s useful or not, just give it a quick bow, just in case it works!

Throwing a 500-yen coin into the money box, Asuna shook the big bell in front of the hall vigorously, and clasped her hands together.

"Lucky value, lucky value, please God bless me with good luck, don't be so unlucky again."

Maybe it was because of too much force, the wood fragments falling from the railing hit Asuna on the head.

A disrespectful thought suddenly came to Asuna's mind.

"The whole shrine looks like he's going to want him soon, hehehe...it can't be because of me...

Illusion, illusion, definitely an illusion. "

The second person who came to visit was Harumi Taniguchi. She threw a 5 yen coin in, praying for her best friend not to be deceived by a scumbag.

When going back to the hot spring hotel last time, Harumi Taniguchi wanted to observe Guan Tiancheng's character up close, but in the end she didn't even see anyone else, and the hot spring was very refreshing.

Yuzu has been worried for the past two days, and Harumi Taniguchi felt the same way, and vowed to get her best friend out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Yuzi stood in front of the money box, the thousands of words in her heart were stunned, and she stood still in a daze, not knowing what wish to make.

Recalling what happened in the morning, Yuzu finally closed her eyes in relief.

"Master Shenming is very busy, so let me decide my own affairs."

Yuzu imitated Asuna's actions, tossed a 500-yen coin, prayed and returned to her best friend.

"Dear Yuzu, what wish did you make?"

Yuzu said shyly.


"You can have this. No matter what the era, money is essential. Go to the convenience store and buy a few scratch cards to try."

"I think so."

The last one is Shen Yu. To everyone's surprise, Shen Yu threw in a stack of 30 denomination banknotes without saying a word. The exact number is not clear, at least [-].

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the main hall of the shrine, as if something heavy fell down, the witches rushed in and found that the statue in the main hall had fallen.

After Shen Yu finished praying meticulously, the other three pilgrims ran to the open space with black lines on their faces. When Shen Yu returned to everyone, they all cast curious eyes.

"It doesn't work to say it."

Feelings, you are the biggest superstitious leader!

Asuna saw another side of Fukaha.

This visit to Asuna was intended to test Fukaha's ideas, but Fukaha did not behave suspiciously at all.

Everything seems to be over-imagining, Shen Yu just wants to be friends with himself in an ordinary way.

But Asuna's intuition always reminded herself that she must be hiding some small thoughts, so she couldn't be careless.

Even if the shrine is half collapsed, it will not affect the four people asking for a lottery, after all, they have come...

Asuna draws 【Sue Ji】

Harumi Taniguchi won the lottery [Big Misfortune]

Lanyuan pomelo in the lottery [Suji]

Hinana Misaki Fukaba wins the lottery【Daji】

The witch who released the lottery ran to the temple to rescue the idol, and this visit to the shrine could only end hastily.

Harumi Taniguchi looked at the big murderer in her hand with tears in her eyes, why did everyone end with the word "ji" and I was the only one who was the big murderer.

And the person who unlocked the sign didn't know where he went, and he didn't know how to crack it.

She can only comfort herself.

"This shrine looks very desolate, the measurement must be inaccurate!"

Chapter 72

"It's unlucky that the man is not here."

On Sunday, Guan Tiancheng originally planned to take Shen Yu to visit Isayama's house, and inquire about Higami's information by the way.

It so happened that something big happened in the world.

I didn't see Isayama Mei, a female college student with white hair and red hair and Nadeshiko, I didn't see Isayama Koizumi, a high school girl with black long straight and heroic figure, and I didn't see Kagura Tumiya, a junior high school girl with weak spirit.

The Headquarters of the Countermeasures Office and Isayama Mei were all dispatched. They had left Tokyo and were searching for something in the deep mountains and old forests of Shikoku Island.

The left-behind at Isayama's house is Isayama Mei's old man, the father, who almost wrote "I am a bad guy" on his face, and has been observing Guan Tiancheng with the eyes of checking his household registration.

Master Guan gave him a few words of perfunctory politeness and then left.

Based on the principle of avoiding science, people in the other world will hardly use electrical appliances that are on par with the current technology. Doing so will strengthen their connection with the world and weaken the extraordinary power.

The mobile phone used by Isayama Mei is an old-fashioned clamshell type, the function is limited to making calls, LINE cannot be used, and the signal is also very poor.

The incident happened so suddenly that Isayama Mei didn't have time to contact him.

"Cannian, I haven't seen Sister Ming, so I can only come back next week."

"Do you have a good relationship with that person?"

"Just a drinking buddy.

Isayama Mei took my favor and asked for something from me. The information in the mysterious world is separated by a mountain for laymen, and it is worthless in the eyes of people in the other world.

Please ask her not to refuse this kind of favourite. "

"Is going to a love hotel next?"

Master Guan almost knocked his head out of the electric pole.

He always felt that Shen Yu was very active in that matter and also had a special talent.

The day we first met, she was still a tuna fish, and she had learned all kinds of tricks in just a few days, and her skills were comparable to those of Aijiang.

If you continue to spar a few more times, you may reach Mei's level, it's really terrifying.

If Master Guan's iron crotch skill had not reached the state of Dzogchen, he might have been chopped off by Shen Yu...

"Ahem, it's only ten o'clock in the morning. I'll take you to meet a mana exorcist who also runs a shop to see if I can find some good stuff."

"Like a camera or something?"

"It's a rosary. The string in my hand has been used for too long and my spiritual power has been exhausted."

Rishang Mountain is a dangerous place, and you must make various preparations before going.

Master Guan has been a little overworked recently, and his yang energy has been much weaker than before, but the golden light radiating from his body can still make ordinary miscellaneous fish and wandering spirits stay away.

Guan Tiancheng divides wandering spirits into four grades. Basically, the larger the wandering spirits, the stronger their power.

Little old men of the cannon fodder level, these little wandering spirits are only the size of a palm, and the meaning of existence is only to be eaten.

Miscellaneous fish-level humanoid ghosts, this kind of ghosts are also very common, they have no special power, they will run away when they encounter the golden light overflowing from them, and they will be burned if they hide too late.

An elite level monster-type spirit, this kind of spirit is very rare, not afraid of his golden light.

Guan Tiancheng has only seen three in total since traveling for more than three years, and the first one was only seen in an abandoned unfinished building.

The second was only witnessed at the edge of the forest while traveling in Hawaii.

The third one is in the library where Fukaba met.

If you are closely followed by them, quickly hide in a nearby shrine, church or temple to be safe.

The fourth level is tentatively designated as a wandering spirit who is not afraid of the incense of the shrine. Guan Tiancheng has never seen it and only speculates that it may exist.

This kind of BOSS-level wandering spirit can only be seen in such a dangerous place as Rishang Mountain.

Tokyo is one of the top super-large cities in the world, gathering the thoughts of tens of millions of people, and the incense of shrines and temples is at its peak.

How unlucky do people have to be to encounter big bosses in the main city? Encountering elite monsters is considered a rare event, right?

The two came to a divination shop called the godmother of the gods. The signboard said divination and exorcism, and the signature was the godmother of the gods.

The owner of the store is an old lady dressed as a shaman, her lips and skin have lost their vitality, she is about 70 years old, her eyes are very energetic, she is not an ordinary old lady.

There happened to be customers in the store, and a middle-aged 'slightly fat' woman was praising the effectiveness of the amulet.

"Sure enough, like the godmother said, I've been accosted since I wore it."

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