Seeing the flames of war spreading to him, Guan Tiancheng immediately looked around skillfully.

You tear it up first, and I'll see if there are any new gift packs on the shelves in the mall.

Yazi: By the way, just now my husband got a lot of repeated prizes in the lottery, and gave me an oversized life-size doll, and other people in the guild also got figures

Yazi: Let me see which unlucky guy is still empty-handed

Ako: Whoops, it's Miss Asuna

In order to prevent the murderer from being punished, Yazi thoughtfully sent pictures of life-size dolls and dolls to Asuna.

Asuna is no stranger to this, she has browsed the lottery page.

She fell in love with the life-size doll for the first prize, and the doll for the third prize was also very beautiful.

The lottery draw is all about luck, and there are only ten life-sized dolls in the entire game, which can't be obtained by crazy money.

Asuna also secretly kryptonized 10 yuan, but unfortunately she didn't even get the splash, and only got two guaranteed consolation prizes.

Yazi's complacent look made Asuna's three corpses jump violently, wanting to tear her up on the spot.

Damn it, it would be great if I didn't play GGO today, otherwise I can still compete with Yazi, and I really want this life-size doll.

At this moment, a red dot lit up in Asuna's private chat column.

Brother Cheng: If my wife likes it, I will give you my doll

Asuna: That's so embarrassing, if there is more I can brazenly fight for it, isn't there only one husband left?

Brother Cheng: It’s okay, I’ve almost filled up a warehouse with dolls of the same type. There are too many and no collection value. It’s better to give it to my wife.

Asuna: No, no, even if you can’t fit it, you can hang it on Amazon or sell it to a second-hand store. If you buy that doll alone, it costs 20 yuan. My husband should keep it for himself.

Here Asuna was chatting privately with her gamer husband, Yazi thought she had bled Asuna's seven orifices to death, and was shaking her prestige arrogantly.

After a verbal battle, Asuna was finally defeated, and she accepted the doll with great satisfaction in her heart.

After she agreed, she suddenly realized that if she wanted to get the doll, she had to tell Guan Tiancheng her delivery address...

"If the receiving place is filled with the city house or Lanyuan College, Guan Tiancheng will definitely think of me immediately, wouldn't it be exposed! No, no, no..."

Fortunately, Asuna is also a big family. Although the Yuki Foundation has not reached the level of the Shinomiya family and the Guan family, there are still dozens of private properties.

In the end, Asuna reported an apartment under her mother's name.

After getting the doll, Asuna glanced at Ako pityingly.

She must have thought that she had already won, hehe, Miss Yazi who was kept in the dark is so pitiful, who made my relationship with my husband good.

What Yazi got was an extra doll, while the doll in his hand was the only one left by her husband. Does it matter which one is more important?

Brother Cheng: By the way, don’t tell Yazi about this, she will definitely make a fuss if she hears about it

Asuna: Yazi is spoiled by you, she is really easy to get angry, her husband must be very tired

Asuna: I really don't know how things turned out like this, aren't we already husband and wife?

Asuna: Don't be angry with her, I'm a girl and I know girls, go and comfort her and leave me alone

Brother Cheng: Asuna, why is your smell a bit strange today? When did I get angry? Have you browsed strange webpages recently?

Cough cough, the private chat with Guan Tiancheng is over.

Asuna uttered a high-spirited sentence...

Asuna: Hehe

There are only two words, but Yazi can feel countless meanings from them, each of which makes her very upset.

One side is speechless and morale is exhausted, and the other side is inexplicably yin and yang. This fight is obviously not going to start.Afterwards, Asuna generously shared her experience of the past few days, and led the two to complete the novice mission.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, the three of them went offline one by one. Just as Asuna put down his helmet, a text message from his best friend Rika Shinozaki appeared on the phone, showing the doll she got from Guan Tiancheng.

Asuna told her best friend what happened in GGO just now.

Rika Shinozaki: Don’t Asuna think that the president looks like a scumbag? In order to prevent you from being jealous, she gave away her own doll. Asuna must have been very touched just now.

Asuna thought to herself that it was just a game, and they would not meet in reality, why everyone was so serious.

Although Yazi would really get mad at himself sometimes, Asuna never took it seriously. It was quite interesting to play a pet game with Yazi in the game.

Asuna: Isn't Rika happy to get a gift from my husband?

Rika Shinozaki: One size fits all, I am really grateful to the president, but it has nothing to do with Asuna

Rika Shinozaki: Grasp the scale of the game and don't be confused by Asuna. If the president asks to meet you in private, be sure to at least go with me

Maybe already seen...

Asuna: I'm not a child, how can I be easily fooled, Rika should pay attention, your address has been exposed, right?

Rika Shinozaki: It’s not just me, everyone in the guild has been exposed except Apulige

Rika Shinozaki: Your husband's first target must be you or Ako who has the highest favorability

Chapter 93

A netizen who has never met before (big boo), was told by her best friend that she and Yazi had the highest affection for him, and Asuna felt a little ashamed.

Asuna: We are just ordinary netizens, Yazi is the person who likes the president the most

Rika Shinozaki: If this is the case, there will be no quarrel between you and Ako

A woman's intuition is sometimes very scary, especially for a person who knows you and knows you well, the best friend will suddenly say something.

Rika Shinozaki: Asuna has already met the president, right?

Asuna was frightened into a cold sweat, as if someone was watching her from behind.

This matter was buried in her heart, she never told anyone, but her best friend pointed it out.Asuna fought in her heart for a while, and finally decided to tell her best friend about it, because she was a little distressed recently.

Asuna: I may have seen him, but I'm not sure it's him

Rika Shinozaki: Just ask him

Asuna: The key is the follow-up, what if he is really the chairman, I happen to know that person’s fiancee, it will be very embarrassing to break this relationship

Asuna: In fact, I always overlap the image of him and the president recently

Not only that, but she even dreamed that Yazi and Lanyuan Mei were also frequent visitors in her dreams. The dreams were trivial and chaotic, and she remembered only three scenes clearly.

Once, she was blocked by Yazi in a corner and stabbed her several times with a knife. Lan Yuanyayi suddenly appeared and stabbed Yazi to death, and then killed her half-dead self.

That nightmare scared Asuna out of bed, making a loud noise, and the housekeeper thought a snake had crawled into her bedroom, causing a little commotion.

The second time was that Yazi and her were fighting each other in a dream. After arguing, Yazi and her each grabbed Guan Tiancheng's arm and fought for each other. Neither of them wanted to let go, and Guan Tiancheng was finally torn apart by them in two halves.

No need to mention the third time...

Since that day, Asuna has never seen Guan Tiancheng again, but his figure always haunts her dreams.

Asuna felt that her body gradually did not belong to her.

It was obviously not so frequent before, it must be because of the girls' school!

Shall I secretly buy some after-school readings tomorrow, so that my mind won't be filled with that guy's face...

"Guan Tiancheng is a gamer husband, Guan Tiancheng is a gamer husband, repeat..."

Asuna kept hypnotizing herself.

Rika Shinozaki: Wow, that's really difficult, doesn't the other party realize you?

Asuna's pronunciation is exactly the same as Asuna's, and even the hair color and figure of the game characters are similar to reality, so it's hard not to associate it.

Asuna: Maybe he thought it was a coincidence

Asuna is a good name. It has a Japanese style, and its pronunciation conforms to the pronunciation of foreign languages. It is also foreign and pleasant.

For example, which one sounds better, Miwako Yamada or Maria Yamada, most people will choose the latter.

There are two Asunas in Lanyuan Academy. If you search the browser, you can find an amateur actress with the same name. It is considered a coincidence that is completely justified.

Rika Shinozaki: How did the man Asuna saw look like, is he really a rich and handsome guy?

Asuna directly sent a photo to her girlfriend, which was stolen by a female student at Lanyuan College.

At that time, Asuna caught the student and was about to delete the photos on the other party's phone, when her body was suddenly possessed by a devil, and she secretly backed up a whole set...

Rika Shinozaki: Super handsome guy, there really are such people in the real world, I thought I could only see them on TV

Shinozaki Rika: You must dig the wall, so that the high-quality handsome guy will never see you again if you miss it. If you are embarrassed to wave a hoe, I will do it myself

Asuna did not reply, but sent another photo.

Asuna: This is his fiancée, Mei Aihara, the president of the student council and the heir of the group. If Rika really wants to wield a hoe, I will help you

The charm of Aihara Mei's charm is not diminished even through the photos. Her appearance is one-of-a-kind, her temperament is dusty, and she comes from a wealthy family.

And if she really wields the hoe, she will be able to bully several people at once...

will be killed!

Rika Shinozaki: Forget it, forget it, don’t dig this corner

Rika Shinozaki: Compared to this Asuna, what do you think

Asuna: I just want to play the game well

The two chatted for a while, and before going to bed, Asuna patted her cheek with clear water, and continued self-hypnosis in her heart, and then fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up the next day, Asuna found that her underwear was a little cool, and there was still a greasy damp on the fabric.

Asuna blushed pretty, and changed into a new underwear without a word.

I'm such a sucker.

Asuna's self-hypnosis had completely reversed the effect. Usually, when she dreamed of Guan Tiancheng, at most, there would only be an afterimage or a broken memory.

But today's dream is completely different. Asuna is in the dream but can clearly realize that it is a dream. The memory and touch are unprecedentedly real, and she can even control the dream to a certain extent.

His fingertips slid across his cheeks, gently massaging his ankles, and there was still a trace of tactile feedback.

Asuna felt extremely guilty, afraid of being seen by others.

Especially when encountering Lanyuan Mei and Yuzu, he was even more restless.

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