"In interpersonal communication, initiative and passivity are extremely delicate elements, and you must always control them.

Sometimes it's better to be proactive, and sometimes it's better to be passive.

Different people, different things, different occasions, your standpoint, etc. There are various specific situations. How you behave depends entirely on your experience and understanding. "

Ishigami raised a hand.

"Teacher Guan, I have a question."


"Teacher Guan, do you have any simple techniques that novices can use?"

"Student Ishigami, don't worry, let me tell you the five secrets of getting out of the order.

First of all the first one!

Ishigami, you know what is the biggest prerequisite, or what is the most important factor, if you want to get out of the order successfully. "

This question was vague and general, Yu Ishigami thought for a while, and said tentatively.

"Is it handsome?"

Guan Tiancheng made an X with his hand.

"Is it rich?"


"Is it high EQ and humorous?"


"Is it a strong figure?"

The stupid student couldn't figure it out for a long time, Guan Tiancheng sighed helplessly.

"Student Ishigami, let me tell you a little secret.

Generally speaking, the more economically prosperous the country with the developed tertiary industry, the more women's aesthetic values ​​like the little boy who has a soft and delicate appearance and feminine facial features. "

It's not a rich woman in her thirties who picks her head...

"By the way, muscular men are surprisingly more popular in the keto market."

Like a bolt from the blue, Yu Ishigami's straight male nerves were hit hard.

"No, no, senior must be joking.

From a biological point of view, males with a healthy body and a strong body are more popular with females, and girls must also feel more secure in finding a muscular man over 1.8 meters. "

Guan Tiancheng shook his head, and solemnly extended his second finger.

"I'll tell you the second secret first, and you can continue to study the first secret."

[Don't impose the values ​​of men's position on women. Your purpose is to win the other party's favor, not to fight with the other party. 】

Yumose Ishigami suddenly realized, and bowed three times in a row with reverence on his face.

"Teacher Guan, this one is so reasonable! I feel that I have found my direction, and mutual respect is the first step to being able to communicate with each other. I am worthy of being a master scumbag."

Obviously such a simple truth, even a child can understand it, but just now I just don't understand it.

Ishigami Yu was heartbroken, and it turned out that he had a reason for being unpopular.

Guan Tiancheng stretched out his third finger.


It was only two words, but Ishigami Yu realized the magic tricks with tens of thousands of words.

Keep a good attitude at all times, and maintain social etiquette even if the other party shows a negative attitude.You have to be thick-skinned, don't get angry casually, and don't give up lightly.

Regardless of the occasion, optimistic, cheerful, and sunny people are more popular than negative, suspicious, and gloomy people.

"By the way, it's those who keep saying 'Girls only like rich people', 'They're all good-looking dogs, I'm sure I won't be able to do anything if I look average', 'Women are cheap!', 'Good women They're all dead', 'No matter how hard I try, it's useless, this society is unfair!', 'If I had a good pregnancy, what would I do?', 'My luck is so bad, I'm sure I can't do it '...

Generally, boys who always like to say these things are likely to be single by the age of 40 or [-]. "

Shi Shangyu's body was full of arrows, and he fell to the ground bleeding profusely.

[Article [-]: Let the other party feel that they are special]

"Scholar Ishigami, this great knowledge cannot be explained in a few words.

It is enough for a novice to have a general impression in his mind, as long as the other party understands that you are interested in her. "

Ishigami Yu writes it down in a small notebook for the time being, and is ready to comprehend it at any time.

"Senior, what is the fifth rule?"

"Of course you have to learn to give up. If you are like a licking dog, licking only one target all day long but not getting results, how much time will it be wasted? How much energy will be consumed? How many opportunities for encounters will be missed?

Therefore, it is also important to choose to let go at the right time. "

Ishigami Yu thought about it and sorted out Teacher Guan's speech.

He seemed to be thinking, but he still didn't comprehend the first secret on his own.

"Senior Ishigami, you have already understood the first secret.

The most important factor for wanting to get out of the singles is of course...you have the willingness to get out of the singles. If you insist that being single is the best, refuse all external temptations.

Even if the most beautiful woman pursues you, you are still single. "

Shi Shangyou knelt down with a plop, and gave Guan Tiancheng a resounding kowtow.

"Truth, master, what you said is the most reasonable words! Master, please tell me the link of your book, I will buy it, can't I buy it!"

Yu Ishigami's excited appearance made everyone around jump up, thinking it was the missionary scene of a new religion.

"By the way, as long as you are rich, powerful and handsome, no matter how bad your personality is, people will like you. The example is me!"

Yu Ishigami slapped the little book to the ground.

"It's a trick, it's still like this after a long time!"

Chapter 109 High-end ingredients

High-end ingredients often only need to use the simplest cooking method. After three hours of busy work, the maid was tied with a ribbon and sent to the master's bed.

On the big five-meter-wide bed, Jian Zizheng stared at Guan Tiancheng with a dazed expression.

Only her underwear remained on her body, and a long pink ribbon tied her tightly around her ankles, with a beautiful bow on her chest, and a rose hairpin on her head.

Jianzi was wriggling like a silkworm chrysalis.

"Jian Zijiang, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to pack yourself and deliver it to my mouth. If this is the case, then I will stop pretending to be a gentleman."

After bidding farewell to Ishigami, Guan Tiancheng returned home.

Starting on Wednesday afternoon two days later, Golden Week will officially begin.

Rishang Mountain is located in Aomori County, the northernmost tip of Honshu Island, and there is only one small city nearby. Guan Tiancheng sent his men to rent a homestay there for a month in advance, and the two-person air ticket to Aomori County has also been booked.

Of course, he must do his best to repay the rewards of others. During this period, he plans to read the relevant documents again, and maybe he can find some missing information from them.

As a result, as soon as I opened the bedroom door, I saw this beautiful picture.

Guan Tiancheng closed his eyes and put his hands on his chest, praying sincerely in his heart.

"Thank you for the gift of nature.

Unexpectedly, a watery and beautiful girl grew out of the bed that I hadn't slept in for two days. I always uphold the good habit of not wasting food, Jie Jie Jie...

I'm going to start. "

How could Master Guan bear this situation, he stretched out his hand and took off his belt.

Jianzi was thrashing and struggling on the bed, like a king carp releasing water splashing.

"STOP! STOP! Things are not what you think they are."

"Beauties don't need to be shy, I understand."

"You know a woolen thread, it's all a misunderstanding!!!"

Jian Zijiang made a loud noise and rolled from one side of the bed to the other, leaving Guan Tiancheng in vain.

"Don't run away, beauty."

"There is a very tortuous experience in this, please listen to my explanation."

The screen rewinds to 8 minutes and 16 seconds ago, when the maids are fishing.

The job of a maid is easy most days, especially in this mansion.

There is only one owner of the villa, and he often goes to school and is away from home.

There is not much routine work every day. After wiping every corner of the villa clean, there is basically nothing to do from three o'clock in the afternoon.

Only during the holidays or when the host entertains guests to the party, they will work tensely for eight hours.

As the host, Guan Tiancheng is a more lenient type.

As long as the business is not delayed, his attitude towards the maid's fishing is to turn a blind eye and close one's eye. If it is a maid working in the main house, he will not have this leisure.

During this spare time, most of the maids would gather together, or play poker, mahjong, or games like Monopoly to kill time.

Generally no monetary bets are involved, and everyone plays more casually.

Jianzi got acquainted with everyone in the villa after working for a few days, and was invited to spend time together.

It's just that today's game is quite special...

【Truth or Dare】

The rules of this small game need not be elaborated, the loser of the game will be punished, either the truth or a big risk.

You can ask questions freely if you tell the truth, but lying is not allowed in principle.

If it is a big adventure, the maids will write the punishment in advance, and then let the victim draw lots at random.

"And so it became like this."

While Guan Tiancheng was explaining, he had already taken off only a pair of boxers.

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