Chapter 3 Water Monkey

"What's next?"

"Since the owner of the shop is not here, let's take a stroll around Rishang Mountain while it's still early."

For the convenience of exploration, the homestay they rented is also at the foot of the mountain, only a pot of soy sauce away from the antique coffee shop.

The two returned to the hotel, changed into suitable clothes, and then carried their bags.

Fukaha wore a dark raincoat on the outside, and a cool swimsuit on the inside.

And Guan Tiancheng...

"Is it really okay for you to wear this suit outside?"

"It doesn't matter, if others see it, just say it's cosplay."

Considering that the Rishangshan map must be full of evil spirits and resentment, compared to high physical defense equipment, equipment with high magic resistance must be more useful.

During the last system simulation, Brother Cheng bought a suit of the master of demons. The appearance is extremely exaggerated and gorgeous, with gold threads, emerald jewelry tiaras, agate buttons, white jade, diamonds...

The gold content of this set of equipment can be seen with the naked eye, as if afraid that other people will not know that he is rich, and the temperament of the nouveau riche is full. Compared with the big gold chain and jade wrench, it is considered simple.

Obviously, no matter where you go in this dress, you will turn your head back. You must have a strong heart to control it. It's a pity that ordinary people like Shen Yu can't comprehend this state.

Not to mention wearing it on your body, your own taste will be questioned if you walk on the street with him.

"Uh... I'll take a step first, I'll wait for you at the foot of the mountain where no one is around."

While Guan Tiancheng was still fiddling with the pair of jade-soled boots, Shen Yu trotted all the way and disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, wait for me, it's really rude.

Damn mortal, if you sell you, you can only exchange me for a corner of your clothes, how dare you despise it! "

Before leaving, Guan Tiancheng put on a mask and black sunglasses. If he ran into an acquaintance and was misunderstood that his clothes were in this style, he would die.

Guan Tiancheng poked his head out and looked around carefully. When all the pedestrians and vehicles on the road disappeared, he turned into a gust of wind and rushed up the mountain road of Rishang Mountain at the fastest speed.

He ran 2000 meters in one breath, and didn't stop until he was surrounded by forests and no one was around.

"Not to mention, although this set of equipment looks too cool, the flexibility of movement has not been affected. The soles of the jade shoes are actually soft, and they are more comfortable to run than sports shoes."

Beside the creek not far away, Fukaba took off his raincoat and was wiping mosquito repellant on his body.

Those who often travel to the mountains must know that, compared to rugged mountain roads and wild beasts such as wild boars, the thing you need to guard against most is actually mosquitoes.

They are everywhere, nowhere to hide.

The buzzing of mosquitoes is disturbing. Needless to say, mosquito bites, even if they are not blood-sucking mosquitoes, these small flying insects especially like to drill into your eyes, mouth and nose.

It doesn't take much, just three mosquitoes to drive you crazy.

Especially in the mountains and rivers, the water network is dense, and the mountains and plains are suitable places for mosquitoes to breed.

"Maybe the mosquito is the biggest boss."

Guan Tiancheng had said so before coming here.

Guan Tiancheng didn't have to be afraid, he could instantly kill a large area of ​​mosquitoes just by letting out the air that shook his body with his true energy.

After Shen Yu finished wiping off the insect repellent water, the two formally entered the mountain one after the other.

Rishang Mountain has the potential to be explored as a scenic spot. The natural scenery must be excellent. There are green plants and clear spring water everywhere, and the air can be sold at a good price.

Crossing the small bridge, the two of them came to a small open space. Right in front of them was an abandoned building with a size of three floors and a total of seven to eight hundred square meters.

"This is Yiwei Village of Shuilong Hot Spring, and there are many urban legends circulating on the Internet.

The last owner of the hotel and that Duhui were revealed to be contemporaries, and useful information might be found in it, but unfortunately the hotel has been completely abandoned. "

As a real estate enthusiast, Guan Tiancheng fell in love with this place at first sight. The hotel is surrounded by mountains and rivers with unique scenery, a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, and there is also a natural hot spring.

Perfect for converting into a vacation home.

"Is it because of the landslide?"

At least half of the hot spring hotel was buried by earth and stones, and the remaining wall was eroded by the years, covered with vegetation and large cracks and stains.

"It looks like this, anyway, take a few photos first."

Guan Tiancheng didn't forget to update his blog. When he becomes more famous in the future, he might be able to try a few bowls of fans.

Taking out the video recorder, Guan Tiancheng searched for the best angle to take pictures of the hotel, and even took off the golden suit and put on swimming trunks to take a selfie.

"It always feels like there's no gimmick..."

With an idea, Guan Tiancheng tapped his purse to activate a paper figurine, controlled it to collect a bunch of weeds and moss, decorated them on the paper figurine and threw them into the pool.

Shen Yu was sitting next to the ruins, counting the number of cracks on the wall boredly, when suddenly Guan Tiancheng ran over and patted her on the shoulder.

Shen Yu was forced to pose in various poses, pulled the corners of his mouth to force a smile, opened his arms by the pool and posed a Titanic, golden rooster independent, stacked arhat, split in the air...

After taking a dozen photos, she is already a useless person.

Guan Tiancheng's interest remained undiminished, and he handed the video recorder to her again.

"Come and watch Shen Yu, how is this video super interesting?"

Deep Feather rolled his eyes.

Guan Tiancheng, who is in the playful mode, is useless to tell him any reason, he can only make trouble with him until he switches his brain to serious mode.

Shen Yu sighed wearily, and looked at the phone screen.

In an environment with a high concentration of mystery like Rishangshan, the shooting level of mobile phones and other photographic equipment has been severely weakened. The video is full of rustling noises, unstable white spots, and poor resolution.

Fortunately, this is a supernatural-themed video, which actually saved Guan Tiancheng's later work.

At the beginning, the camera was focused on the water pool in front of the hotel. The water pool was calm and there were only a few flying insects. Guan Tiancheng briefly introduced the background of the location, explained the history of the hot spring hotel, and created a harmonious and quiet atmosphere.

A few seconds later, a green human-shaped shadow appeared underwater, moving rapidly and flexibly.

The camera trembled accordingly, and Guan Tiancheng's tone of explanation became excited and frightened, creating a tense and dangerous atmosphere.

The green figure kept tentatively approaching the shore. In the video, Guan Tiancheng panted heavily as if frightened, and the birds in the distance screamed in unison.

The screen kept shaking, and finally stopped at the moment when the green monster rushed to the shore. Suddenly, the screen was occupied by a scary big face plate, and the video ended here.

"How is Shen Yu, have you been frightened?"

"Wow, that's scary, I'm totally intimidated."

"Hey, I really have the talent to be an actor and director. I will play a supporting role in my mother's movie another day. I estimate that this video will have at least 500 million views. If it doesn't increase to 30 fans, I will be sorry for my acting skills.

It's just that the title is hard to come up with, it's called the green-haired weirdo, Tanbian strange shadow, horror alien...

I always feel that the taste is not right, there is!

Just call it a water monkey. "

"Hehehe, as long as you are happy."

Chapter 4 The Final Profound Truth

After the photo shoot, Shen Yu felt that he only had half his life left, but fortunately, the spirit of his thigh finally returned to normal.

"Shen Yu, it's too ugly.

You are tired like this before you have formally explored. How to find your mother-in-law like this, you must have roots. "

Shen Yu didn't bother to refute anymore, whatever you want to say.

Guan Tiancheng changed back to the suit of the master of Fumo, and led Shen Yu into the ruins of the hot spring hotel.

The environment inside was dark and oppressive, and the two each took out the spirit stone flashlights from their backpacks.

The grounds of the hotel were wet, and two of the rooms were filled with groundwater. Fukahae's swimsuit and sandals were prepared for this.

Generally speaking, insects and mice are most common in dark and humid environments, but only a few flying insects can be seen in Rishang Mountain, and there are no other small animals.

The birdsong in the previous video was simulated by him with his mobile phone.

The small animals seem to be afraid of a certain existence in the mountain, and instinctively stay away from here.

Stepping into this room, the water quality is clear and cold, and there are more than a dozen ghost hands protruding from the pool not far away. They gather together like a cluster of Flammulina velutipes.

Fukaha felt a little nervous.

At this time, the camera made a ding-ding-ding induction sound, which meant that there were wandering spirits around.

Shen Yu turned around and found a man with a pale face full of ominous aura. He stumbled and wandered by the water, and it took a while to notice the existence of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu originally wanted to pretend not to see, but this wandering spirit immediately launched an attack.

"Shen Yu, get out of here.

This is not an ordinary wandering spirit, but a wraith that can actively attack humans and repel him with a camera. "

Guan Tiancheng's calm voice came from behind him, and Shen Yu settled down to avoid the pounce of the wraith man, and then skillfully used the camera to fight.

The camera kept making crackling sounds, the wraith was constantly suppressed and weakened, and the body gradually became blurred with a miserable wail. Before it collapsed, Shen Yu hurried forward and touched the body of the wraith.

Immediately, the memory of the man before his death played back in Shen Yu's mind.

"Is there any important information in his memory?"

Shen Yu closed her eyes and tidied up for a while, then slowly shook her head.

"It's just an ordinary person who was lured by Rishangshan to commit suicide. His last memory was that he was surrounded by drowning ghosts, and was finally dragged into the water by a group of ghosts and drowned."

Neon has no superstitious legends about drowning ghosts catching people for death. They attack living people just out of killing instinct.

In neon culture, wraiths do not need a reason to kill, and they do not distinguish between targets. They are all terrifying demons who can kill without distinction.

"The Rishang Mountain is really interesting, such a weak spirit body has the ability to attack actively, which is almost unheard of in the outside world.

Now when its soul body is defeated by you, I also found that it has not dissipated completely.Instead, temporarily hide in a deeper and mysterious space to cultivate, maybe we will encounter it again tomorrow when we go up the mountain. "

"It sounds troublesome, can't you use your banner to solve it once and for all?"

"I'll try next time."

I searched around the room, but couldn't find anything worth mentioning.

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