In the middle of the night, his wife was waiting at home. She couldn't contact her husband, and she was extremely worried.

She waited at the entrance until five in the morning, only to see her husband come home as if nothing had happened, with red lips printed on his face and the smell of other women's perfume on his body.

At this time, the husband said, 'I didn't take the initiative'.

"Hehehe, you are going to have a football team with someone else!"

Chapter 7

After fighting with Shen Yu for a while, Guan Tiancheng ran to the ramen shop in the shopping street to have lunch alone.

Fukaba said that he was a little tired, so he chose to eat instant noodles for lunch.

"Fukaba is such a weak fish, I don't even bother to go to an antique coffee shop. I hope the owner of the shop is an interesting person."

While waiting for the ramen, Guan Tiancheng checked his blog with his mobile phone.

At this time, more than three hours have passed since the video was released.

As he expected, the number of views on the video has exceeded 40, and the number of comments below has also reached 20, and the number of followers has also skyrocketed to [-].

【Scared my sister to death】

[I was so scared that I turned over the instant noodles, and the blogger brother lost money]

[The video cannot be P, so the water monkey must be real]

[When we arrived at the scene, we only found this mobile phone]

【Brother blogger, you died so miserable ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh】

[The shot is very good, don't shoot it next time]

[Brother blogger, isn’t it good to rely on your appearance to make bad money? This video is so scary, it really scared me]

[The blogger brother really went to Rishang Mountain. I compared the videos of other bloggers. This is the pool in front of the water cage.But the blogger played real flowers, the video looks super real]

[Blogger brother's muscles, lick lick]

When Guan Tiancheng went to the mountain in the next day, he not only told his identity as a blogger to Mi Zi and Xiao Bo, but also to his fiancée, sister-in-law, a large group of relatives, and good friends in [Beautiful Girls' Guide].

After looking through it carefully, I can find many messages from acquaintances.

Lanyuan Yuzu: Wow, the photos are just like the real ones

Lanyuan Meiyi: Boring, you went to Rishangshan just to shoot this kind of stuff?

Big Buddha Little Bowl: Very good shot, don’t @我 next time, the phone screen is broken

Ai Hayasaka: Tell me, how many special effects artists have you hired?

Yulia of the second act hall: As expected of the master, that kappa must have been wiped out

Yotsuya Miko: Fortunately, I didn’t go with you

After searching around, unfortunately, I couldn't find Mizi's message. Guan Tiancheng sent them a group message saying hello, and then smiled happily.

"Eh... the taste of this restaurant is terrible, the ingredients are not fresh enough, and the noodles are completely soft like soaked cup noodles.

Gee, that's too bad. "

Even if the taste was bad, Guan Tiancheng was unwilling to break the principle, so he didn't waste the food, and just finished it in three or five mouthfuls.

Arrange your clothes and see that it's almost time.

Departing for the antique coffee shop, Guan Tiancheng was moved by the mature charm of the owner as soon as he entered the door.

Mika Kurosawa was having lunch with Xi Li at this time, when Xi Li saw him, she waved to him happily.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tiancheng."

"Good afternoon if you don't come here, this is the owner of the shop.

I'm sorry to interrupt you during lunch. "

Mika Kurosawa nodded politely.

"Sorry, let me talk after dinner."

"Good talk, good talk."

Two of them were eating, and one was waiting beside them. The only sound of them swallowing food was the only sound in the coffee shop. Xi Li felt a little embarrassed.

"Have you had lunch, Mr. Tiancheng?"

"I ate ramen before I came here, but unfortunately the taste of that shop was terrible, I will never go there again."

"Hahaha, I guess it must be the first one on the right of the shopping street."

"It seems that Xi Li has also been tricked..."

As the two chatted, their interest gradually increased. Guan Tiancheng was the best at making girls happy. He told several jokes one after another, which made Xi Li laugh again and again.

This scene made Kurosawa Mika feel that she was superfluous.

Since she took in Xili, Xili has always been preoccupied, and has never been as relaxed and happy as she is now.

Sure enough, it is most suitable for Xi Li to stay with her peers, this boy special?

Kurosawa Mika carefully observed Guan Tiancheng.

His appearance is really handsome, and his body is very strong, he can speak glibly, and he looks like a veteran of flowers.Xili won't be cheated by him, will she?

"By the way, why didn't you see Ms. Hinasaki this time?"

"Let me tell you secretly, you must not tell others that Shen Yu is actually a weak fish.

I went for a walk with her at the foot of Rishang Mountain in the morning, and her physical strength was exhausted, she was so weak.

Even walking a few hundred steps to the shopping street to eat ramen is troublesome, and I used instant noodles for lunch, and now I guess she should slump on the sofa and watch TV. "

Xi Li smiled triumphantly when she heard the words, and made a gesture of showing her biceps with her arms. With Shang Xi Li's beautiful face and slender figure, she could only feel cute.

"Tiancheng-jun, I am very confident in my physical strength and strength."

"Hahaha, Xili, you really know how to joke. Your wrists and waist are as thin as a wicker. It's more appropriate to be responsible for your beautiful appearance."

When her appearance was praised, Xi Li showed a sweet smile.

The more Mika Kurosawa watched, the more frightened she became.

How come Xili has become like this in just a few minutes, isn't the progress too fast?

You can chat so happily with such a conspicuous light bulb in the middle, if you don't have me, wouldn't you guys go against the heavens!

"Ahem, Mr. Guan, I heard that you want to talk to me."

Kurosawa Mihua hastened to finish the meal, but Xi Li hardly touched her chopsticks, and only took a few mouthfuls of a bowl of rice.

I heard that Mika Kurosawa mentioned something serious.

Guan Tiancheng put away the flirting mode and switched to a serious expression.

"That's right, I heard Miss Kurosawa's name from my godmother Takeda Saneda. The purpose of this trip is to learn about Higami-san from you."

"I see, let's talk in my room, some things are not convenient for Muggles to know."

Kurosawa Mika led Guan Tiancheng to the bedroom on the second floor, and gave orders solemnly.

"Xi Li, I'll leave the bowls and chopsticks to you."

"If you don't come here, see you later."

Xili's head was full of question marks, how could she have a good chat, but she was cut off by sister Mihua?

Kurosawa Mika opened the bedroom door, and the two entered.

Her bedroom is not too big, and the overall look is full of old and calm feeling.

In the corner facing the door is an old floor-to-ceiling mirror and a large wooden wardrobe with four doors.

On the workbench next to the mirror is a tape player that only existed in childhood memories. Opposite the iron-frame single bed is a desk with dozens of books and miscellaneous items on display.

There are hardly any decorations in the whole room, and the items are not arranged in a particularly orderly manner, giving people a warm and down-to-earth living atmosphere.

There was only one office chair in the room, and Mihua sat on her bed by herself, and the two of them chatted face to face with a distance of half a meter.

"Godmother Takeda, is that old man okay now?"

"Well, the body is very strong, and the energy is not comparable to that of ordinary old people."

At the age of more than 70 years old, ordinary old people should be thankful that they don't have Alzheimer's disease now, but the godmother still has enough intelligence and mobility to deceive middle-aged housewives.

There was never a healthier old man.

A few years ago, Mika Kurosawa visited her godmother in order to learn the ability of [Kagemi].The old man knew the importance of connections, and even exchanged phone numbers with Mika Kurosawa.

"Mr. Guan just said that he went to Rishang Mountain with his companions for a stroll, right?"

Chapter 8 The Mystery of Rishangshan

"Yes, I have reasons why I have to go to Rishang Mountain.

My companion, Hinasaki Fukaha, whose mother disappeared when she was young, we have confirmed through the power of shadows that she has been to Higami Mountain.

Shen Yu's mother had no reason to commit suicide, and she didn't seem like a person who would commit suicide. She must have a deeper secret when she took the initiative to go to Rishang Mountain.

I don't know if Ms. Kurosawa has a clue. "

When Kurosawa Mika heard the name Hinasaki Fukaha, she seemed to recall something, and hurriedly took out a notebook from the desk, opened a page and asked Guan Tiancheng.

"May I ask if the mother of Miss Hinasaki is the person in the photo?"

The notebook records Mika Kurosawa's work commissions and the general process. Most of them are commissions to find objects, and there are only a few commissions to find people.

In this page of work entrustment, the person Mika is entrusted to find is [Hinasaki Crimson], and the employer is Fukaha's adoptive mother, Ms. Yuki Iyama.

There is also a photo of Fukaba's mother in the notebook. The mother and daughter are [-]% similar in appearance.

He also took out another photo from his wallet, and Mihua couldn't help sighing after comparing it.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence to happen."

"The power of shadow and vision is best at finding people or things, and Ms. Kurosawa is an expert at this. This coincidence is not surprising."

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