Their brains are thinking fast.

Reason is properly weighing the pros and cons.

Finally, after about half an hour, the two looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and made a choice:

"Teacher, we choose to improve the inner body first, and then gain great strength externally!"

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Yun Che glanced at them with satisfaction, and asked with great interest.

"We are still too weak now. If we directly obtain the strongest combat power that can conquer the ninja world."

"I think... we can't handle it!"

Sasuke Uchiha said.

"Sasuke is right! And, although I can't explain in detail."

"But I have a hunch that if we don't experience what the teacher said, the cruel tempering of the soul and mind, then we will not be able to become truly strong no matter what!"

Uzumaki Naruto echoed...

His nerves are relatively thick, although he is not stupid, but in fact he is not much worse.

Therefore, it is impossible to analyze the situation comprehensively like Uchiha Sasuke.

You can only rely on your own feelings to make the choice you think is right!

clap clap clap!

"Not bad! You really didn't disappoint me!"

Yun Che smiled with satisfaction, and couldn't help but applaud these two little guys.

At a young age, he knows how to weigh the pros and cons and analyze the right and wrong.

should say...

Are you worthy of someone who experienced a dark childhood?She matured a lot earlier than her peers!

"Then... the training begins!"

Smiling like this, before Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto came back to their senses.

Yun Che directly raised his hand, and injected two beams of energy, one orange and one yellow, into their bodies.

In an instant.

The two people who were still full of energy suddenly withered down and collapsed on the ground.

"I hope you can persevere."

"Don't lose your mind and become a fool when it's over!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and he said with a calm smile.

He just used the power of the Mind Stone and the Space Stone.

Bring the consciousness of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto into a space similar to Tsukuyomi, but infinitely crueler than Tsukiyomi.

This is tempering!

For the tempering of their will!

It's the same as Uchiha Sasuke's own analysis just now.

Yun Che could indeed use the power of the Reality Gem to directly grant them the strongest combat power to conquer the ninja world, such as the eyes of reincarnation, or the eyes of Tensei.

However, if it does.

It is impossible for the two of them, whose minds are still immature, to control that power.

Overexpansion and death in waves will be the final outcome!

For these two little guys, it can't be said that they like it.

But Yun Che was really interested in the two of them.


Whether it's for future fun or the way to please yourself.

Anyone in the ninja world can die, but these two little kids are the only ones, no!

In a sense, mountains.

In the future, the two of them may become Yun Che's incarnation in this world! .

Chapter 117

Look around.

Hexi is studying ninjutsu in the room, and Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are undergoing training.

Yun Che discovered that it seemed...

Just by yourself, with nothing to do?

"Forget it, let's go for a walk."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che planned to go out to experience the customs of Konoha.

The super god world is the same as Yun Che's original world, it belongs to the modern city.

So there is no customs at all.

But Konoha, or Ninja World, is completely different!

Times are different, development is different, culture is different.

There are so many things that are very worthwhile for Yun Che to experience for himself!

Strolling on the street with people coming and going, Yun Che was admiring the style of Konoha.

Seemingly sensing something, he stopped in his tracks and said lightly:

"After following for so long, don't you plan to come out?"

Hearing Yun Che's words, the man in the dark was startled, but seeing that his whereabouts were discovered, he stopped hiding and walked out of the alley on the side.

"Sorry, Lord Yun Che."

Green johnin vest, one-eyed, 14 silver hedgehogs.

Not Kakashi, who else could it be?

"Sarutobi Hiruzen's order?"

Looking at Kakashi, Yun Che asked calmly.


Kakashi remained silent, not answering.

But in Yun Che's eyes, he had already acquiesced.

"Surveillance? No... Sarutobi Hirizan doesn't have the guts."

"So... are you worried about me?"

Yun Che murmured thoughtfully.

After experiencing the previous hanging and beating, Yun Che believed that even if he had the guts of a bear, Hiruza Sarutobi would not dare to send someone to monitor him!


It should be worrying to let Kakashi follow.

After all, in a sense, Yun Che is an extremely dangerous existence.

It can not only keep Konoha prosperous, but also destroy Konoha!

"Go back and tell Hiruzaru Sarutobi that I don't like a tail behind my ass!"

Wanting to understand the cause and effect, Yun Che narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Kakashi.

Although the tone is very flat, no emotion can be heard.

But as long as it is an individual, it can hear the hint, or the meaning of warning!


When Kakashi heard this, he nodded immediately, then activated the instant body technique, and disappeared in place.

To be reasonable, he was actually very unwilling to carry out Sarutobi Hiruzam's order.

Because in front of Yun Che.

Even if it's not an enemy, Kakashi always feels a lot of pressure!

But hey, he's just a mere jounin, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi is Hokage, so no matter how unwilling he is, he has to accept orders!

Fortunately, Yun Che didn't like the feeling of being followed.

And his words can also make Kakashi go back to work, and directly stop Hiruzaru Sarutobi's old mouth!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I hope you don't make any stupid choices!"

Looking at the place where Kakashi disappeared, Yun Che murmured softly.

For Sarutobi Hiruzaru, this bad old man.

Yun Che actually didn't have too many objections.

Although there are more or less his shadows in many dark events, but at best, it is just a compromise.

Shimura Danzo is the root of all conspiracies!

If it weren't for him, there would basically be nothing about Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It was also before that Yun Che led the hatred between Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki to the high-level Konoha.

The reason why it didn't lead to the shadow of Konoha!

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