After all, he's just out of his wits and doesn't have any malicious intentions, does he?

"Don't worry teacher, we won't go too far."

Sasuke Uchiha nodded.

"Although this kid is indeed a bit arrogant, but he has neither resentment nor enmity, Sasuke and I will not do anything to him!"

Uzumaki Naruto echoed with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Yun Che nodded in satisfaction.

"Stop talking nonsense! Two, come on!"

As Li Luoke said, his figure directly turned into an afterimage, and he came in front of the two in the blink of an eye.

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

With a loud shout, a leg full of strength and wind was kicked head-on!

"So fast!"

Sasuke Uchiha whispered in surprise.

The Sangouyu Sharingan in the eyes opened instantly, after capturing his speed.

The two hands were superimposed on each other, barely resisting the kick!

As for Uzumaki Naruto, it was as early as when Rock Li's figure disappeared.

He vigilantly turned a few somersaults and retreated to the rear.

"It seems that his strength is not just forbearance!"

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke's red arm, Uzumaki Naruto said seriously.

"Well, although I don't know the specifics, but... very strong!"

Uchiha Sasuke shook his hand, and smiled excitedly.

He fully approves now.

Rock Lee is not arrogant, but really has the strength to challenge them!

"You two, please be serious~!"

With one hand behind his back and the other pointing at the two, Rock Li said seriously.

"Don't worry, be absolutely serious!"

Uzumaki Naruto laughed, his feet exploded, his whole body was ejected, and he punched out.

Facing the fist that was about to hit his face.

Locke Lee swung his left hand from bottom to top to resist, and his right hand punched from back to front.

"Don't forget, there's me too!"

Just during this gap, Sasuke Uchiha came to the back of Rock Li in an instant.

Jump high, rotate 360 ​​degrees, and kick out with a fierce kick!


With a soft sound, Naruto Uzumaki was punched by Rock Lee...

Hammered into a bubble!

And Rock Li himself was kicked away by Uchiha Sasuke!

"It turned out to be a clone?! When did he use it, he didn't see it at all!"

"Also, how could they do this? It's not fair to Xiao Li at all!"

Tian Tian, ​​who was watching the match not far away, saw his teammates being deflated in such an unfair manner.

Immediately complained angrily.

"Xiao Li asked them to do it together!"

"Besides, if you fight, you will die or I will die. There is no fairness!"

Hinata Ningji said calmly, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto's actions.

"I didn't expect it to be a clone..."

Getting up from the ground, Rock Lee patted the dust on his body and muttered.

He didn't see clearly when Naruto Uzumaki used the avatar technique!

"Cooperated well!"

Uzumaki Naruto's body smiled and walked out from behind Uchiha Sasuke.

"Of course, we have a tacit understanding...brothers!"

Uchiha Sasuke smiled, and then gave a high five to his good friend.

The cooperation between them may be nothing in the eyes of the strong.

But in the eyes of the weak, or opponents of the same level, it is perfect!

Can't find the slightest flaw at all!


Looking at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto who used to fight each other every day, no matter how you looked at it, they felt that each other was not pleasing to the eye.

Now it's like a brother with a close relationship, talking and laughing.

Haruno Sakura couldn't help but tremble.

myself and them...

It's really going farther and farther...

"How? Are you still fighting?"

Raising his eyebrows, Naruto Uzumaki asked Rock Li.

"Of course! With just one punch, how could the duel be over!"

Locke Li smiled excitedly, and then his figure turned into an afterimage again, and approached the two of them again at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

This time his target...

It's Uzumaki Naruto!

"Shadow Dance Leaf!"

In the next paragraph, he kicked Naruto Uzumaki's chin, causing him to float up into the sky:

"Konoha Rising Wind!"

Locke Li punched and kicked in the air, hammering Uzumaki Naruto who hadn't reacted from the beginning to the end!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

How could Sasuke Uchiha bear it when he saw his good friend being beaten violently?

A huge fireball spit out directly from the mouth.

".~Biao Lianhua!"

However, Rock Lee didn't even look at Sasuke Uchiha's fireball.

He kicked out a leg at high speed, and after kicking the fireball away, he took out a large handful of bandages from behind and entangled Uzumaki Naruto tightly!

Finally, hold him, head down, and keep spinning!


Seeing this, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but stare.

This height, this speed!

If it hits the ground head-on, something big will happen!

"Fire Escape·Dragon Fire..."

Just when Uchiha Sasuke wanted to burn the bandage with fire escape and rescue his good friend.

Rock Lee, who was in mid-air, suddenly loosened the bandages that wrapped Naruto Uzumaki, allowing him to fall freely.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

There was a small dent in the ground.

"Naruto! Are you alright?"

Uchiha Sasuke hurried forward and tore off all the bandages.

Rescued Naruto Uzumaki who was trapped inside.

"It's okay..."

"He finally showed mercy, otherwise I would be seriously injured if I didn't die!"

"It's really... (Money Zhao).. Careless..."

Panting heavily, Uzumaki Naruto shook his head and sighed.

He was seized by Rock Lee because of a brief absence at the beginning.

A set of combined body skills directly, hit from the ground to lift into the air, and then tied up again, without the slightest chance of backhanding!

if last.

Li Luoke didn't let go, but hugged him all the way, and fell headfirst to the ground.

The consequences are really serious!

how to say?

If you don't concentrate and pay attention to the opponent's every move at any time during the battle, you will really lose your life!

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