After Asaharuno Sakura scolded in a cold voice, she came to Sasuke Uchiha and stood side by side.

"Since you're here, don't sneak around and hide!"

"We have found you, get out!"

Sasuke Uchiha roared towards a towering giant tree not far away.

"Ha ha......"

"You two brats really surprised me..."

Following Uchiha Sasuke's voice fell.

The epidermis of the towering giant tree squirmed, and then, a pale-skinned figure fell out of it, and said with a sinister smile.

The person who came was Leng Jun, one of the Sannin.

Veteran movie-level powerhouse, Orochimaru!

"You should be the strong man that the teacher said, who will trouble us, right?"

Uzumaki Naruto asked with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? Teacher?"

"I'm curious, what's the matter with your strength? Was it given by your so-called teacher? And who is he?"

After hearing this, Orochimaru looked very interested, and said with a sinister smile.

To be reasonable, the aura shown by Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto is completely beyond his previous expectations!

I can discover my hidden self without telling it...

The key is the aura that exudes from them.

It doesn't belong to Genin at all!

It's... Shadow Class!

For these series of accidents, the clever Orochimaru can think of them.

It is the teacher that Naruto Uzumaki said!

He should be the "culprit" who caused all this!

"I don't even know who our teacher is. It seems that you are not from Konoha!"

Uchiha Sasuke sneered.

Everyone in Konoha knows Yun Che's name, everyone knows it.

If someone doesn't know, then he must be from the outer village!

"Oh? It seems that Konoha didn't know when, another strong man appeared!"

Orochimaru licked his tongue coldly.

From Uchiha Sasuke's words, he can draw a message.

That is their teacher, a celebrity whom everyone in Konoha knows, everyone knows!

It seems...

The information he asked the pharmacist to collect was not so perfect!

"Sasuke, why are you talking nonsense with him?"

"Since the teacher said that he is a strong man, then he must not be weak. Let's fight him together!"

Uzumaki Naruto said impatiently.

Even if I have tried the stronger Six Paths Sage form before.

But despite this, he still wants to try the Nine Lama form, to see how it feels when he fights someone!

"Well, fuck him!"

Uchiha Sasuke nodded, and the two looked at each other.

At the same time, using the technique of instant body, the figure disappeared and approached the opposite Orochimaru.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

"Don't you take me seriously? It seems... I was really underestimated by you two brats!"

Seeing no fear at all, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto attacked him at the same time if they didn't agree with each other.

Orochimaru sneered darkly.

In his opinion, either these two little guys don't know his name as Sannin Lengjun.


Even if they know it, they are also not afraid!

And if they know it, but they are also not afraid, it means that the two of them must have a lot of confidence to dare to fight with themselves!

As for where this confidence comes from...

Orochimaru felt that it should be from the so-called teacher they said!


Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers! ! ! .

Chapter 132


"Spiral pills!"

The battle was about to start, and Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto used the technique of instant body to come behind Orochimaru, and used their most familiar ninjutsu.

"They really are two annoying brats!"

Orochimaru sneered sinisterly.

Instantly use Earth Dun and Earth Substitute to avoid the damage of Helixwan and Chidori.

Then the main body got out of the soil, and used the signature ninjutsu coherently:

"Long shadow snake limbs!"

Countless boa constrictors flew out of the sleeves, with their fangs and mouths open, and they rushed towards his face ferociously.

"What a disgusting trick!"

Uchiha Sasuke frowned, and quickly sealed his hands:

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball spewed out from its mouth, and when the flames arrived, not a single blade of grass could grow among the snakes!

"It's obviously just a 12-year-old kid, but he actually has such a huge chakra and releases such a huge fireball..."

"Jie jie jie... I'm getting more and more interested in your teacher!"

Orochimaru excitedly licked 14 of his long tongue, and smiled coldly.

In his opinion, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto can have the power of a movie at the age of 12.

It was definitely the work of the "teacher" they called!

"Can you stop laughing? The voice is so ugly!"

Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips and scolded:

"There is still a tongue, why is it so long? Are you entertaining yourself with your little brother? People are not snakes or snakes. I have lived for 12 years, Mr. Whirlpool, and I have never seen such an extremely disgusting person!"

As soon as Naruto Uzumaki said these words, the audience fell silent.

It's not that there are many dirty words in his sentence.


The overall artistic conception is too vicious!


Yun Che, who had been hiding in the mirror space to watch the battle, was stunned.

He really didn't expect that Naruto Uzumaki, who was a little naturally dumb, would say such murderous words!

Well, it's just to kill Dashewan.


Haruno Sakura, who had been hiding behind a big tree and tried not to be affected by the battle, was also shocked.

She also never imagined that Naruto Uzumaki, who was once innocent like a fool, would say such things...

Vulgar language!

This is completely two extremes with the silly white sweet in his impression!

"Damn! Brother, you are awesome!"

Uchiha Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then gave a thumbs up immediately, and said something that didn't fit his image of aloofness.

There is no way, in fact, he has long been unhappy seeing Dashewan's appearance.

People are not humans and snakes are not snakes.

The key is whether it is male or female!

If it is a man, you can tell it at a glance, but if it is a woman, it really looks like it!

After all, she has pale skin and beautiful hair...

Although there are indeed many men in the ninja world who like to have long hair, their temperament is at least very masculine!

Unlike the Orochimaru in front of me...

Feminine, if he doesn't burst out with strong strength, those who don't know him may really regard him as a woman!

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