"Pain Pain!"

Covering their heads, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto looked at their teacher with grievances.

They couldn't figure it out, since they had won the battle, they had to teach themselves a lesson for Teacher Mao.

"Are you two in a hurry to find death?"

"In the face of a veteran movie-level powerhouse, so arrogant?"

Yun Che taught with a serious face.

Hidden in the mirror space, he observed clearly all the shortcomings of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto from watching the battle to the end!

Two 12-year-old little furry kids who had just obtained shadow-level combat power for less than a day.

All kinds of provocative and murderous veteran Kage-level Orochimaru?

Ha ha......

To put it mildly, to underestimate the enemy, to put it harshly, it is arrogance!

"We are not arrogant..."

"And with the strength of that guy just now, there's nothing wrong with arrogance..."

Sasuke Uchiha scratched his head, and muttered inexplicably.

"Dare to talk back?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and gave him a chestnut again.


Seeing his best friend being taught a lesson, Naruto Uzumaki couldn't help laughing.

They are brothers, bad friends, and enemies.

They usually fight and fight, bragging and fighting each other, but at critical moments, they can entrust their backs to each other without hesitation!

"Laughing? What are you laughing at?"

"You were the most arrogant just now!"

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki giggling, Yun Che gave him a chestnut without hesitation.

"Do you know who the person you faced just now is?"

After teaching his two disciples a good lesson, Yun Che sighed and asked seriously.

"do not know......"

Naruto Uzumaki shook his head.

"I only know that he is also a movie-level powerhouse..."

Sasuke Uchiha shook his head and said.

"Yes, he is a movie-level powerhouse! And he is also a veteran movie-level!"

"It's fine if it's just a veteran Kage, but his name is Orochimaru, and he's one of the legendary Sannin!"

Yun Che explained slowly.

The old movie class belongs to the old movie class, and Orochimaru belongs to Orochimaru.

The two cannot be compared!

You know, whether it's the lower ninja, the middle ninja, the upper ninja, or the shadow class.

They all have strengths and weaknesses!

And Orochimaru belongs to the rank of the strong in the shadow class!

Do you really think that the legendary Sannin are just bragging?

Do you really think Leng Jun, the strongest of the three ninjas, is joking?

In the ninja world, the strong are respected!

If you don't have strength, how can you afford this title!

"Oshemaru... Could it be that Konoha Renin, Orochimaru?"

Uzumaki Naruto, who was lonely and lonely since he was a child, may not be clear, but Uchiha Sasuke, who was born as the Uchiha prince, has a certain understanding of these histories!

Apparently, he had been told by someone in the family.

I've heard the legend of Sannin, and I've even heard what kind of person Orochimaru is!

"That's right, it's him!"

Yun Che nodded.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Teacher, Sasuke, don't you two play charades? Who is Orochimaru? Why can't I understand?"

Naruto Uzumaki asked curiously.

"Naruto, if that guy just now is really the Orochimaru that the teacher said."

"Then...we are so arrogant, but we are still alive, it is really lucky!"

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his good friend who didn't understand anything, and said solemnly.

"Huh? Is it really that exaggerated?"

"Why don't I think he's that powerful at all?"

Uzumaki Naruto Wenyan, after a moment of stupefaction, scratched his head and said in disbelief.


Seeing such a silly and sweet Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke sighed helplessly.

Then he carefully told him the legend of the Sannin and the story of Leng Jun Dashewan, the strongest of the Sannin.

Including how Sannin became famous and what they did after becoming famous.

There are also various deeds in Dashemaru's life......


After listening to the story of his good friend, Uzumaki Naruto was shocked.

Dare to love the person who has been ridiculing himself before.

Turned out to be a big boss who kills without blinking an eye?

Thinking this way, it was equivalent to Naruto Uzumaki who had just returned from a trip before the gate of hell, and his back was suddenly covered with cold sweat.

"Do you really think that Orochimaru can't do anything to you?"

"Do you really think that Susanoo and Tailed Beast are invincible?"

Yun Che shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"If Orochimaru has no other plans and needs to be implemented with scruples."

"He has no less than a hundred ways to kill you!"

As a veteran kage class in the vertical and horizontal ninja world, Orochimaru does not have any strong cards.

How can this be?

To be honest, if Orochimaru is not because of the implementation of Konoha's collapse plan.

And Yun Che has been hiding in the mirror space, observing secretly.

This time, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are definitely in danger!

"Teacher, we were wrong..."

After knowing what kind of threat Orochimaru posed, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto immediately bowed their heads obediently and admitted their mistake.

At first, because I didn't know who Orochimaru was.

So they feel aggrieved by their teacher's lessons.

but now......

Don't talk about being wronged, they just feel very lucky for being able to survive!

"Oh, don't blame me for saying so much."

"If I didn't regard you as my own children, I wouldn't be too lazy to talk about it."

Sighing helplessly, Yun Che stroked the heads of the two of them and said.


Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto immediately embraced Yun Che with tears in their eyes.

It's just a matter of height.

They can only hug their waists.

At first glance, this picture...is inexplicably warm.

"what happened?"

Looking at the two little fellows with teary eyes, Yun Che asked with some puzzlement.

Could it be that I taught myself too much and felt wronged?

Shouldn't be...

At any rate, they have experienced a lot of tempering, and their psychological endurance should not be so fragile.

"It's okay, I'm just happy..."

Sasuke Uchiha shook his head.

In fact, although he and Uzumaki Naruto have always regarded Yun Che and He Xi as family members.

However, after getting along for a long time.

The two of them also knew what kind of person Yun Che was.

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