When I first met Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, they were just two 12-year-old kids.

Unexpectedly, so many years have passed by now.

They have all grown into teenagers of sixteen or seventeen.

Perhaps it was because of being together day and night, until now when it was time to say goodbye, He Xi suddenly found out.

It turned out that she and Yun Che regarded her as their own two children.

has grown so big...


When Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto heard this, their eyes immediately became moist.

Although they have experienced many things, they have matured enough to be said to be familiar.


Yun Che and He Xi will always be the weakness in their hearts!

"Hey, hey, hey! It's not life and death. Do you want to make it so exaggerated?"

"Isn't it good to treat it as a trip?"

Tsunade on the side rolled his eyes and complained helplessly.

"Well, Hexi also said that he might come back from time to time to take a look."

Otsutsuki Kaguya nodded, deeply agreeing.

"I'm sorry teacher, Naruto and I... are still too immature."

Wiping his tears, Uchiha Sasuke's voice was choked up, but he still pretended to be strong and said.

"It's okay, it's not a question of immaturity."

Looking at Erzhuzi whose height could not reach the position of his chest, Yun Che shook his head and said with a smile.

Indeed, this is not a question of immaturity.

It was a question of how heavy their status was in the hearts of both he and Hexi.

"Teacher, teacher's wife, don't worry!"

"When we come back next time, Sasuke and I will impress you all!"

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Naruto Uzumaki said firmly.

"Then we look forward to it."

The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and without any hesitation, he directly waved his hand and opened the crack in the other world, leading Hexi and the three of them, walked in, and completely left the world of Hokage.

He is not a person who likes to drag his feet.

He is very relieved to hand over the ninja world to Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto!

"Naruto, Sasuke!"

"Brother Yun Che...?"

As soon as Yun Che and the others left, Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hinata, headed by Ino Yamanaka, ran over.

asked out of breath.

"The teacher... is gone."

Uzumaki Naruto took a deep breath, and said after trying to calm down his sad emotions.


When Haruno Sakura heard this, she was stunned.

"Brother Yun Che..."

Hinata Hinata squatted on the ground with red eyes, her body trembling non-stop.

Clearly, she was grieving, crying.

"Is it really like this..."

"Is it because we are too young..."

Yamanaka Ino smiled bitterly with a pale face.

Although a deep relationship has been established.

But Yun Che...

After all, they didn't start with them!

"Don't worry, the teacher's wife said that she and the teacher will come back from time to time to have a look."

Sighing, Uchiha Sasuke persuaded.

He knew that the three girls in front of him had an inexplicable and ambiguous relationship with his teacher.

Don't know in the future though.

Will they become their teachers and wives like Tsunade and Otsutsuki Kaguya?


Whether it's a companion or a teacher's wife, they maintain a sad attitude towards Yun Che's departure, just like themselves and Uzumaki Naruto, and that's enough!

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto always believed.

Yun Che and He Xi will come back.

Like Tsunade said, they're...just out on a trip!

On the other side, in the crack in the other world, Yun Che and Hexi quickly found the planet belonging to the super god world, and then flew away with Tsunade and Otsutsuki Kaguya.

next moment.

The familiar white light flashed.

When they opened their eyes, the group of them returned to the familiar hall again!

"This is the world of super gods in your mouth..."

Looking at the eyes, it is different from the luxurious hall of Naruto World.

Tsunade murmured in amazement.

"There is no flow of chakra in the air."

"It seems that this is indeed a world outside the ninja world!"

Grasping the void, Otsutsuki Kaguya raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Hexi, inform Kaisha and the others that we have returned."

He didn't care about Tsunade and Otsuki Kaguya who were experiencing new things.

Yun Che lay on the familiar sofa, and said to He Xi beside him.


Hexi nodded, and then used the angel's communication network to contact his good sisters.

It's been such a long time.

She misses them terribly too!

After He Xi finished contacting, within 10 minutes, all the women in Yun Che's world rushed to the palace one by one, and hugged Yun Che collectively.

"You are finally back!"

"I want to kill you!"

"Tell me, what world did you go to?"

"How is the development? What is the combat power system? How is the scenery?"

"Is that world interesting?"

A lot of questions came one after another, and they were all very curious about Yun Che and He Xi's trip to another world.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Hexi, take everyone back to the room to catch up on the old days!"

"I'm tired, I want to lie down and squint for a while!"

After yelling to stop their chattering behavior, Yun Che said to Hexi.

Then he lay on the sofa by himself without making a sound.

"Hexi, what's wrong with Yun Che...?"

Keisha raised her eyebrows and asked in a low voice.

She could clearly feel that her male god didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"I'm sorry!"

He Xi shrugged helplessly.

Although Yun Che didn't say anything, she knew that his feelings for Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were very deep!

The two little guys were reluctant to let him go with snot and tears.

Why wouldn't he miss them?

It's just that he likes to put all his emotions in his heart, so he won't act so gaffe!


Naruto World was cut off in such a hasty way, I really don’t know what to write (crying and laughing).

Chapter 140

in the next period of time.

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