"Go on!"

Tokiwa Sogo...

Well, he followed suit.

"Complete body Susanoo!"

Saying something softly in his mouth, suddenly, purple flame-like energy permeated his whole body.

Burn, wrap, shape.

The size shrinks, the density solidifies, and the energy turns into substance.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Che's figure disappeared, replaced by a warrior in purple armor!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Facing the two knights and one weirdo rushing to his front door.

Yun Che's indifferent voice sounded.

An invisible energy burst out, directly shaking them flying backwards.

"Damn it! Another weird trick!"

Mingguangyuan Gates gritted his teeth and cursed.

Before, he had suffered a lot under Yun Che's Shenluo Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin!

"I don't care what weird tricks you have! I'll die to you!"

The alien Build cursed, his hands condensed energy, formed two basketballs, and threw them fiercely towards Yun Che.

"Oh? Little basketball'~?"

"So...how about trying my big basketball?"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Smiling with great interest, Yun Che does not need to seal.

A fireball that was countless times bigger than a basketball of a different kind of Build was sprayed out of its mouth!

At first glance.

It really looks like a big basketball!


Seeing the two small basketballs, they were directly compared to the big fireball, and they were swallowed so that there was not even a hair left.

Mingguangyuan Gates and the others screamed, then immediately rolled to avoid.

Don't be blown to pieces by a huge fireball!

"Too tender!"

With a sneer of disdain, Yun Che was in the gap between them rolling and dodging.

In an instant, he came behind Sogo Tokiwa:

"Painful feet!"

He raised his right leg high and kicked the little devil's head straight down.


Accompanied by a loud noise, like an earthquake, the entire concrete floor quickly cracked.

Tokiwa Soogo didn't even have a chance to scream, and was forced to cancel his transformation. His whole body was deeply embedded in the ground, and he passed out!

The strange power contained in Pain Tian's feet.

It's not what the current Tokiwa Sogo can bear!

Not to mention, the power of this kick, and Susano's blessing!


Seeing Yun Che kicking so fiercely made Tokiwa Sogo faint.

Both Mingguangyuan Gates and the alien Build couldn't help swallowing.

No extra movement, just one kick...

Is this the legendary...

Aesthetics of violence? !

"It seems to be Tsunade's power, right?"

Lena, who was watching the battle from behind, raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Because Tsunade's personality is different from Kaguya Otsutsuki's, he is more free and easy, and can play and get along well with anyone.

So for her abilities.

All the girls in the Crystal Palace know something about it.

"Well, Yun Che's power gem can allow him to master all the power he tries to master."

"So it's not surprising that he knows Tsunade's strange power."

Qilin nodded and smiled.

"But I've seen Tsunade's strange power before. It seems... not so powerful, is it?"

Reina scratched her head and asked with some doubts.

"Don't forget, the six infinity gems will automatically strengthen Yun Che's other abilities!"

"So no matter what kind of power is used in Yun Che's hands, it will only become stronger!"

Compared to the nervous, clumsy and clumsy Lena.

Evidently, Qi Lin, who is delicate and thoughtful, knows everything about Yun Che!


"With this kick, if you can hit the King of the Moshi head-on..."

Yuedu swallowed in shock.

At first, she didn't believe that Yun Che could hit three with one hit and completely torture two knights and one weirdo.

But after seeing the power of his kick...

Yuedu not only believed that Yun Che could defeat the three of them.

Even more, he felt that he could kick the Demon King to death with one kick!


In fact, Yuedu obviously thought too much.

Although the strange power is indeed perverted, it is not as good as the King of Time!

You know, under the normal data, the old devil king can punch more than 100 tons of power with one punch!

This is only under normal data, without any other factors!

It can be seen from this that the perverted strange power is not enough to look at in front of the king of the devil!


It's not his physical strength that is so powerful at the time of the devil, but his ability!

The power of time and space, the power of knights, and the power of encountering demons.

Which one is not more powerful than strange power?

So I want to use my strange power to fight against the Demon King...

It can only be said that Yuedu is too naive and thinks too much!

".~Did you see it? This is called fighting!"

"Those who can't fight this kind of destructive power are all elementary school students fighting!"

After a painful kick kicked Sogo Tokiwa until he passed out.

Yun Che pointed at the cracked ground, and spoke righteously to Gates of Mingguangyuan.

"This this......?!"

Gates of Mingguangyuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this.

To play this destructive power.

Only then can TM be considered a battle?

Didn't I always fight with elementary school students before? !


Heterogeneous Build has been scared out of his wits.

He said in horror, then turned around and wanted to run away.

He's not a fool without a brain, knowing the enemy is so...violent!

I'm afraid there are only real fools.

That's why you want to stay and continue to die!

"Did I let you go?"

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

(Qian Haozhao) Said with an indifferent expression, Yun Che directly used gravity.

He pulled back the heterogeneous Build that ran more than ten meters away.

Originally, he didn't intend to intervene in the affairs of the strange knights.

But who made this guy yell at him just now?

If this is not killed, where is the face?

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