So even if she knew that the man in front of her had the power to destroy heaven and earth, she would not feel afraid.


Not an enemy, what is there to be afraid of?

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask you a question."

Yun Che shrugged, and found a chair to sit down on his own.

"what is the problem?"

Gates of Mingguangyuan frowned, with a look of (Qian's) apprehension, and asked very vigilantly.

"In 2068, where is the exact location of the King of the Devils?"

With a calm expression, Yun Che uttered words that made Ming Guang Yue Gates and Yue Du change their expressions.

"What are you looking for, King Fengmoshi?"

Yue Du frowned, and asked in a dignified tone.

She was very curious, with Yun Che's ability, what things couldn't be done?

Why do you want to find the King of Time?

Is it...

Want to have a fight?

No, no, Yun Che doesn't look like the kind of fighter who is so bored that he likes to fight!

"You bastard, do you want to join forces with the Demon King?!"

Mingguangyuan Gates slapped the table furiously and shouted straight.

He has seen the terrifying power of the King of the Devils.

I have also seen Yun Che's terrifying power.

These two guys, no matter who they are, can easily destroy the world with just one shot!

So Mingguangyuan Gates is afraid...

He was afraid that the two would join forces and dominate the world together!

They can't deal with one monster, let alone two! .

Chapter 154

"Well! Well!"

"It hurts your body! If you have something to do, you might as well sit down, have a cup of tea, and have a good talk!"

Seeing that everyone was at war with their swords, they looked like they might fight at any time.

Tokipan Zhuangwu quickly became a peacemaker, persuading here and persuading there.

In fact, his current situation is very embarrassing.

Help Mingguangyuan Gates and Yuedu?


After all, the two of them were the ones who ran back from the future to the present and wanted to kill themselves.

Those Yun Ches?

Not very realistic either.

Don't talk about it, the point is that he really doesn't want Yun Che to really join forces with the Demon King as Mingguangyuan Gates said!

Although the king is the future self when he meets the devil.

But the current Tokiwa Sogo is an honest, obedient boy!

He didn't want to see the picture of the two great demon kings joining hands to dominate the world and destroy the world!


No one can help, only stuck in the middle, acting as a shameful peacemaker.

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt."

After giving Tokipan Sougo a look that made him shut up obediently in fright, the corners of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and he looked at Mingguangyuan Gates with great interest:

"If I really plan to join forces with the Demon King."

"What would you do?"

Yun Che was slightly looking forward to it.

He wanted to see this crazy guy with a personality similar to Reina's, who was bluffing around.

What will be the answer.

"Kill you!"

Should it be said that it is a straight intestine?

Mingguangyuan Gates looked awe-inspiring, and said righteously.

"But don't say kill, even fight, you can't beat me!"

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

"If you risk your life, don't hesitate!"

Another answer without hesitation.

If you haven't watched the original drama, you know that Meikoin Gates spent a period of time with Tokiwa Shogo, from the very beginning of wanting to kill him, and finally became after he sacrificed his life to protect him.

Yun Che might really feel it.

The other party is a ruthless person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goal!

Should it be said that the power of "bonds" is indeed extremely powerful?

From the savior who killed the devil to a friend who sacrificed his life to protect the devil...

Inexplicably, in a trance, Yun Che saw the shadows of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha on their bodies!

"If you risk your life, don't hesitate..."

"Tsk tsk! What a pity..."

Yun Che clicked his tongue, shook his head and laughed.

"What a pity?"

Tsukiyomi raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the idea of ​​cooperating with the King of Time, he doesn't have that qualification!"

"I just want to ask him to help with something."

"And, Gates of Meiguangyuan, even if you risk your life, you are no match for me!"

Yun Che said with a disdainful smile.

Looking at the entire masked world, the King of Time may be really awesome.

Possessing the power of a knight, the power of time and space, and the power of encountering demons, he can even manipulate the law of cause and effect, change the weight and density at will, and change the material of equipment.

In short, it is all kinds of fancy show operations.

But sorry.

These operations are not worth mentioning in Yun Che's eyes!

It's true that he can do these things, but that's all. What Yun Che can do is far more than him!


Mouth twitched slightly.

Originally, when he learned that Yun Che had no intention of joining hands with King Fengmoshi.

Meikoin Gates breathed a sigh of relief.

But the phrase "If you risk your life, you can't match it with one hand", it really hit his heart.

While it's an undeniable fact...

But is it really okay to say it in front of so many people? !I'm a dignified second rider, don't you want to lose face? !

Mingguangyuan Gates couldn't help roaring crazily in his heart.

"What do you want to do to help you find the King of Time?"

Tsukiyomi raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.


"A drive for the future 2019!"

Yun Che said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Drive? With your power, you don't need this kind of thing at all, right?"

Meiguangyuan Gates frowned and said.

Although I don't want to admit it.

However, Yun Che's strength can indeed be called invincible!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like someone who needs such a thing as a drive!

"Who said I'm going to use it?"

"Is it okay to give it to someone else?"

Yun Che shrugged and said.

"Send it to someone else? That makes sense."

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