Frowning, the old Tokiwa Shogo rarely had a bad premonition.

So he didn't choose to talk too much nonsense with Yun Che.

Instead, he decisively gave orders to Kabuto and Drive, the Kamen Riders he had summoned.


"RiderKick (money is good)!"


After getting the order of the old Tokiwa Shogo.

Both Kabuto and Drive were merciless, immediately turned on the high-speed form, and launched their own knight kicks!

"Old dog meeting demons, let me teach you!"

"Others slowing down is equivalent to me speeding up, and others speeding up is equivalent to me slowing down!"

"This is the theory of relativity as I know it!"


The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and a ray of emerald green light bloomed between his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound.


stand still!

"So, as long as you stop them, their original acceleration effect will no longer exist, or in other words..."

"It's transferred to me!"

He looked at the two Kamen Riders Kabuto and Drive who were standing motionless in mid-air in kicking poses.

The corner of Yun Che's mouth slightly curled up with a light smile. .

Chapter 159

"Pause time?"

"Are you... are you a Time Robber?"

Looking at Kamen Rider Kabuto and Drive hovering in mid-air while maintaining a kicking posture.

Old Tokiwa Sogo asked, squinting his eyes.

"Don't associate me with those useless guys."

"They are nothing more than mice! And I... am Destiny!"

A sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and Yun Che waved his hand casually.

The power of the Time Stone is activated again!

This time, instead of stopping time, he intends to directly speed up the passage of time, so that the Kamen Rider Kabuto and Drive summoned by the old Tokiwa Shogo jump out of this timeline!

In other words, remove them from this timeline...


"This feeling... is the real manipulation of time?!"

Watching Kamen Rider Kabuto and Drive being wrapped in a green glow.

The figure gradually becomes transparent until it dissipates.

Old Tokiwa Sogo couldn't help exclaiming:

"You guy... who the hell are you?!"

The look in his eyes was extremely cold.

At this very moment, the old Tokipan Zhuangwu had already started to look at Yun Che squarely, and put him on the same level as himself!

To know.

Time is his title and the power to call him king.

Although the group of time robbers also have the ability to manipulate time.

But to be precise, that can't be considered manipulation!

Just being able to stop in time.

Overall, not worth mentioning!

But Yun Che is different.

As the king of time, old Tokiwa Shogo can clearly feel it.

This operation of Yun Che is definitely not a simple stop or stop, or a speed per hour.

It's really manipulating time!

just with...

Same as myself!

"Why do you always like to ask such questions?"

"How many times have I told you that I'm just a passing world traveler!"

Yun Che shrugged, looking very helpless.

It's true that Kamen Yashi is a passing Kamen Rider.

But it is true that I am a passing world traveler!

And where is the sacred...

It seems that everyone in the masked world especially loves this word?

I don't know if it has any special meaning.

We don't know, and we dare not ask!

"Oh, a traveler in the world for a while, and a destiny for a while, it's just full of nonsense!"

He sneered disdainfully:

"Since you don't want to say it, then I will force you to say it!"

A ray of red light flashed across the eyes on the hood.

The figure of old Tokipan Zhuangwu disappeared in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Yun Che, and then punched fiercely, directly towards the door!

"In these days, no one will believe the truth!"


Yun Che threw out the same punch without the slightest panic.


With a loud bang.

The earth under the two of them seemed to bear the pressure that it shouldn't have to bear at this age.

Instant burst!


"Exactly what I want!"

Bang bang bang!

Without the slightest pause.

After one punch was finished, Yun Che and the old Tokiwa Soogo continued to punch the second punch in a very tacit understanding!

Immediately after...

The third punch, the fourth punch, the fifth punch!

First kick, second kick, third kick!

No special abilities, no manipulation of time.

Yun Che and the old Tokiwa Sogo used the most essential power to fight the most simple battle!


But despite this, the explosive power of the two of them, like beasts, still created a huge momentum!

There was a deafening sonic boom in the air.

The earth split into giant fractured rocks.

Shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, the battle between the two strong men is like destroying the world!

"Is this the legendary fight between gods?"

Meiguangyuan Gates, who was watching the battle from behind, murmured with a dumb face.

how to say?

His current mood is really quite complicated.

Because compared with the two big men in front of me, my previous battles were really like kids fighting!

Regardless of the destructive power it causes, or the visual experience it looks like.

The two are not in the same dimension at all!

Meikoin Gates said that at this moment, his self-esteem and self-confidence.

They all suffered a very powerful and major blow!

"If Yun Che can win..."

"Then, in 2068, there will be salvation!"

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