At this moment, he finally understood what Yun Che said just now.

Dare to feel that this is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Want to use your own moves to beat yourself?

However, the surprise was the surprise, but the old Tokiwa Sogo still didn't stop.

After all, the arrow is on the string, so it has to be fired!

You can't ask him to stop his feet suddenly in mid-air, right?How about being kicked to death by Yun Che and exploding on the spot!

"Old devil, don't be distracted!"

"Be careful with your old bones, I kicked them to pieces!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

Funny to say.

The old Tokiwa Shogo wanted to take Yun Che's power because of the novelty at the beginning.

But what he didn't know was that during the battle just now, his power had already been mastered by Yun Che!

do not forget.

The ability of the power gem can allow Yun Che to master all the power he tries to master!

and so……

Does this count as stealing chickens and losing rice?

"Hmph! You don't need to worry about this!"

Old Chang Pan Zhuang Wu snorted unhappily.


BOOM! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening bang.

A dazzling white light, like a nuclear bomb exploding, erupted from between the two of them!

The destructive power of the Omatoki King's special move, which contains destructive power, and the modified version of the Omatoki's special move, Susanoo's special attack, the destructive power caused is completely enough to destroy the world!


"I'll be nice..."

"This shit is really a fight between gods!"

"Get down! Grab what you have, don't get blown away!"

Even if it ran a hundred meters away.

The group of four watching the battle was almost swept away by this powerful aftermath!

About half a minute passed.

The huge momentum gradually subsided.

Their faces were covered with dust, their bodies were in a mess, and they were forced to eat a lot of dust in their mouths.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

And Yun Che and the old Tokiwa Sogo in the center of the battlefield.

On the other hand, he dispelled the miniature Susanoo and the King of Demons with a calm face, and looked at each other in a human posture.

At first glance.

Both of them were unscathed, as if it was a tie.

But in fact, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that the corners of Yun Che's mouth are slightly hooked, his expression is calm, and he looks relaxed and comfortable.

On the other hand, old Tokiwa Sogo.

His brows were furrowed, his legs were trembling, and his throat swelled, as if he was swallowing something with difficulty.


Victory and defeat!

"Fengmo old dog, your body is already aging, so it's better to spit out blood congestion!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth hooked slightly.

On the surface, it was a kind reminder, but in fact, it was an outbreak of bad humor.



The old Tokiwa Zhuangwu heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

I almost couldn't hold back, and spit out the mouthful of blood that I swallowed just now!


How could I not know that congestion should not be swallowed?

You can't swallow it!

Lose or lose, but vomiting blood or something, it's too embarrassing!

He is majestic, the king of the devil, don't you want to lose face?

"You... are indeed not from this world!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the old Tokiwa Shogo said in a calm tone as much as possible.

He now believes that Yun Che is indeed a so-called world traveler.

Because he is confident that no one in this world is his opponent!

"so what?"

"Now that you believe it and you win it, then, should you..."

Yun Che spread out his hands, the meaning was self-evident.

"I understand……"

Take a deep breath.

Old Tokiwa Shogo waved his hand, and pulled out a blue-black gun-shaped driver out of thin air.

It is the AIMS shooting sublimator of Kamen Rider Valkyrie!

"give it to you!"

The old Tokiwa Shogo said, throwing the drive directly.

"Wouldn't it be better sooner?"

"It must take so much!"

Yun Che laughed.

He took the drive, put it in his pocket without even looking at it.

He doesn't doubt the drive's authenticity.

It's not how much trust I have in the old Tokiwa Sogo himself.

But as a king, Yun Che believed in his majesty as a king.

Wang, you don't bother to lie!Four.

Chapter 161

The next thing is much simpler.

Got the AIMS shooting sublimator of Kamen Rider Valkyrie.

Yun Che also had no reason to stay in 2068.

I asked Little Tokiwa Sogo where they were going to stay.

After learning that they still want to stay in 2068 for a while and continue to "discuss life" with the old Tokiwa Shogo, they let them.

Use the power of time gems and space gems by yourself to leave this place and return to the timeline of 2018.

"Qi Lin, here, your gift!"

Just back in 2018.

Yun Che used the soul gem to open the entrance to that idyllic world.

"Is this...a gun?"

Take the AIMS shooting sublimator from Yun Che's hand.

Qilin asked with a look of joy and doubts.

She was delighted because as far as she knew, this seemed to be the first time Yun Che gave a gift to a woman.

In other words, she is No.1!

As for the doubt, it was why Yun Che Basiqi gave him a gun.


It is still a gun that is full of technology, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like a toy water gun!

"Yun Che, the gift you gave Qilin is a water gun?"

Reina couldn't help raising her eyebrows and asked.

She was suddenly a little happy, feeling that in the whole family, she was finally no longer the only one with a big nerve.

The head of the family has also lost his nerve!

Otherwise, why would you give a girl a toy water gun as a gift?

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