For him, like Mingguangyuan Gates, who is also a 24K reinforced concrete straight man.

Don't know anything about women at all! .

Chapter 169

"Leina Qilin, you two go up and read Yuedu."

Without responding to Tokiwa Sougo's idiot question, Yun Che turned his head and said to his two female companions.

As women, they should have more topics to talk about.

Staying together, at least you can talk nonsense without being too boring.

"Well, it just so happens that Lena is a warm baby, who can help Yuedu warm her stomach and relieve her pain."

"Damn! Goddess, why am I warming the baby? I am the incarnation of the sun, the goddess of dawn!"

"Although when I came here, I also liked to warm my stomach..."

Qilin and Reina laughed and played with each other, then they went up to the attic from the stairs next to them, and went to find Yuedu.

In the pastoral world, I was bored and panicked.

Now I have the opportunity to chat with other women, they are so happy!

"Don't be dazed, do you have Gates' contact information? Call him back quickly."

Glancing at Tokiwa Sogo, who was stunned in place, still thinking about what Tsukiyomi's "relative" was.

Yun Che shook his head helplessly, and slapped him on the forehead.

"Huh? Gates' contact information? Yes, yes!"

Sogo Tokiwa, who had been slapped, came back to his senses.

He touched his head, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed the number of Meiguangyuan Gates.

Accompanied by a burst of unhurried "beep" sound.

Just when Sogo Tokiwa thought the phone was connected, there was a sudden "click" and the phone was hung up!

"Damn it! This guy actually hung up on me?!"

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Sogo Tokiwa looked puzzled.

Why did Mao Mingguangyuan Gates hang up his phone?

Is it...

Just because he couldn't deal with the alien Kiva, so he was really angry?

"Hey! Demon King, I'm already back, why are you calling!"

Just when Tokiwa Shogo was wondering, a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the gate of Chaojiuwutang.

Turning around, I saw Mingguangyuan Gates holding his mobile phone, standing there sweating profusely!


He hung up because everyone was almost there and there was no need to get through.

And sweating profusely...

It should be the reason for running back!

"Oh! Gates, you came back just in time! The boss is looking for you!"

Tokiwa Soogo smiled, then stepped aside, revealing the figure of Yun Che standing behind him.

"Boss? Could it be... I rely on it!"

Seeing Yun Che appearing in the nine-to-five hall, Gates of the Mingguang Institute was immediately stunned.

Having not seen Yun Che for so long, he originally thought that his nightmare had finally left this world.

After all, he claims to be a world traveler...

As a result, now, another TM appeared!

Whenever he sees Yun Che, Mingguangyuan Gates can always recall the scene of being pressed and rubbed by him on the ground at the beginning, the severity of his psychological shadow, and even nightmares at night!

Even though he now possesses the power of a resurrected person, he still doesn't dare to shout.

after all......

The other party is an existence who can even hang a hammer when the king meets the devil!

"Damn it? Why, don't you really want to see me? Gates of Meiguangyuan!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

"No! How could it be!"

"It's just that you haven't shown up for so long, and I'm a little surprised to see you again!"

The sweat on Meiguangyuan Gates' forehead turned into cold sweat, and he quickly waved his hands and laughed.

Although I don't know much about it, I still know it basically.

This guy in front of him is a master who does whatever he wants!

When talking to him, you must be careful, otherwise if you get annoyed, the consequences will be disastrous!

If it is light, you will be pressed on the ground and hammered violently, and if it is severe, you will be beaten to death!

"Oh, I know you're afraid of me, but don't worry, I'm not interested in bullying you now."

"So... tell me."

Yun Che didn't pay much attention to it, he knew that Gates of Mingguangyuan was afraid of him from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe it's because I beat him up when I first came here, or maybe it's because I beat up Moshi Wang in front of him some time ago.

Or maybe both.

"Say? Say what?"

Mingguangyuan Gates raised his eyebrows, his face full of confusion.

"Aren't you going to investigate the matter of Kitajima Yuko, the shape-shifter of the heterogeneous Kiva?"

"Tell me what you found."

Yun Che pouted his lips and reminded.

"Oh! That's right!"

Frightened by Yun Che's appearance, Mingguangyuan Gates almost forgot about the business:

"Not only did I investigate the original news in this era, but I also used the time magic machine to go back to 2015 and witnessed what she did!"

"Demon King, I regret to tell you that your sister in sailor suit Yuko Kitajima..."

"He is simply a psychopathic murderer!"

Although this fact may deal a great blow to Tokiwa Shogo.

However, Mingguangyuan Gates had to tell him!

If Kitajima Yuko was just an ordinary perverted murderer, then they really couldn't care less.

However, now she is not an ordinary perverted murderer, but a heterogeneous perverted murderer!

In this way, as Kamen Riders, they are obliged to take action to solve it!

"how come......"

After hearing the answer stated by Meikoin Gates, Tokiwa Sogo was stunned.

He did not doubt the veracity of these words.

Because based on his understanding of Mingguangyuan Gates, the other party disdains to lie about this kind of thing!

He must have really used the Time Demon God Machine to go back to 2015 and witness what happened that year with his own eyes!

"Now that I know all the answers..."

"Shogo Tokiwa, what is your choice?"

Yun Che asked with a smile of great interest.

This time I went out entirely because I was bored in the pastoral world, so I came here to have fun.

Regarding the strange knights, although Yun Che would not be a tool man, he unconditionally helped them settle.

But it is still very good to join in the fun!

After all, it's boring, you have to find something interesting to do, right?

"I...I want to defeat her with my own hands!"

After a difficult battle between heaven and man in his heart for a while, Tokiwa Sogo raised his head and said seriously.

He has already figured it out, since the sister in the sailor suit is not as beautiful as he imagined.


In order to draw a perfect end to the short period of happiness in his childhood, he must personally deal with the other party!

This is responsibility to the past, to oneself, and to Yuko Kitajima!

"In that case, let's go!"

"Find her and knock her down!"

After seeing Sogo Tokiwa's determination, Meikoin Gates nodded in satisfaction.

"I'll go with you!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

Although I don't know how to find a different kind of Kiva in this huge world, who is as mindless as a fly.

However, based on the aura of protagonists on Tokiwa Shogo and Meikoin Gates...

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