"Then tell me, who are the people you're talking about?"

Yun Che shook his head and laughed, and asked with great interest.

First of all, there are four people who can be [-]% sure, namely Sogo Tokiwa himself, his retainer Heywards, Gates of Meikoin and Tsukuyomi.

Chonghuang Shiwang, Galaxy Woz, Resurrected Gates, Kamen Rider Tsukiyomi.

Let's not talk about the last one for now, but the combination of the first three forces can indeed be said to be quite strong.

But strong come strong...

Just three people, definitely not everyone!

"Me, Woz, Gates, and Ur..."

Tokiwa Sogo counted with his fingers.

Unlike Aura whose power was taken away, Ur still possesses the ability to stop time.


Although it is very likely that it is of no use to Swaruz, a big time robber, but a slight hit assist, a gangster assist, etc., should be no problem, right?

"Wait, Your Majesty the Demon King."

Suddenly, Heywards spoke and interrupted Sogo Tokiwa's pupils from counting:

"Since Yueyue has figured out her true identity and knows that she is a descendant of the time-controlling family, then she should also be able to become a Kamen Rider!"

In the original drama, the reason why Tsukuyomi was able to transform into a Kamen Rider was because of the help of Heywards.

It was he who gave her the meter and the space-time driver!

Of course, the header is initially inactive.

Being able to truly transform into a Kamen Rider mainly depends on Tsukiyomi himself.

"Can I transform too?"

Yue Duan heard the words, and couldn't help pointing at herself, with an expression of disbelief.

This is really a wave of ups and downs, and another wave!

One second, she was shocked that she was Swaruz's younger sister, but the next second, she was shocked that she could transform?

In Yuedu's cognition, her position in the team has always been that of a support staff. She never thought that there would be a day when she would be able to become a Kamen Rider and go to the front line to fight!

"In fact, anyone can transform, it mainly depends on whether they have the qualifications or not."

"As for Yuedu, I believe you are qualified and can pass!"

Heyworth smiled, and took out a space-time drive and an inactive black meter out of thin air!

To be reasonable, sometimes Yun Che is really skeptical.

Hey Worth, this guy, secretly, is he a private drive wholesaler?

It seems that this guy can take out something that is very rare in the eyes of others, and it doesn't look difficult at all!

How to describe it?

To put it in a more vivid way, it is a bully nouveau riche who took out a hundred yuan without blinking an eye.

Then he threw it directly on the face of a poor man, and said indifferently:

What?You don't have this thing?Then I'll give you one, it's worthless anyway!

"Am... am I really qualified?"

After receiving the unactivated black meter and the space-time driver, Yuedu murmured unconfidently.

Although sometimes, I also envy the Kamen Rider who can fight on the front line.

But when it was really his turn, as long as there were ten people, he would be more or less hesitant.

After all, this choice will directly change the orientation of your life!

"Tsukuyomi... No, Alpina, do you want to defeat Swaruz?"

"Even if he's your brother."

Seeing that the black watch did not respond in Yue Du's hands, Yun Che directly raised his eyebrows and asked.

In the original drama, the reason why Yuedu was able to activate the meter as soon as she got it was because she had enough determination and awareness at that time!

But now it's different.

Now Yuedu's heart is confused, and naturally, the watch head cannot be activated!


Hearing Yun Che's question, he looked at the meter and driver in his hand.

After reading for a while, I don't know how to choose!

This is a very important turning point in her life!

On the one hand, if she chooses to transform into a Kamen Rider, then her life orientation will undergo a huge change.

On the other hand, even if Swaruz did all kinds of evil, he could even attack his own sister.

But he is always her elder brother who is connected by blood!

Yuedu is very confused, his consciousness seems to be blank, and he seems to be having a brain storm!

"Yuedu, in fact, you don't have to be so entangled. If you really don't want to, then forget it."

"Although they may not be Swaruz's opponents, we big men are not so weak that we need the help of a female voice!"

Looking at Tsukiyomi who is in a state of pain and entanglement.

Tokiwa Sogo scratched his head and comforted him with a smile.

However, as soon as he said this, Yuedu didn't respond, and the other three women present were upset!

"What do you mean kid? Can you speak?"

"Believe it or not, Goddess, I will directly bombard you with a flare, leaving you without even ashes?"

Reina slapped the table in displeasure and shouted.

What this little girl hates the most is when others question her.

I still remember that in the original drama of Chaoshen, Liu Chuang once questioned Leina, and the result was obvious, he was beaten up in a tragic and inhuman way!

"Let me see... Where should I make a few bullet holes on your body?"

Taking out the AIMS shooting sublimator, Qilin looked at Sogo Tokiwa with a smile.

Although he was smiling on the surface, the chill contained in it was undisguised, making everyone suspicious...

She can really shoot!


Guang Xiahai was still calm, with a gentle smile on his face, and he didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations.

But this is only a superficial disguise!

If you observe carefully, you can see that the thumb of her right hand is trembling faintly, as if it wants to stand up!

Thumbs, the secret of the Guang family, sunflower smile point finger!

"Uh...I was wrong!"

"Sisters, I was wrong! Please let me go!"

Seeing the uncertain expressions of the three of them, Tokiwa Shogo immediately panicked.

He has seen the battle strength of Lena and Qilin.

The latter is fine, but the former...

It's really scary!

I still remember the earliest heterogeneous Build, a miniature flare bombing, it almost became a nightmare, if it was a full-scale flare bombing...

Tokiwa Soogo really can't guarantee whether he can handle it!

He doesn't know Guang Xiahai, nor does he know how powerful he is.

But since he can follow Yun Che, a big boss, it is not an easy role to think about!


In Tokipan Soogo's opinion, admitting from the heart is the best and the best choice at the moment!


Seeing that Chang Pan Zhuang Wu had given up, the three girls snorted softly, but did not pursue further.

I don't know if it was cleared by this short-lived cheerful atmosphere, Yuedu suddenly said firmly:

"I've decided! I want to join everyone to defeat Swaruz!"

"Even...he's my brother!"

Monthly reading has been carefully considered.

How about Alpina?What about Swaruz's own sister?

At this moment, she is Yuedu, a partner of Shi Wang's team, and that's enough!

She dare not imagine the far future, but...

Now, she just wants to protect this still happy life!

What is there to say?

Living in the moment!

It may be a bit reckless, but this is already the best choice for a person who is at a fork in life! .

Chapter 185

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