Seeing the appearance of the two Demonic Time Kings, Swaruz was dumbfounded and stunned in place in shock.

He has always dreamed of strength.

It was actually obtained by others first?

And still two? !

Not only Swaruz, even Tokiwa Shogo and the others who were beaten by Yun Che and others and had to withdraw from the battlefield were completely shocked.

"The devil... and there are two..."

Meiguangyuan Gates murmured suspiciously.

If you count the time king of 2068, the three monsters appeared in the world together.

He dare not imagine what kind of field this world will enter!

"Alele? Isn't that me in the future? How come Haidong and Shi will change?"

It's okay for Toki Pan Zhuangwu, it's just a simple look of bewilderment.

"Is it because of him..."

On the contrary, the well-informed Heyworth probably guessed something, and looked at Yun Che with deep eyes.

If his guess is correct, then the control cards of Haidong Dashu and Men Yashi must have been given by Yun Che, the man who once broke the hammer in 2068!

"Well, since you all have mastered the magic, then let me make a big one too!"

He glanced at Menshishi on the left who was in the form of the king of the time of the devil, and then glanced at the big tree of Haidong who summoned the king of the devil on the right.

Not to be outdone, Yun Che shrugged his shoulders.

Immediately after...

The miniature Susaneng boiled purple flames, and the originally small size began to skyrocket in the blink of an eye! .

Chapter 188

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The miniature Susanoo, which was originally only the size of a normal person, suddenly increased in size, and directly changed back to its original posture, standing majestically in this vast world!

Coupled with one on the left and one on the right, there are two kings who look like guardians of the magic time.

Good guy, this aura is so domineering, okay!

"This is really... big..."

Tokiwa Sogo swallowed subconsciously, and murmured a little dumbly.

Dare Yun Che just said "come a big one", is it really big in the literal sense?

This TM is a Gundam Giant!

Although Meiguangyuan Gates and the others were also shocked, who made them have such a time demon machine in their era?

Although it is a robot, and its size is no bigger than Susano...

But generally speaking, it is still a little less shocking than Tokiwa Sogo.

"Is this a pure energy body... as expected of Your Excellency Yun Che!"

The well-informed Heywards saw better than others.

So what if the time magic machine is big?

To put it bluntly, it is also a technology made by people!

But Yun Che's Susanoo is quite different, it is formed of pure energy!

You know, in the world of Kamen Rider, where most of the drivers are technological creations, the pure energy system is very rare, and it can even be said to be extinct!

As for the Lord Yun Che whom Heyworth called...

It was because at the beginning, Yun Che went to 2068 to beat up the queen of the devil.

Out of awe, Heyworth was very respectful to Yun Che even though he didn't bow down to him!

This is not betrayal, but respect!

The strong are worthy of respect no matter where they go!

"Damn it! You can actually grow bigger? Don't tell me sooner!"

Seeing Susano, who was so tall that he couldn't see his head, Monyashi smiled in surprise.

He and Haidong Dashu are not shocked at all, because they can also use masks to control and achieve gigantic operations!

"Master, why don't we come play for a bit too'~?"

Haidong Dashu raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

As a cowardly king, how could Yun Che be allowed to pretend all by himself?

Mon Yashi and Kaito Taiki disagree!

"Okay, come on!"

"As for the control card of the King of the Devils... I won't lose it anyway, and I can use it anytime!"

Hearing this, Menyashi smiled without hesitation.

Then he drew out the Demon King card, and after returning to the basic state, he took out the control card of Kamen Rider J, and turned into J form.

"Final Form Ride! J!"

Insert Kamen Rider J's ability card, followed by a sound effect.

In an instant, Monyashi's size increased dramatically, and he became as tall as Yun Che's full body Susanoo!

"The pain is only momentary, sir!"

Haidong Dashu smiled cheaply, took out a special card, inserted it into the drive, and shot directly at Katoyashi.

"Final Form Ride! Decade!"

A gigantic Decade drive appears.

The cards surrounding the countless knights were firmly placed on the waist of the giant J-shape.

Immediately afterwards, the card was flipped, and with the familiar transformation effects, the huge Kamen Rider J transformed into the huge ancestors of Kamen Rider Decade!

"Yeah, I'm really envious seeing you all so big!"

Haidong Dashu shook his head, and smiled unwillingly.

Although the gigantic Decade needs his help to transform.

But if you can do it yourself, who would be willing to be a green leaf to set off the flowers?

It's a pity that after traveling so many worlds and stealing so many treasures, there are no props that can make Diend gigantic, which is very annoying!

"What? Haidong, do you want to grow bigger too?"

Yun Che lowered his head slightly, looked down at the Haidong tree and asked.

"That's not right! You two are so big and I'm so young, so it doesn't make any sense at all!"

"Even if there is a Demon King by my side...I don't feel very fragrant!"

Haidong Dashu cast a glance at the Demon King that he had summoned beside him, shrugged, and said helplessly.

"Hehe, it's just getting bigger, it's not easy!"

Yun Che shook his head and laughed, and then directly used the power of the Reality Gem to modify the essence of Kaidong Dashu, or Kamen Rider Diend.

Let him change from a normal size to a towering giant!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Haidong Dashu couldn't help being startled seeing himself having the same huge body size as Yun Che and Men Yashi.

turn out to be......

Hugeness, is it such a simple thing for TM?

What a shock!


Unlike the happy Yun Che and the other three, Swaruz swallowed with difficulty at this time.

He was already desperate, from the inside out, from the heart of despair!

Although I have summoned many Bosses from the knight world......

But the opposite is the three giants of TM!

Though size isn't everything...

But apart from their size, the three of them are also so powerful that they fly!

Swaruz suddenly had some doubts, whether he had gone to the wrong world, or the wrong set!

What about the conspirator?What about the final big boss of the whole show?

Even if you can't win, at least you have to fight back and forth, right?

But with the current situation...

Why do you feel like you are being crushed ruthlessly, and you are about to be pushed to the ground and beaten violently?

".~ With such a big body, it is estimated that the original bullet will become like a missile!"

Smiling curiously, Haidong Dashu raised his gun, and fired at Swaruz and his bosses.

Bang bang (Qian Wang's) bang!

Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the originally small bullet turned into a huge missile like a missile, bursting out with powerful power, directly blowing up Swaruz and others!

"Although it's a bit exaggerated..."

"But I feel like I might be able to stomp them to death!"

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