Everything has a cause and must have an effect, and the existence of time paradox is equivalent to the cause of others, and you will bear the effect.

This made Yun Che very unhappy.

Although they are the same person, the him in that time period and himself in this time period are still somewhat different after all!

"You're still in a mess, so you can have fun secretly. Are you not happy to have another self to help you pick up girls?"

Rolling her eyes, Morgana said speechlessly.

"Maybe it's because I don't have that memory, so I feel a little awkward."

Keisha smiled understandingly.

She is the most mature among all the women in Crystal Palace, not one of them.

Therefore, compared to other people, Kaisha is more considerate of Yun Che, and more able to share Yun Che's worries.

"Let's put it this way, just wait until the time comes, and I will directly cooperate with the power of the Time Stone and the Mind Stone to see if I can get that memory."

"Now... let's experience this peerless war first!"

An excited smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and a purple surging aura erupted from Yun Che's body.

Thanos should still be fighting against Tony and others on the alien planet.

And during their battle, with Yun Che's combat power, he could completely destroy his army in Wakanda directly!


I don't know when the time comes, when Thanos comes to the earth, he finds that his army has been wiped out by the regiment.

And after being surrounded by many Avengers, what kind of funny expression will he show? .

Chapter 198

The arrival of Yun Che and his party did not attract the attention of anyone except Wanda.

After all, it's a war now, it's a fight to the death, and the scale is so big, who would notice that there are a few more people out of thin air?

However, after Yun Che erupted with a powerful aura, everyone turned their heads and noticed his existence.

Perhaps Thanos' army didn't know Yun Che, and only regarded him as the enemy's support.

But the Avengers don't think so!

"Yun Che! You're back? Great!"

Seeing the appearance of Yun Che who was dressed in purple, Steve Rogers, who had a big beard and looked a bit scruffy, shouted excitedly.

As for him knowing himself, Yun Che was no longer surprised.

Anyway, Wanda knows herself, so there is nothing wrong with Team Mi knowing herself!

"Let me feel the joy of mowing the lawn!"

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Yun Che let out a direct gasp, and the full version of Susano covered his upper body.

Then he raised the real 40-meter-long katana, and swept away at the battlefield in front of him!

Huge blade, unrivaled sharpness.

Wherever he went, there were Thanos' army whose upper body had been cut off, leaving only half of their corpses behind!

It is no exaggeration to say that Yun Che's knife directly killed half of the enemies above, and directly reduced the pressure on the Avengers and the Wakanda tribe by a lot!

"You can't let you out of the limelight!"

Tsunade smiled, then twisted his wrist, and jumped up high:

"Painful feet!"

With one step down, the ground cracked open, and a huge pit sank deep into it!

Countless Tiegou were smashed to pieces before they had time to react and dodge!

"Wow! See that kick?"

"Hulk, if you don't obediently come out and cooperate with me, then I will let Tsunade force you out!"

Banner, who was sitting in the anti-Hulk armor, smiled excitedly after seeing Tsunade's appearance.

In his memory, Hulk once yelled at Tsunade, but he was punched with a strange force, and he was beaten for a long time.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best choice to use her to force the Hulk who is scared by Thanos' hammer!

"Hulk...don't be hit by Tsunade...!"

As if touched, Banner's skin instantly turned green and his size became larger:


After breaking through the anti-Hulk armor, with a roar, the Hulk appeared again!

"Hulk is willing to come out too..."

"Sure enough, the moment Yun Che and Keisha appeared, the situation was instantly reversed!"

While flexibly strangling the enemy with physical skills, Natasha smiled gratifiedly.

"Liang Bing, let's go too."

Seeing Yun Che and Tsunade showing their mighty power on the battlefield, Kaisa summoned Silver Wings, turned her head and smiled at Morgana.

"Well, they're all fighting, and it doesn't make sense when we're watching a show here."

Morgana nodded, and then also summoned the Devil's Claw.

After the two sisters looked at each other, they rushed out together, instead of using ranged attacks, they brandished their respective weapons and quickly beheaded Thanos' army!

With the addition of Yun Che and his party of four, as well as Scott and Hope.

Originally in this infinite war, the Avengers and the Wakanda tribe, who were at a big disadvantage, directly turned the tables and became the superior side.

Especially the two giants, Scott and Yun Che, let's get to know each other with one enemy and one hundred!

The current ratio is that ten of the Thanos army died.

Wakanda tribe dies!

According to this momentum, Thanos' army will undoubtedly lose!

"Although the mowing feels pretty cool, the efficiency is a bit too slow."

Lowering his head, looking down at the Thanos army still densely packed below, Yun Che couldn't help frowning.

He intends to come out big and directly end this war.

Then sit on the sidelines and wait for Thanos to throw himself into the trap!

"Those who don't want to die, retreat! I'm going to clear the field!"

Coupled with his huge figure, Yun Che's figure shook like thunder, resounding through the entire Wakanda battlefield.

"Back! Back all!"

After hearing Yun Che's words, Steve and Black Panther T'Challa organized their own personnel to retreat one after another.

They didn't want Yun Che to clear out all his people when he cleared the field.

"So... it's game over!"

Flicking the saber, Yun Che directly used the Reality Gem and the Power Gem to cover Susanoo's samurai sword with their energy.

Power gems increase power, and reality gems increase range.

Be sure to achieve the effect of killing the group with one blow!

As for why the Star Explosion is done differently... it's because Yun Che got tired of using it too many times!


Flipping the samurai sword over and holding it, the blade slammed into the ground fiercely.

In an instant, a burst of red and purple energy fluctuations burst out, quickly and fiercely spreading towards the surroundings!

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The Thanos' army, which was originally huge in scale and in number, was directly turned into fly ash and wiped out collectively!

"This is really... a shocking scene!"

T'Challa shrugged.

"To be honest, I thought this war was very hanging."

".~But before, after seeing Yun Che appearing, I felt stable."

Looking at Yun Che standing in the center of the battlefield, Steve raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Having known Yun Che for so long, Steve doesn't say he fully understands how terrifying power he possesses, but he definitely knows a thing or two!

Of course, it's just that Steve thinks he's known each other for a long time.

In fact, Yun Che really didn't know him!

"Don't be too happy, this war is not over yet!"

After releasing Susano, Yun Che smiled lightly in front of everyone.

The war wants to end before the Lord comes out?

I'm afraid it's too good to think about!

"It's not over yet? But haven't all these armies been wiped out? With your lethality on the scale just now, there shouldn't be any remnants left."

Falcon Sam raised his eyebrows, with black question marks on his face.

Although he is indeed dark...

"Who is the master of these armies?"

Yun Che didn't tell them the answer directly, but asked a seemingly irrelevant topic.


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