"Is Thanos stupid? Knowing that he can't defeat Yun Che, why didn't he just snap his fingers and achieve his goal?"

War Machine Rhodes scratched his head and complained in confusion.

In the movie, he is a guy who likes to talk dirty, and in reality, he is naturally the same.

"That's right, Rhodes almost forgot if he didn't say it, and I'm also very puzzled by Thanos' behavior!"

In fact, not only Rhodes, but also the other Avengers were curious and couldn't understand Thanos' operations.

In their view, since they have collected all the infinite gems, why should they fight someone stronger than themselves?Just snap your fingers, isn't it all done?

Of course, this is only after the fact, from an objective point of view.

If Thanos really wanted to snap his fingers, 1 of them would definitely not want to!

"Can't you all see this? IQ is so low?"

Mo Gan (Qian Zhaohao) rolled her eyes speechlessly:

"Let my old lady tell you, because Thanos doesn't dare, and doesn't bother to do it!"

When fighting someone stronger than yourself, find time to do other things and achieve other goals?

Hehe, I'm afraid it's not turning on the light in the toilet, looking for death!

You must know that the rhythm of the battle between the strong is very tight. As long as you are negligent for a second, you may fall into the abyss and be lost forever!

So let Thanos snap his fingers in battle, would he dare?realistic?

dare not!unrealistic!

Moreover, Yun Che would not give him this opportunity to divert his attention during the battle. Isn't this clearly contemptuous of others!

Secondly, why do you say Thanos disdains?

Because as a hero, he really doesn't bother to do such indecent things!

It is right to use any means to achieve the goal, but it also depends on the circumstances!

Playing dirty tricks in this kind of ending?

Hehe, Thanos said that Lao Tzu lost his face as the overlord? .

Chapter 209

Thanos is dead, and Yun Che has also devoured the world's infinite gems.

After that, he refused to join, department/group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 Rejected the invitation of the Avengers, did not attend any so-called celebration party, but left Wakanda with Kesha and others, and wandered on the bustling city streets instead.

As for Wanda, he didn't take it away either, but let her keep it to enjoy the celebration of victory.

Anyway, I will continue to stay in the Marvel world, and I can see it anytime I want.

"Sorry, I clearly said at the beginning that I want to keep Thanos in a breath, and let you vent."

"It ended up killing him directly."

Yun Che rubbed his head, and smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, even if you really save him in the end, we may not be able to do it."

Keisha shook her head and smiled softly.

Indeed, at the beginning, they were very angry when they were called ants by Thanos.

However, after witnessing the development of the next battle with their own eyes, most of the anger in their hearts has dissipated. Not only did they not want to beat Thanos to vent, but they also felt a sense of heroism.

Maybe it's the same as Yun Che, Kesha and the others are the strong ones.

There is also an inexplicable feeling about Thanos's waning days and life's twilight.

In their view, Thanos' death at the hands of Yun Che is the best and last respect for him as a hero, if they really want them to take revenge on him...

how to say?The dignity of the strong is gone?

Can't afford to lose that person!

"Oh, I always feel that that guy is very similar to my old lady back then."

"They all have goals they want to achieve, but they all end up being blocked by you."

Sighing, Morgana stared at Yun Che with inexplicable emotion in her tone.

Didn't she always think about uniting with Karl and killing her sister Kesha?

In the end, he was also blocked by Yun Che!

But the difference is that Thanos died in the battle, but she is not only alive, but her little life is quite nourishing!

"What? Isn't it good now?"

"Do you still want to kill me and continue to run rampant in the universe?"

Keisha raised her eyebrows and asked in a dangerous tone.

"No, no, how could it be... I'm just talking casually!"

Upon hearing this, Morgana quickly waved her hands and laughed.

Perhaps another life is full of unknown curiosity for her.

However, she prefers the current life, which is a life she is unwilling to give up no matter what she buys!


Watching Keisha and Morgana, the sisters fighting each other daily, Yun Che smiled without saying a word.

When they were still in hostile forces, they often liked to insult each other, not to mention that the relationship has been restored now, and the reconciliation is as good as before?

Besides, it seems that they are fighting each other, but in fact, this is just a way for the two sisters to enhance their relationship with each other.

After all, as the saying goes, hitting is kissing, scolding is love!

"By the way, what are we going to do next? Won't we just wander the streets here?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

"How is it possible? It's not that Thanos is dead. There are no other villains in this world who can provide fun."

Yun Che shook his head and laughed.

The Marvel world is so big. Although the Avengers is the most popular, it does not mean that there is no one else in this world except the Avengers!

Let's not talk about the mutants of the earth's forces, Captain Marvel and others.

Just outside the earth, in the universe, there are countless funs!

Therefore, although Thanos is dead, it does not mean that Marvel's plot is over!

Besides, is it true that the repairing ability of the world system is for nothing?

Since Yun Che directly ruined the timeline of the entire movie plot, then the world's restoration power will definitely use other events to replace this timeline!

This is a fixed, irreversible law of operation!

"I have a hunch that something interesting will come to you soon."

"But before that... it's getting late, let's go back and rest first."

Yun Che said with a faint smile.

It is now approaching the evening, and after a fight, it is indeed time to take a rest.

Moreover, the infinite gems in his body need to be digested for a period of time after devouring the infinite gems of this world, or evolution.

So, no matter which way you look at it, you should take a break now and find something later.

"Go back? Where are you going?"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows and asked, they don't seem to have a foothold in this world, do they?

It's impossible to go back to the super god world first, and then wait for the next day to come to the Marvel world!

"Learn about the travel accommodation that you carry with you!"

Yun Che laughed, and then directly used the soul gem on the street full of people to open the passage to the pastoral world.

Only Qi Lin and Leina, who went to the Masked World with Yun Che last time, knew about this travel residence that they carry with them.

So it's only natural that Tsunade and the others don't know!

"Here is..."

Probing her head curiously, Morgana asked with a puzzled expression.

"This is a new universe, or world, or space, which exists independently anyway."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

If he really wanted to explain in detail, he didn't know what to say, so he just gave a brief and rough summary.

"Independent? In other words, there is another place inside?"

Keisha raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

Yun Che nodded: "En."

"I know! Does this have the same meaning as the psychic world where psychic beasts live in the Naruto world?"

As if thinking of something, Tsunade suddenly realized.

The Naruto world she was in before, not to mention that the technology is backward, it is just that there is no technology at all!

Therefore, if you tell her something that involves scientific knowledge, she can be said to know nothing about it.

But if you can find a comparison object similar to Naruto World, it will be easy to understand!

"Although it's not exactly the same, if you understand it this way, there is no problem."

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

As long as people in Naruto World sign a contract with the psychic beast, no matter where they go, they can use the reverse psychic technique at any time to go to the psychic world.

Therefore, although it does not have the same meaning as the pastoral world, it is roughly the same.

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