After coughing twice in embarrassment, Yun Che changed the topic with a smile.

His ambition can be said to be big or small, regardless of the superfluous, the current goal is to hunt the five creation gods of the Marvel world!

One has been successfully hunted so far.

So the remaining prey...four more! .

Chapter 228

Sitting on the spaceship, Yun Che and his party embarked on a journey to search for the five creation gods again.

However, Yun Che didn't know.

At this moment, his name has already spread in this universe!

After all, slaughtering Tun Xing, one of the five creation gods, is not a trivial matter, but a true slaughter of gods, a feat that is enough to be recorded in history!

Of course, what the creatures in this universe never imagined was that Yun Che not only slaughtered Tun Xing.

In the near future, he will also slaughter the remaining four creation gods!

He, Yun Che, was the one who completely reshuffled the entire Marvel universe by himself!

On the other side, in an unknown region of an unknown universe.

Four slightly distorted figures appeared out of thin air, looking at each other.

If Yun Che were here, he would definitely recognize them, they are the only other four creation gods left!

"You should have heard the news, right?"

"Tun Xing has been slaughtered."

With a wave of his hand, he created a chair and sat down, and said calmly.

"I'm not surprised by the death of swallowing stars at all. With his character who likes to devour planets everywhere, it's normal for him to be killed for provoking people."

"Moreover, his own strength is not very good!"

Said eternally.

Although known as the five creation gods of the universe, they are not a group.

Instead, they do their own things, and the well water does not violate the river water.

It is very rare and rare to gather together for discussion like now.

"I agree with Eternal, that guy probably provoked someone again during the process of devouring the planet."

"Besides, death is death, and it's not that you can't be resurrected. Is it necessary to call us here? Death!"

Turning his head to look at Death, Unlimited asked impatiently.

Everyone knows that death is the embodiment of death and the master of the soul.

It is also the source of all life born when the Marvel Master Multiverse was created, and all souls in the universe, and it is also the creator and manipulator.

In other words, the souls of all the dead creatures in the universe will eventually end up in her hands.

And as long as she is willing, she can give the soul a new life, commonly known as resurrection!

"That's what I've asked you to discuss this time'~."

"I can't resurrect Tun Xing, because I haven't received his soul, that is to say, he is truly dead!"

Glancing at everyone, Death said in a solemn tone.

Tun Xing's death could not attract their attention, because their relationship with each other was not very good.

However, if it is death in the true sense, a death that cannot be resurrected, then the concept is completely different!

You know, since that person can kill Tun Xing, then he must be able to kill them too!

This is already a problem that threatens their own lives, so they can't help it!

"The soul didn't come to you, how is this possible?!"

Unlimited frowned, a little in disbelief.

And Annihilation and Eternity finally realized the seriousness of the matter at this time!

As aloft gods, they cannot tolerate any unknown existence that could threaten their lives!

"Do you know who killed Tun Xing?"

Eternal squinted his eyes and asked in a dangerous tone.

His idea is very simple, that is to act first to be strong, and to attack later to suffer!

"After investigation, his name is Yun Che. He seems to be a human being. The current known record is killing Thanos and Tun Xing. Other than that, there is no extra information."

Death said lightly.

"Human... What is the ability?"

An Mie nodded, and asked thoughtfully.

Although I was a little shocked that human beings were able to kill Thanos and Swallowing Stars, judging from the long and long history of the universe, it seems that it is not impossible.

Because some humans...

It's true that the fuck is a perverted freak!

"Unknown, but according to some scattered information, it is likely to be an infinite gem!"

Death recalled and said.

"Infinite gems? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"With the fragile body of a human being, how could it be possible to withstand the power of the Infinity Stone!"

Unlimited said with a frown.

If it's some kind of super power, then they don't think it matters, but if it's an infinite gem, then things become quite tricky!

You know, although the infinite gems are not the most powerful treasure in the Marvel universe.

But at any rate, it was also the singularity that was born at the beginning of the universe explosion!

Its power cannot be underestimated!

"It's unbelievable, but it's true."

"Someone witnessed that battle in a distant border, and saw six bright rays of light. Moreover, the universe where Yun Che and Tun Xing fought first exploded and collapsed, and then was retroactively restored!"

".~To sum up, I can't think of any other possibilities other than the Infinity Stones!"

Death said firmly.

Although destroying a universe is very simple for any of their five creation gods.

However, it is not so easy to destroy the universe in the battle with the five creation gods!

Leaving aside the rest, at the very least, one must have the corresponding strength to do this!

Therefore, Death firmly believed in the speculation that Yun Che possessed infinite gems!

"Does a human named Yun Che possess and master the power of the Infinity Stone..."

"It's really troublesome!"

Annihilation murmured impatiently.

"Death, is the purpose of you calling us this time to destroy him together?"

Eternal asked thoughtfully.

Granted, all four of them have the terrifying power to destroy and create the multiverse at will.

But facing one-on-one with an unknown strongman who is suspected of possessing infinite gems and does not know any other information except his name, (money is good) is not a good thing.

Therefore, gather strength and unity to destroy each other together.

This is the safest and lowest risk method!

They are all old foxes who have lived for an unknown number of years. Even if there is only a slight possibility, they don't want to follow in the footsteps of swallowing stars!

"No, I'm just giving you a wake-up call and asking you to pay attention."

Death shook her head, she was not interested in partnering in strangling a person who might threaten her life.

Because, she didn't think that her luck would be so bad that she would bump into Yun Che head-on.

And as long as they don't collide, there will be no conflict, and if there will be no conflict, how can there be a threat?

Well, ignorance can really kill people sometimes!

If Death knew that Yun Che's goal from the very beginning was to hunt their five creation gods, he probably wouldn't have said such words, nor would he have such thoughts! .

Chapter 229

On the other side, Yun Che and others were still wandering in the universe for a long time in the spaceship.

Because of the first experience.

So this time, Morgana and Tsunade didn't keep yelling about being bored, but honestly had fun while finding things for themselves.

"Yun Che, how does it feel to fight against opponents of the level of the five creation gods?"

Leaning obediently on the shoulder of her male god, Keisha asked curiously.

"How does it feel..."

"How should I put it, it's both nervous and exciting!"

Yun Che scratched his head and said with a smile.

He is not a fighting fanatic, but it is indeed a very interesting thing to fight against a powerful opponent.

The stronger the opponent, the more intense the senses will be!

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