"It's an exaggeration, yes, but it's the truth."

"Moreover, to put it in a visual way, I feel that I am the universe now!"

The heart of the universe can make the holder feel everything and feel that he is everything in the universe.

insight, know.

Omniscient, omnipotent!

Treasures with more bugs than infinite gems, their abilities are not just bragging!

"Then you still want to hunt the remaining four creation gods of the universe? Since they all have the power to smash and swallow stars with one punch, it seems that hunting them is meaningless, right?"

Tsunade scratched his head and asked curiously.

"No, no, there is still meaning!"

"Because, although I have the confidence to blow up the stars with one punch, I don't have the confidence to blow up the remaining four creation gods with one punch!"

Still the same sentence, although they are collectively referred to as the five creation gods of the universe.

But the level of swallowing stars is completely different from the other four creation gods!

If swallowing stars is on the third floor, then the other four creation gods are undoubtedly on the fifth floor, or even higher!

"However, having said that, just don't be afraid of those four creation gods."

"I just said you can't blow them up with one punch, but I didn't say you couldn't blow them up!"

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

Exploding with one punch is different from exploding.

But the same thing is, like Tun Xing, their threat to Yun Che is almost zero!

Perhaps, only two, three, or four of them joining forces to attack together can cause some burden and trouble to Yun Che!

"It's not like I can't beat you!"

"In this case, is it interesting to hunt them?"

Tsunade rolled his eyes speechlessly, and his male god made it clear that he was teasing himself, playing word games with himself.

"Of course it's fun! It's not about pressure, it's about achievement!"

"You know, so far, no one has successfully defeated all five creation gods of the universe!"

Just like when some people like to unlock all the achievements in the game when they play games, this is obsessive-compulsive disorder, but in some ways, it is also an honor.

"All right, all right, although I can't understand what kind of achievement this is."

"But who made you our male god? As long as you want to do it, just do it, we will always be with you!"

Morgana waved her hand and smiled.

A quarrelsome little devil who is also considerate and warm-hearted occasionally.

"Uh...sisters, although I don't really want to disturb your intimacy, but there is trouble at my door."

Suddenly, Keisha waved her hand, pointed at the porthole and said solemnly.

When everyone heard the words, they turned their heads and looked suspiciously.

I saw, at some point, outside their spaceship, a... person unexpectedly appeared!

Well, in fact, they don't know whether this thing is considered a human being.

Because although he has a human figure, he has no human skin!

Except for a blue face like a mask, the whole body is composed of countless galaxies and stars, which looks like...

A walking universe!

"What is this stuff?"

Tsunade frowned and whispered.

"I don't know, but I can feel it, he is very strong!"

"At the very least... He is several times stronger than the previous Star Swallowing!"

Morgana said with a serious face.

"Yun Che, he should also be the target you want to hunt, right?"

Kesha asked thoughtfully.

"That's right, he is one of the only four creator gods left in the universe, Eternal!"

Yun Che nodded.

Eternity, the god who controls time among the five great gods, is the collective consciousness of all life and an abstract entity of the universe.

Get rid of the dead swallow star.

Eternal strength ranks second among the creation gods of the universe!

He is above death and infinity, but he is under the annihilation who occupies the two characters of "most", the youngest, and the strongest!

All in all, he was a very terrifying opponent!

Of course, horror is horror, but it is not enough to be fearful. You must know that in the comics, he was crushed to death with bare hands by Thanos who has the heart of the universe.

And since Thanos can do this, wouldn't it be easier for Yun Che?

"Yun Che, I..."

Clutching the hand of her male god, Keisha looked a little eager to try.

She had told Yun Che before that the next time she met an opponent at the level of the creation god of the universe, she wanted to try to fight.

This time, the opportunity has come!

"Sorry, little Naisha, I'm afraid I will miss the appointment."

After touching Kaisha's head, Yun Che said with an apologetic expression:

"If it's infinity and death, I'll let you fight, but eternity... no!"

"His strength is very strong. Among the five creation gods of the universe, he is second only to Annihilation! You are not his opponent. No matter what, I can't let you take risks, you will die!"

Yun Che respects the will and choices of his own women.

However, he pays more attention to their safety!

With a certain degree of guarantee, he might let them fight for a shot, but when the gap is too big, no, absolutely not allowed!

"Okay... I'll listen to you."

If it was Morgana or Tsunade's temper, there would definitely be a fuss for a while.

But Keisha is mature and considerate, and can completely understand Yun Che's thoughts.

After all, he is also doing it for his own good!

"Well, be obedient, and I'll let you do it next time you encounter infinity or death!"

Nodding in relief, Yun Che turned his head and looked at Eternity outside the porthole.

Using the ability of the space gem, the whole person turned into a ray of blue light, which was instantly transmitted from the spaceship to the outside of the spaceship, and looked at it in opposition.

"Did you kill Tun Xing?"

"Sure enough, it's the same as what Death said, it looks like an ordinary human being."

After looking at Yun Che for a while, Eternal said in a calm tone.

"Death? It seems that you have already investigated me."

Hearing this, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile.

"Yes, to be honest, I didn't want to talk to you, but you have the ability to really kill swallowing stars!"

"If you don't die, I won't feel at ease for a day!"

Saying so, the eternal body gradually shone with bursts of light.

It is better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster. Obviously, he planned to attack Yun Che! .

Chapter 233

Looking at the shining light on Eternal's body, and his ready-to-hand gesture.

Not only did Yun Che not panic, but he even wanted to laugh!

what is this?Doze off and send a pillow?

Originally, he was worried about how long he would have to wander in the huge universe this time before he could meet the next universe creation god by chance.

The result is now good.

Don't try your luck anymore, Eternity has come to your door by himself!

Well, it's exciting!

"Why do you think of coming to me alone? Aren't you afraid of becoming the next swallowing star?"

Yun Che was not in a hurry to fight with Eternal.

He was very curious, who gave Eternal the courage to be alone and come to find himself!

"Humans, don't be too arrogant! Do you think you are really invincible after killing Tun Xing?"

"Tun Xing is just the weakest among us!"

Eternal snorted coldly with some displeasure.

"I know, but I'm still curious why you came to me alone."

Yun Che shrugged and said indifferently.

"Hmph! Then what else do you want? Let us join forces to encircle you? You really think too highly of yourself!"

"It's just that you seem to have mastered the infinite gem. Even if you really have it, I'm not afraid!"

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