"Damn it! You cheated! My wife refuses to accept it!"

Seeing that she had been exposed, Morgana suddenly yelled in horror.

"What's the point of cheating? Accept the punishment obediently!"

A smirk hung on the corner of Yun Che's mouth, his eyes widened, and the Soul Gem was activated, instantly making Morgana faint, and in a dream, she went to face the thing she feared deepest in her heart.

Well, I really miss it inexplicably.

Back then, he disciplined this girl like this day after day, and finally erased her violent temper abruptly.

Thus becoming obedient and submissive.

"Punishment ready?"

Seeing that there was a commotion in the cab for a while, but there was no movement, Keisha came over and asked.

"Well, let her sleep, she will be honest when she wakes up."

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

"You are really kind to her, not as rough as you were to me at the beginning!"

Looking at Morgana, who appears to be asleep on the surface, but is actually facing the most horrifying thing in her dream.

Keisha curled her lips and said with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Yun Che's discipline method for Morgana has always been to make her face the deepest fears in her heart.

And what about Kesha...

Just hit it with your hands!

Once disobedient, beat once, twice disobedient, beat twice, in short, beat until obedient!

"Uh... You can't say that, after all, you two have different personalities, so the methods must be different..."

Yun Che rubbed his head and smiled.

In the depths of Kesha's heart, is there something she fears the most?

Yes, for sure!

Deep in everyone's heart, there must be the most fearful thing!

However, that is useless for the mature Kesha!

If he wanted to conquer her and make her obedient, he could only get frustrated and shatter her arrogance!

That's why Yun Che chose to use that rough method as her exclusive discipline back then.

"Okay, anyway, the past is the past."

"By the way, what do you think of what Eternity said before?"

Keisha shrugged and asked with some concern.


Yun Che didn't understand, Yong Yong said so many words back and forth, how could he know which sentence Kesha was referring to.

"That is, you will be surrounded and hunted down by countless strong men!"

"I think Eternal's words are correct. The Heart of the Universe is indeed very strong, but the consequences it brings are also very heavy!"

Keisha rolled her eyes and said a little speechlessly.

As her male god, Yun Che has the heart of the universe, and her strength has improved, she is very happy.

However, what Eternal said would be surrounded and hunted down by countless strong men made her very worried.

"Since the heart of the universe has chosen me, then I am willing to bear its consequences."

"Little Naisha, don't you want to persuade me to give up the heart of the universe?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"No, I will obey and respect all your choices, but... I am very worried!"

Keisha shook her head. Now she is no longer the queen of angels in the past, but an ordinary woman.

In her eyes, there was only Yun Che.

Her male god is her world, her everything!

"Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about. Elephants may really exist, but it will never happen to me!"

After stroking Keisha's head, Yun Che comforted him with a confident face.

In the face of real strength, all conspiracies are ineffective.

It's like a dozen or twenty kindergarten children besieging a college student. Is it possible for them to win?

no way!

A casual punch or kick by a college student can easily destroy them! .

Chapter 237

On Yun Che's side, he was talking and laughing happily.

But at this moment, many forces in the universe are extremely shocked.

Because they all got the news that the supreme treasure, the heart of the universe, was born!

Moreover, it is still in the hands of a strong man who beheaded two of the five creation gods of the universe!

Such news can be said to have shocked everyone!

As the dead Eternal said, there are indeed many people who plan to form cliques to encircle and kill Yun Che and snatch the Heart of the Universe.

However, there are also many people who dare to think and dare not do it!

Because holding the heart of the universe, it means supreme.

Coupled with the record of beheading two of the five creation gods of the universe, which is unprecedented and unprecedented...

Well, from their point of view, anyone who dares to think about Yun Che is a brave person, because this is purely lighting a light in the latrine, courting death!

On the other side, it is in an unknown space again.

The five creation gods of the universe and their party gathered together again for the first time ever.

However, what was different from last time was that this time...they had one less person!

"Oh, it's really ridiculous!"

"It's only been a while, and now there are only three of us, the five great creation gods of the universe!"

With a sneer, Infinity spoke first.

Thinking back to the past, they were so beautiful, no matter where they went, all the creatures there would kneel down and surrender, and they didn't even dare to look at them directly.

As a result, now, along with swallowing stars and eternity, they are killed in turn.

The major civilizations in the universe have gradually begun to spread rumors that the creation gods are not as good as before.

No, not long ago, Unlimited met a few people who didn't know what to do and threatened to kill God, but she slapped her backhand, and slapped him to death casually.

"Eternal is too impatient, he actually went to fight that Yun Che alone!"

"Also, what I didn't expect was that besides the Infinity Gem, that Yun Che actually possessed the Heart of the Universe!"

Death frowned and said.

Now, she no longer has the naive idea that if she can't meet it, there is no danger.

You know, two of their five creation gods have died!

God knows when it will be the next turn, and who will be the next one!

"Why don't the three of us join hands to encircle and suppress Yun Che?"

Unlimited suggested.

Originally, they didn't take Yun Che's god-killing behavior seriously.

After all, the fire didn't burn himself, so there's nothing to panic about.

But it's different now!

Having been beheaded by Yun Che in succession to two gods, the majesty of their five creation gods in the universe has begun to gradually decline, and they are being looked down upon by others!

Even if they don't consider the safety of their own lives, they still have to consider their own majesty!

Therefore, Yun Che must die!

"Three people work together to encircle and suppress..."

"To be honest, if there are only infinite stones, there is no problem, but now, he still has the heart of the universe, which is very tricky!"

Annihilation shook his head, not quite agreeing with Unlimited's proposal.

As a top god, he is well aware of the power of the heart of the universe.

In terms of class, the five creator gods of their universe are only at the multiverse level.

And just talking about the heart of the universe, it is already at the almighty universe level!

Coupled with Yun Che's own strength, and the Infinity Gems who are at the multiverse level with them......

This is equivalent to three multiverse levels, one omnipotent universe level and one multiverse level.

how to spell?Can't fight!

You know, between the multiverse level and the omnipotent universe level, there is a super universe level.

And the disparity in combat power between each level is so great that it cannot be made up by numbers at all!

To put it bluntly, Unlimited suggested that the three of them at the multi-universe level go to encircle and suppress Yun Che, who is at the top of the almighty universe level, it is tantamount to courting death!

"Then what do you say, do you just let him kill him like this?"

"Whether it will kill us or not, let's not talk about it for now, but if it continues like this, we will not want to gain a foothold in the universe when we create gods in the future!"

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