If you don't play at this time, when will you wait?

"Perfect body Susanoo!" [-].

Chapter 256

As soon as the consciousness was concentrated, the purple flame-like energy broke through the sky, forming a huge warrior giant, standing between the sky and the earth.

"Giant! Another giant has appeared!"

"But why does this giant look different?"

"Indeed! Compared to the giant just now, he's like...a warrior!"

Seeing the appearance of Susano in full body, Lina, Zongfang and others in Shengli Feiyan No. 2 couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, apart from being surprised, there were bursts of doubts in my heart.

There were only three giants in the pyramid, two of them were destroyed, and one was revived, which they saw with their own eyes.

But now, what the hell is this newly-appeared purple giant in the shape of a warrior, materialized by flame-like energy?

"Hui Ye is right, if you cut the grass but don't remove the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows."

"Even if Jin Bajiuqi turns into a flame Gorzan, there is no threat to me at all, but it's better to kill him."

Kicking Gorzan who was about to escape from the ground with one kick, Yun Che drew the 40-meter-long samurai sword from his waist.


The escape was blocked, Gorzan grinned and growled unhappily.

However, no matter how you listen to this cry, there is a feeling of lack of momentum and lack of confidence.

After all, it is now at a passive disadvantage, unable to fight and run, what can it do?

As a monster, Gorzan is also very desperate!

"To be honest, I really want to keep a monster as a pet, but unfortunately, it's not you."

Shaking his head, Yun Che held the samurai sword in his hand, and slashed directly, easily cutting off the horn of Gorzan's head that was used to emit ultrasonic light.

For the current Tiga, monsters may be extremely difficult to deal with.

But to Yun Che, it is like a little chicken, who can be killed at will!


The corner of his head was broken, and Gorzan wailed in pain, patting his forehead non-stop with his two claws.

However, monsters are also beasts, and when they suffer a certain amount of trauma and pain, the beasts will be aroused to attack!

No, after the pain in his forehead subsided, Gorzan didn't think about running away again, but opened his bloody mouth and bit Yun Che viciously.


"Susano, known as the strongest defense, can be crushed by the teeth?"

Raising his hand, he slapped Gorzan with such force that he slapped Gorzan dizzily.

To be honest, Yun Che really has no interest in monsters like Gorzan whose spiritual intelligence is so low that they can't even speak, but can only roar.

Mainly because it's too boring, understand?

His strength is so weak that he can only do the most primitive hand-to-hand combat except for emitting some humble rays of light.

Among the monsters, maybe there is only the existence of Hypageton's level, which can make Yun Che a little interested, right?

"Forget it, seeing how pitiful you are, I'd better stop teasing you and just kill you."

The power gem was activated, and the energy flooded the katana, making the original purple blade covered with a layer of purple edge.

"Power · Susano Cut!"

The samurai sword cuts out horizontally, the sharp blade cuts through the air and overturns the earth, wherever the light of the sword goes, everything is cut!

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Gorzan's huge body was cut in half and turned into two halves!

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by the soaring flames and deafening roar, it exploded on the spot, completing a single kill!


Exhaling a foul breath, Yun Che suddenly remembered that he hadn't experienced a battle of comparable strength for a long time.

Although the abuse of vegetables is very interesting, but after a long time, it will inevitably become a little boring.


Invincible is so lonely!

"who are you?"

When Yun Che eliminated Gorzan, Tijia on the other side also successfully eliminated Melba.

Turning his head to stare at the complete body Susanoo who is half a head taller than himself, Dako, who is located in the diamond-shaped crystal in Tiga's body, looks a little dignified.

Although the giant purple warrior in front of him helped him eliminate Gorzan, he still couldn't determine friend or foe.

You know, as a giant of light, Dagu is especially sensitive to the smell of darkness.

Therefore, like Hong Kai in the Uub world, he also smelled a very cold and ominous aura from Yun Che!

"Me? Just... a passing Susano."

After pondering for a while, thinking of a sullen man, Yun Che waved his hand and said with a wicked smile...

"Passing by... Susano?"

Dagu expressed his face in a daze, but he still asked seriously:

"Although I don't know what Susanoo is, can you please tell me, are you an enemy or a friend?"

Even though Gorzan had already been punched several times by the powerful Di Jia before Yun Che made his move, it did not cause any substantial damage.

And judging from Yun Che's effortless move to eliminate Gorzan just now.

Dagu can make a preliminary judgment that the opponent's strength far exceeds his own!

Such an existence, if it is a friend, it is fine, but if it is an enemy...

Trouble is about to start!

"I don't mind being your friend, but I don't mind being your enemy either."

"Whether it's related or not depends purely on you... No, it should be said, it depends on your TPC, how to choose."

Dijia is a childhood memory, and Dagu is an honest man, reasonable, and Yun Che has a good impression of him, including the members of the Victory Team.

However, just like the Uub world, wherever there is organization, there must be parties!

Within TPC, there are doves and hawks.

Among them, Tetsuji Yoshioka, headed by the Hawk Faction, is an annoying old guy!

When I was a child, I was naive. When I watched the drama, I didn't feel anything. Only when I grew up did I realize that the old guy is really disgusting, or in other words, all the hawks are very disgusting!

Perhaps the original intentions of the hawks are good, but their actions are still disdainful.

Hypocrisy is their most vivid pronoun!

I still remember that in the Tiga theatrical version, the reason why the three dark giants headed by Camilla will be resurrected is because the hawks tried to control the power of Ultraman!

The final result is also obvious, self-inflicted consequences!

Among the hundreds of people who went to the ruins of Lalaiye together, only Ju Jianhui survived.

The rest of them were all trampled to death by the three dark giants!

Therefore, whether it is an enemy or a friend depends entirely on the attitude of the TPC executives.

If they must die...

To be reasonable, Yun Che doesn't mind giving them a ride, nor does he mind giving the world a ride! .

Chapter 257

"Look at how our TPC chooses..."

Whispering thoughtfully, Dagu wanted to ask something else, but the time limit for transformation has come.

As a last resort, he could only spread his arms, fly into the sky, and finally find a place where no one was around, and transform back into a human body.

Seeing this, Yun Che, who had nothing to do, also relieved himself of Susano completely, and returned to Guang Xiahai and Otsutsuki Kaguya.

"The two giants both disappeared, one flew into the sky and disappeared, and the other disappeared in place."

"They...should be good people, after all, they eliminated the monsters."

"To be honest, I'm more interested in the purple samurai than the revived giant. His image is very similar to the mythical Susanoo!"

Regarding the discussion among the people in Shengli Feiyan No. 2, neither Dagu nor Yun Che knew anything about it.

Of course, even if he knew, Dagu might still care, but Yun Che just doesn't care at all.

"Yun Che, I always feel that monsters are so weak. Whether it's the sulfuric acid monster Huo before, or Gorzan just now, I feel like they can't hold your sword."

On the top of the mountain, holding Yun Che's arm, Guang Xia Hai said with a pouted mouth.

She hasn't appreciated enough of her male god's heroic appearance 14, the battle is over, the thief is so uncomfortable!

"Emmm...Maybe it's not that the monster is too weak, but that I'm too strong."

Scratching his head, Yun Che smiled awkwardly.

To be reasonable, he is not bragging, but telling the truth.

At the same time, it has the technology of the super god world, the ninjutsu of the Naruto world, the power of the masked world, the superpowers and infinite gems of the Marvel world, and the heart of the universe.

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