"Uub Fire Sword!"

Turn the disc on Uub's holy sword to switch to the fire attribute among the four attributes.

The blade released scorching flame energy, Hong Kai waved a fire wheel in the air, pushed hard, surrounded Xedidu's body with a ring of fire, and spun at a high speed.


Cleaving from top to bottom, draw a fire slash, and hit Xie Di accurately.

The violent sparks trembled, and with a loud noise, they exploded instantly on the spot!

"...but that's all!"

Putting the Holy Sword of Ubu on his shoulder, Hong Kai raised his head with a look of pride.

Obviously, in his opinion, Xie Di is dead, after all, so far, no monster has ever survived on the Uub Holy Sword.

"But... Damn..."

However, at this moment, in the thick gunpowder smoke, an unwilling voice suddenly sounded.

Hong Kai heard the sound, and turned his head to look in disbelief.

I saw that Xie Di was not dead yet!

However, he wasn't dead, but he was in a terrible mess. His whole body was covered in dust, and he was half-kneeling on the ground with dirt, as if he had no strength left to support him to stand up.

"Why, why did I lose... It has evolved and become a god!"

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific!"

He clenched his fists angrily, and slammed the ground vigorously, Masaki Keigo in Xie Di's body had a hideous face.

He is not reconciled, after planning for so long, he finally got the power of a giant, and he is not reconciled (Nuo De's) to exit in such a failure!

"Could it be that the physique of giants is harder and more resistant to beating than monsters?"

"Forget it, don't care about him, he won't die once, and it will be over if he tries again!"

Scratching his head, Hongkai shrugged indifferently, and then turned the attribute disc on Uub's holy sword again.

This time, he will kill it!



However, at this moment, an ear-shaking loud noise suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a dark red crack appeared out of thin air, from which a black lightning bolt flashed quickly, falling straight down, and precisely struck the dying Xie Di.

In an instant, the black mist filled the sky, the evil spirit was soaring, and the dark light burst out and flickered.

A palpitating aura, as if facing the abyss, emanated from Xie Di's body.

"Jie jie jie... The giant of light, I, is back!".

Chapter 284

When the dense gunpowder smoke cleared, everyone finally saw Xie Di's appearance at this moment.

I saw that, unlike the previous three-color black, gray and red, the basic shape is basically exactly the same as Tiga.

Now Xiedi, his pupils and the energy light on his chest have changed from blue to pink and purple, and a pair of silver arm blades have grown from the wrists of his hands.

The golden and red lines on the chest condense into groups of breastplates.

On the lower jaw, there is a diamond-shaped beard that only Ultraman over [-] years old can have!

"Tsk, why do these styling features look so familiar?"

Frowning, Yun Che stroked his chin, and murmured thoughtfully.

From the situation just now, it is not difficult to see that Xie Di, or Masaki Keigo, should have been possessed by the lightning split from the crack in another dimension, or taken away.

And pink-purple energy indicators and eyes.

The silver-white arm blades on the wrists of both hands.

The breastplate on the chest, the beard unique to the [-]-year-old Ultra...

The above characteristics formed a vague figure in Yun Che's mind, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Kai, be careful, this guy's breath has become very dangerous!"

Juggler reminded solemnly.

It is in the form of a demon itself, and it also supports the power of Susanoo.

Therefore, Juggler is particularly sensitive to dark and evil auras.

"I know." Hong Kai nodded, holding the Holy Sword of Uub tightly in his hand.

He didn't have this feeling before, but now, for some reason, when facing Xie Di, he always has the feeling of facing an endless dark abyss!

"It should be because of the lightning bolt from before."

"I reckon whose consciousness that lightning should have occupied this guy's body!"

Holding the Snake Heart Sword in hand, Jugula stepped forward and stood side by side with Hongkai.

Obviously, he was worried about his good friend, facing such a weird Xie Di alone.

"Jie Jie Jie...I never thought that there are still two giants of light in this world."

"Although it looks quite weak, as my thug, it is barely qualified!"

Ignoring Yun Che, Jugula, and Men Shishi, Xie Di sneered to himself.

Then, he raised his hand and made a claw move.

Immediately, two clusters of light flew out from Hongkai and Dagu's body, which had always been the background board, and fell into Xie Di's hands:

"Dark Evil Mind Body Killer Plasma!"

Golden light and dark purple black air emanated from the hands.

The fusion of the two energies produced two other statues of Uub and Tiga beside him!

However, compared to Hongkai and Dagu's Uub and Tiga, the two giants beside Xiedi are dark red all over.

Obviously, this is the dark giant!

"Fuck! I remembered! You are the killer of Dark Ultra!"

Seeing this scene, Yun Che's mind flashed, and he immediately remembered the true identity of that lightning bolt!

Dark Ultra Killer, which appeared in the short play "Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes" in a few minutes, is a collection of resentment from monsters and cosmic people!

And the dark evil body, killer plasma, is one of his common tricks.

You can seize the light source of the giant of light, and then use the unique dark energy in your body to create a giant of darkness!

"Oh? I didn't expect you to know me, but it doesn't matter."

"Since you are not a giant of light, then I advise you not to meddle in your own business. If you don't want to die, go as far as you can!"

As a collection of resentment from monsters and cosmic beings, the Dark Ultra Killer is born with extremely deep resentment towards the Giant of Light.

But for people other than the giant of light, they don't have much feeling.


To put it bluntly, it means not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but to put it bluntly, it means disdain.

Perhaps in his opinion, except for the giant of light, no one can enter his eyes.

"Fuck! Yun Che, this guy is so arrogant! Can you bear it? Anyway, I can't bear it!"

The veins on Monyashi's forehead popped up, and he cursed unhappily.

Ever since he became the Decade who destroyed the world, anyone who sees him has to go around, and he has never been so insulted and looked down upon by anyone!

"Don't worry, forbearance is definitely unbearable, he will die, as I said, even if Jesus comes, he won't be able to keep it!"

"However, before that, we have to wait for someone..."

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Yun Che raised his head, looking at the gap in another dimension that hadn't been closed yet.

In the Ultra world, there is such an unwritten rule.

That is, as long as there is a crack in another dimension, then, nine times out of ten, there will be Sai Luo!

"Wait for someone? Who are you waiting for..."

Hearing this, Men Yashi scratched his head in confusion.

And at the moment when his voice fell, the crack in another dimension in the sky flickered again.

Immediately afterwards, another figure fell from it.

Red, blue and silver in three colors, with two conspicuous darts on his head, it is Sero!

"Hey! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not late, am I?"

A cloud of dust kicked up from the ground, Sai Luo stroked the horns on his head, and smiled forcefully.

"The fight hasn't started yet, so it's not too early or too late, just right."

Yun Che smiled with great interest, just as he had guessed in his heart, Sai Luo really came.

"Haven't started fighting yet? That's just right, we can start fighting now, my uncle will be the main force!"

Sai Luo laughed arrogantly, and regardless of Sanqi 21, he directly raised his fist and rushed towards the Dark Ultra Killer possessed by Xiedi.

"Yun Che, who is this guy, do you know him?"

Menyashi asked curiously.

"I know him, but he doesn't know me, so it can be said that he doesn't know me."

Yun Che shook his head and said.

"Then he still looks like a good brother and acquaintance?"

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