As for Yun Che, he swung it like a spear.

The methods of use are different, but the power is the same, and they can also destroy the world!

Moreover, Yun Che's Indra's Arrow, in addition to the Nine Tailed Beasts, also blesses the Immortal Art, Wooden Refuge, Strange Power, and the power of Anyao Uub.

Its destructive power is far stronger than that of Uchiha Sasuke, and there is no burden to use it up, let alone run out of chakra!

"This guy, what a monster..."

Seeing Yun Che who was waving Indra's Arrow to keep chasing away the darkness, the Dark Ultra Killer Triple couldn't help but click his tongue.

The senses Yun Che gave him were even more tricky and difficult to deal with than those of the Ott brothers back then.

It's like a bottomless pit, you can never see the bottom, and you never know what tricks you haven't used yet!

"Got you......"

At this moment, Yun Che's eternal kaleidoscope suddenly flashed a scarlet light.

It turned out that just now, his hands were waving the arrow of Indra while fighting.

The eyes, however, kept turning at high speed, looking for the figure of the dark Ultra killer triple.

But now, with the capture of the figure, the opportunity has arrived.

The ultra-high-speed moving Dark Ultra Killer Triple overlapped with ten Dark Hunting Hounds with a probability of one in a thousand, forming a straight line!

If you don't start now, when will you wait?

"Indra's Arrow!"

Yun Che launched Indra's Arrow again.

It's just that this time, it's no longer wielding it as a spear, but like Uchiha Sasuke, in the form of a bow and arrow, bursting out!

With the sound of popping through the air.

The flashing arc of Indra's arrow quickly pierced through the dark pursuit with lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, he stabbed in front of the Dark Ultra Killer Mie!

"Depend on!"

Dark Ultra Killer Trio was sweating profusely, trying to hide, but he couldn't dodge at all.

Because Indra's Arrow's shooting speed is much faster than his super-high-speed movement!



Reluctantly, the Dark Ultra Killer Mie, who took Indra's arrow head-on, burst into a fierce towering flame.

Within a hundred miles, everything was moved to flat ground!

Smelling the pungent smell in the air, looking at the scorched and lifeless land below...

It is estimated that under the condition of natural growth, within thousands of years, it is impossible for this land to give birth to any life, even if it is a foreign life, it cannot survive here!

Well, to put it vividly, it is a nuclear explosion!

Indra's Arrow is a nuclear explosion, and the land that was bombed by Indra's Arrow is a place that has been baptized by nuclear explosions!

"Moshi Moxi, Dark Ultra Killer Sang, are you dead?"

Swinging his hands away, dissipating the remaining lightning in his hands, Yun Che asked in a humble tone into the billowing smoke...

He felt that the Dark Ultra Killer Triple should not be dead.

After all, although Indra's arrow is so powerful that it can destroy the world.

However, when it comes to the existence of the Dark Ultra Killer Triple Layer, it is basically not easy to be cool.

You know, why is the strong strong?

Because in addition to external strength, they all have countless hole cards!

A hole card that kills one move, a hole card that saves one's life, and so on, there are countless!

"Bastard! You bastard... please let me go!"

When the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, the figure of Heiot Killer Sanzhong was revealed.

He really didn't die!

However, if you are not dead, you are not dead, but it is not easy.

Several wings were broken behind him, and all the exoskeleton armor on his body was also broken. The whole person was in a mess. I don't know, I thought he just ran out of the garbage dump.

"Are you using the most awesome tone and saying the most cowardly words?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The last sentence is still cursing the bastard, and the next sentence is begging myself to let him go, is it funny?

Why didn't I find that the Dark Ultra Killer has a funny attribute when I watched the drama before?

Or in other words, he didn't have it at first, but now, he was beaten out by himself?

"Whether you're awesome or cowardly, I beg you to take back your supernatural powers and let me go!"

Dark Ultra Killer Mie was about to cry.

You said it's not good for you to just stay on the sidelines and watch the show?

Anyway, I have been watching the show since the beginning, and I have watched several chapters in a row (dog head).

I beat Hongkai by myself and they beat them well, and they had a good time, but you suddenly jumped out, knocked me, who was high above me, into the bottom, and pressed me on the ground to rub madly.

Really no gaming experience at all!

Dark Ultra Killer Mie wanted to cry, the contrast between front and back was too great, he really couldn't accept it! .

Chapter 292

"Inexplicably, it feels so familiar..."

Yun Che scratched his head thoughtfully.

Received supernatural powers?Great Sage, please accept your supernatural powers?

If I remember correctly, this seems to be what the king of a certain country said to a certain monkey during a certain journey to the west, right?

"Forget it, forget it."

"It's almost time to play, let's send you on your way."

Shaking his head, not thinking about this useless matter, Yun Che clapped his hands together and stared at his eyes. The original scarlet eternal kaleidoscope instantly switched to the circle-like eyes of reincarnation with nine hooked jade.

Jiugouyu reincarnation writing wheel eye!

The ancestor of Sharingan and Samsarayan, the strongest pupil in the ninja world!

"God·Six Paths·Earth Explosion Star!"

A black ball was created and appeared in front of the Dark Ultra Killer Mie.

With the black ball as the center, it strongly attracts all surrounding objects, forming a huge rock ball, hanging in the sky like the moon.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

With a move with his right hand, he activated the Vientiane Heavenly Attraction, and pulled down the Earth Explosive Star that trapped the Dark Ultra Killer Triple Layer.

Stay until the distance is sufficient.

Yun Che's 14 left hand erupted with bright lightning:

"God Indra Hell Bird!"

The ultimate Chidori, which contains the power of God and the power of Indra, stabs out.

In an instant, it directly penetrated the huge Earth Explosion Star, and at the same time, it also penetrated the Dark Ultra Killer Triple in the Earth Explosion Star!

The origin cracked and the gravel fell.

The violent flame explosion also means the triple explosion of the Dark Ultra Killer!

He was able to survive the attack of Indra's Arrow before, perhaps because he had a hole card to save his life.

But this time, even if he still had the cards to save his life, he couldn't survive.

Because the Earth Explosive Star was completely sealed, not to mention that Yun Che used the Earth Explosive Star that combined the power of God and the power of the Six Paths, and he couldn't move at all inside it.

Therefore, the Dark Ultra Killer Triple is really dead this time.

Died under the joint skill of God·Six Paths·Earth Explosion Star and God·Indra·Extreme Hell Thousand Birds!

The ridiculous thing is that when he was about to die, not only did Yun Che not hear the unwilling roar.

Instead, I heard his joyful laughter.


The Dark Ultra Killer Triple Layer was really terrified of being beaten by Yun Che. Even if he died, he didn't want to continue living and suffering.

"The dust has settled, it's over."

Exhaling the turbid air, Yun Che released Susano and returned to a human body.

"Hui Ye, it's all right now, let's take them out."

Although he didn't see Hong Kai, Guang Xiahai and others, Yun Che was not worried at all, but said to himself.

He has already noticed the space fluctuation.

Presumably, in order to avoid being affected by the flames of war, Otsutsuki Kaguya took the others and hid in her different space, Huangquan Hirasaka.

"Phew, it's finally over."

As Yun Che's voice fell, Otsutsuki Kaguya's voice sounded, and a black portal appeared out of thin air.

"The city is completely destroyed..."

"Many people have sacrificed..."

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